MINUTES - General Committee - 20090209 TOWN OF AURORA SPECIAL GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 09-06 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Monday, February 9, 2009 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mayor Morris in the Chair; Councillors Buck (arrived at 7:11 p.m.), Collins-Mrakas (arrived at 7:13 p.m.), Gaertner, Gallo, Granger, MacEachern, McRoberts and Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Manager of Legislative Services/Deputy Clerk, Acting Financial Analyst/Budget Supervisor and Council/Committee Secretary Mayor Morris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following addition, be approved as presented:  Revised Material – Item 1 - FS09-008 Capital Fund Report to December 31, 2008 CARRIED III DELEGATIONS None Special General Committee Minutes No. 09-06 Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 2 of 3 IV CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS 1. FS09-008 – Capital Fund Report to December 31, 2008 Public Works – Sanitary Sewer System Improvements – Project #42024 – Sediment Removal from SWM Facilities and Project #42027/42034 – Stormwater Management Remedial Strategy General Committee recommends: THAT Project #42024 – Sediment Removal from SWM Facilities and Project #42027/42034 – Stormwater Management Remedial Strategy be closed and the funds be allocated to an appropriate reserve fund. CARRIED Leisure Services – Parks – Project #73016 – Baseball Facility General Committee recommends: THAT a copy of the consultant’s report, which was provided to staff regarding the baseball facility, be provided to Council. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the Director of Leisure Services provide a report outlining a new philosophy regarding soccer field fencing, and specifically addressing Confederation Park. CARRIED Leisure Services – Parks – Project #73063 – Mountain Bike Course General Committee recommends: THAT the project be closed and that the funds be transferred to Cash in Lieu of Parkland; and THAT, should the project be required in the future, a new Capital Project Sheet be completed. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT report FS09-008 – “Capital Fund Report to December 31, 2008” be received; and THAT a new Discretionary Reserve Fund, to be known as the Accessibility Discretionary Reserve Fund, be established; and THAT Council authorize the re-allocation of capital project closing balances, as identified in Attachment #2 of report FS09-008. CARRIED Special General Committee Minutes No. 09-06 Monday, February 9, 2009 Page 3 of 3 General Committee recommends: THAT the Director of Financial Services provide a report pertaining to the Accessibility Advisory Committee expending funds for capital items. CARRIED 2. Memorandum from the Director of Finance/Treasurer Re: 2009 Capital Budget General Committee recommends: THAT staff bring back a comprehensive fleet management report, including a detailed description of the difference between leased vehicles versus purchased vehicles, indicating how many vehicles were leased in 2007 versus 2008, as well as a description of the staffing complement to drive the request for new vehicles. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the fleet report be received. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the Financial Services section of the Capital Budget be received. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the Library Carpet project #72073 be moved below the line. CARRIED V ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:02 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 09-06 WAS CONSIDERED AND APPROVED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2009. _______________________________ ________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR LUCILLE KING, TOWN CLERK