MINUTES - General Committee - 20090310 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 09-12 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, March 10, 2009 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Gaertner in the Chair; Mayor Morris, Councillors Buck, Gallo, Granger, MacEachern, McRoberts and Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Collins-Mrakas was absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Parks Manager and Council/Committee Secretary I CLOSED SESSION Due to a procedural error, the Closed Session meeting did not convene at 6:00 p.m. Councillor Gaertner called the General Committee meeting to order at 7:09 p.m. II DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. III APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Delegation (b) – Mr. Claudio Brutto Re: Item 24 – PL09-001 – 2C Lands Secondary Plan Study Terms of Reference/Financial Impact Analysis  Delegation (c) – Ms Myriam Schut Re: Item 16 – LS09-008 – Tree Carving at 65 Spruce Street CARRIED General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 2 of 11 IV ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Special General Committee Meeting Report No. 09-06 Monday, February 9, 2009 General Committee Meeting Report No. 09-07 - Tuesday, February 17, 2009 General Committee recommends: THAT the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 09-06 dated Monday, February 9, 2009 and the General Committee Meeting minutes 09-07 dated Tuesday, February 17, 2009 be adopted. CARRIED V DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 4, 6, 11, 15, 16, 22, 24, 25, 27 and 30 were identified for discussion. VI ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. TSAC09-02 – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 11, 2009 THAT the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the February 11, 2009 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved. 2. EDAC09-02 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 12, 2009 THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the February 12, 2009 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved. General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 3 of 11 3. LSAC09-02 – Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 19, 2009 THAT the Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the February 19, 2009 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be approved. 5. Central York Fire Services - Joint Council Committee Meeting Minutes December 2, 2008 THAT the Central York Fire Services - Joint Council Committee Meeting minutes from the December 2, 2008 meeting be received for information. 7. Memorandum from the Director of Leisure Services Re: General Information – Park Furniture Costs THAT the memorandum pertaining to park furniture costs be received for information. 8. PW09-012 – Award of Bid PW2009-06 – For the Supply and Operation of Street Sweepers THAT Bid PW2009-06 – For the Supply and Operation of Four or More Contracted Street Sweepers, be awarded to A&G The Road Cleaners Ltd. at the bid price of $33,000.00 (exclusive of GST) per year for three years with the option to renew for an additional one year period; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute the Form of Agreement between the Town of Aurora and the successful bidder, for the supply and operation of street sweepers. 9. PW09-013 – Award of Bid PW2009-04 – For the Contracted Service of Providing Emergency Drain and Plumbing Services THAT Bid PW2009-04 – For All Labour and Equipment Required for Providing 24 Hour Emergency Drain Services, be awarded to Mr. Rooter Plumbing for $61,425.00 (exclusive of GST) per year with the option to renew for a further two one-year periods; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute the Contract Agreement between the Town of Aurora and the successful bidder. 10. PW09-014 – Submission of Annual Drinking Water Quality Report THAT Council receive report PW09-014 for information, on the mandated regulatory reporting of the Town’s Drinking Water System, Schedule 22 – Summary Report. General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 4 of 11 12. PL09-028 - Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control Alcorn Gate Home Builders Inc. Plan 65M-4075, Lots 1, 2, 119, 120 and 121 File D12-PLC-03-09 (Related File D12-00-1A) THAT Council approve the application for exemption from Part Lot Control made by Alcorn Gate Home Builders Inc. to divide Lots 1,2,119,120 and 121 Plan 65M-4075 into ten separate lots; and THAT Council enact By-law 5117-09.D. 13. PL09-029 - Application for Site Plan Approval Cherry Hill Park Developments Inc. 126 Don Hillock Drive Lot 5, 65M-3974 File D11-01-09 THAT subject to any issues or comments raised by Council, Site Plan Application D11-01-09 be approved to permit a multi-unit industrial building; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Aurora. 14. PL09-030 - Application for Minor Site Plan Approval Cir-Real Holdings Ltd. 100 Engelhard Drive File D11-03-09 THAT report PL09-030, regarding a warehouse expansion at 100 Engelhard Drive, be received as information. 17. LS09-009 – Aurora Community Centre HVAC Automated Controls System THAT Council award the contract for the supply and installation of an HVAC Automated Controls System at the Aurora Community Centre to Johnson Controls in the amount of $58,625.00. 18. LS09-011 – Hartwell Challenge at Aurora Community Centre THAT Council waive the parking lot and facility permitting fees to host the 2009 Hartwell Challenge. 19. FS09-006 – Annual Debt Repayment Limits THAT report FS09-006 be received. 20. FS09-011 - Council and Local Board Members Remuneration and Expenses for 2008 THAT report FS09-011, Council and Local Board Members Remuneration and Expenses for 2008, be received. General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 5 of 11 21. ADM09-001 – Request for Proposal for a Review of the Corporate Organization Structure of the Town of Aurora THAT the Request for Proposal for Corporate Organization Structure Review of the Town of Aurora, attached to report ADM09-001, be issued. 23. ADM09-002 – Offer to Purchase from 1769123 Ontario Inc. Unopened Road Allowance Known as Park Street THAT the Offer to Purchase Agreement be accepted and that staff be authorized to take all necessary steps to give effect to the same; and THAT Council enact at the next available Council meeting, By-law 5119- 09.L to close Park Street on Plan 231 and to declare as surplus and sell Park Street, Part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Part Reserve and Part of Closed Centre Street on Plan 231, Town of Aurora at the next Council meeting. 26. Correspondence from the Town of Markham Re: Federal Tax Incentives for Heritage Properties Landmarks Not Landfill Campaign – Heritage Canada (7.3, 16.11) THAT Council receive the correspondence from the Town of Markham and support the recommendations provided. 28. Correspondence from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Re: Emergency Management Activities THAT Council receive the correspondence for information. 29. Correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Re: AMO Report to Members on January 2009 Board Meeting THAT Council receive the correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario for information. CARRIED VII DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Jim Zacher Re: Aurora Masters Lacrosse 2nd Annual DOVE 2009 Mr. Jim Zacher addressed General Committee to request support for a 37 hour long charitable lacrosse event, in the form of providing facilities within the Aurora Community Centre free of charge, such as the auditorium and floor time. Mr. Zacher advised that the proceeds raised would be in support of the Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness. General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 6 of 11 General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information; and THAT the Town of Aurora offer the same support for the event as was offered last year; and THAT staff provide a memo for the next Council meeting outlining the amount of the fees that would be waived. CARRIED (b) Mr. Claudio Brutto, Brutto Consulting Re: Item 24 – PL09-001 – 2C Lands Secondary Plan Study Terms of Reference/Financial Impact Analysis (Added Item) Mr. Claudio Brutto addressed General Committee on behalf of his clients who own 200 acres within the 2C lands. Mr. Brutto advised that he and his clients are in support of the staff recommendations pertaining to Terms of Reference and a Financial Impact Analysis, as well as the commercial industrial development near Highway 404. Mr. Brutto suggested that there is an opportunity for several millions more square feet of office and employment space available to the Town within the area. Mr. Brutto advised that his clients are interested in proceeding with the industrial employment lands first, once the secondary plan is completed and the determination for best land uses has been finalized. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to item 24 on the agenda. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 24 - report PL09-001 – 2C Lands Secondary Plan Study Terms of Reference/Financial Impact Analysis be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 24. PL09-001 – 2C Lands Secondary Plan Study Terms of Reference/ Financial Impact Analysis General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive report PL09-001, as a first step of the Financial Analysis for the “2C Planning Area”; and THAT Council authorize staff to complete the “Terms of Reference” for the comprehensive review and preparation of a Secondary Plan for the 2C lands and that the completed Terms of Reference be presented to Council at a subsequent meeting; and General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 7 of 11 THAT the 2C Secondary Plan Terms of Reference include a more detailed fiscal analysis, with the goal of advance of positive fiscal benefits to be completed upon the Council selection of a preferred development option for the 2C Planning area. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the Procedural By-law be waived in order to allow Ms Myriam Schut to address General Committee. CARRIED (c) Ms Myriam Schut Re: Item 16 – LS09-008 – Tree Carving at 65 Spruce Street (Added Item) Ms Schut addressed General Committee to request that consideration be given to the fact that the tree carving would speak to tourism development and create curb appeal and great interest. Ms Schut also indicated that the concept would preserve natural heritage, as the tree is over 100 years old. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 16 - report LS09-008 – Ms Myriam Schut and Mr. Colin Partridge - Delegation regarding Tree Carving at 65 Spruce Street, Aurora be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 16. LS09-008 – Ms Myriam Schut and Mr. Colin Partridge Delegation re: Tree Carving at 65 Spruce Street, Aurora General Committee recommends: THAT Council not support the carving of trees on public property. CARRIED VIII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE None General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 8 of 11 IX CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. ARTS09-02 – Arts & Culture Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes February 26, 2009 General Committee recommends: (1) Correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Re: Newcomer Champion Awards THAT it be recommended to Council that the correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration regarding the Newcomer Champion Awards be received for information. (2) York Region Arts Council Meeting Schedule THAT the verbal report of Jo-anne Spitzer regarding the February 26, 2009 York Region Arts Council meeting be received; and THAT thanks be extended to Jo-anne Spitzer for attending the subject York Region Arts Council Meeting. (3) Request for Arts and Culture Information THAT this item be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer. (4) Request for Information Related to Arts and Culture Awards THAT this item be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer. (5) Outreach to Arts and Culture Groups in the Town of Aurora THAT this item be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer. (6) Framework for Arts & Culture Agenda Items THAT this item be deferred to the April 23, 2009 Arts and Culture Advisory Committee meeting. CARRIED 6. LS09-013 – Aurora Sports Dome General Committee recommends: THAT staff be directed to investigate a tax exemption for property in accordance with Section 110 of the Municipal Act; and THAT report LS09-013 – Aurora Sports Dome be deferred and placed on a future agenda when the Director of Leisure Services is in attendance; and THAT a memo be placed on the March 23, 2009 Leisure Services Advisory Committee agenda indicating that the user fees for the Aurora Sports Dome be excluded from the Pricing Policy process until additional information is obtained from the Director of Financial Services and the Town Solicitor. CARRIED General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 9 of 11 11. PW09-016 – Cooperative Buyers Group Purchase Order Renewals General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive this report for Information; and THAT the Town issue a purchase order for Suncor Energy Products in the amount of $170,000 for fuel supply in accordance with the Region of York Public Tender CT-06-01; and THAT the Town issue a purchase order for Floyd Preston Ltd. in the amount of $150,000 for salt and winter aggregate supply in accordance with the Region of York Public Tender CT-07-01; and THAT funding for these services be approved in advance of the final 2009 budget. CARRIED 15. LS09-004 – Domestic Pets in Municipal Facilities By-law General Committee recommends: THAT report LS09-004 – Domestic Pets in Municipal Facilities By-law be deferred at the request of staff. CARRIED 22. C09-003 – Council Pending List General Committee requested that the following items be removed from the Council Pending List: NB29 – page 1 NB56 – page 3 General Committee recommends: THAT item NB54 on page 2 be removed from the Council Pending List. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item R1 on page 4 be removed from the Council Pending List. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item NB11 on page 1 be removed from the Council Pending List. CARRIED General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 10 of 11 General Committee recommends: THAT report C09-003 - Council Pending List be received as information. CARRIED 25. Correspondence from Ballymore Development (Bathurst) Corp. Re: Naming of Jaekel Park General Committee recommends: THAT the park within the Ballymore Homes subdivision at the northeast corner of Bloomington Road and Bathurst Street be named Martin Jaekel Park. CARRIED 27. Correspondence from York Region Re: Replacement of Municipal Representative for the Credit Valley Toronto Region and Central Lake Ontario Region Source Protection Committee as Required by the Clean Water Act General Committee recommends: THAT the Town of Aurora endorse the appointment of Laura McDowell as the Municipal representative for York Region and its constituent local municipalities on the Credit Valley, Toronto Region and Central Lake Ontario Region Source Protection Committee; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Barbara Bridle at the Region of York Clerk’s Office. CARRIED 30. Correspondence from the City of Hamilton Re: Bill 138 – Protection of Public Participation Act, 2008 General Committee recommends: THAT the Council of the Town of Aurora support the efforts of MPP Andrea Horwath with respect to the current Bill 138 – Protection of Public Participation Act, 2008; and THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to MPP Andrea Horwath. CARRIED General Committee Minutes No. 09-12 Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Page 11 of 11 X NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION – COUNCILLORS Councillor Wilson praised the Public Works department for the excellent service in plowing the sidewalks during the recent snowfall. Councillor Gallo advised that much debris is being created by the builders of the new developments on John West Way just north of Town Hall. Councillor Gallo thanked the Director of Corporate Services for ensuring that the matter has been addressed via the By-law Services section and that monitoring of the site will continue. Mayor Morris requested a copy of the site plan agreement for the new developments on John West Way, just north of Town Hall. Councillor Buck raised a concern regarding service levels within the Parks department. Councillor MacEachern then asked the Parks Manager whether service levels will be maintained within the Parks department, considering that the request for additional staff was not approved during the budget process, to which the Parks Manager replied that service levels will be maintained but an increase in service levels would be a challenge to achieve. Mayor Morris advised that the George St. Kitts band will be playing at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre on Sunday, March 22, 2009 at 2:00 p.m. and that tickets are available for $15 each. XI ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:36 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 09-12 WAS CONSIDERED AND APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 2009, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM 30 WHICH WAS DISCUSSED SEPARATELY AND APPROVED AS AMENDED. _______________________________ ________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR LUCILLE KING, TOWN CLERK