MINUTES - General Committee - 20080115
NO. 08-03
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Granger in the Chair; Mayor Morris,
Councillor Buck (arrived at 7:18 p.m.), Councillors
Collins-Mrakas, Marsh, MacEachern, McRoberts and
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Gaertner was absent.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of Planning and
Development, Director of Financial Services/
Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee
Councillor Granger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
General Committee recommends:
THAT General Committee convene into a Closed Session to consider a
legal matter.
General Committee recessed at 6:01 p.m.
General Committee recommends:
THAT General Committee reconvene at 7:15 p.m. in public session.
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
Councillior Marsh advised General Committee that Mr. Priestly no longer has an
interest in the Claretree/Priestly projects, which therefore releases her from
having any interest in these items as well.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
General Committee recommends:
THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department,
with the following additional items, be approved:
Delegation a) – Ms Lee Cudlip
Re: Memorandum from the Acting Director of Public Works -
Clarification Relating to Anti-Whistling By-laws
Delegation b) – Mr. Will Ross
Re: Item 7(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
TSAC07-014 – All-Way Stop Sign Review on Kennedy Street
East and Gurnett Street Intersection
Closed Session
• Labour Relations Matter
Re: Collective Bargaining with CUPE
• Personal Matter
Re: Recruitment of Director of Public Works
New Item 28 - Correspondence from Ms Elaine Markson
Re: Parking Concerns on Walton Drive
New Item 29 - Correspondence from Ms Nancy Wright
Re: Parking Concerns on Walton Drive
General Committee recommends:
THAT procedure be waived in order to allow the following delegations to
be added to the agenda:
Delegation c) – Mr. Jody Matthew
Re: Item 7(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
TSAC07-014 – All-Way Stop Sign Review on Kennedy Street
East and Gurnett Street Intersection
Delegation d) – Mr. Scott Lyons
Re: Item 7(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
TSAC07-019 – Speeding and Safety Concerns on Allenvale
Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-47, November 22, 2007
Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-48, November 26, 2007
Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-49, November 27, 2007
Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-50, December 1, 2007
General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-52, December 4, 2007
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 07-47, 07-48, 07-
49, 07-50 and the General Committee Meeting minutes 07-52 be adopted.
Items 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19 and 22 were identified for discussion.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the
General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action
required to give effect to same:
1. Central York Fire Services – Joint Council Committee Meeting
Minutes – November 27, 2007
THAT the Central York Fire Services – Joint Council Committee Meeting
Minutes from the November 27, 2007 meeting be received; and
THAT the following recommendations be adopted:
THAT the JCC recommends to the Councils of Newmarket and
THAT the Consolidated Fire Services Agreement, specifically
Section 2 of Schedule A regarding Chair/Vice-Chair, be amended
to read as follows:
“The committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair bi-
annually from its members to coincide with the Council term
of office. At any given time the Chair and Vice-Chair shall
not both be members from the same municipality and the
appointments shall rotate bi-annually (i.e. where an Aurora
member is Chair for one two (2) year term, a Newmarket
member shall be Chair the subsequent two (2) year term;
and so on). Each shall serve for a two (2) year term, unless
a shorter term is determined by the Committee.” and
THAT the Fire Chief review previous traffic calming
correspondence and reports and report back to the Committee at
the next JCC meeting with the Fire Department’s position regarding
traffic calming measures.
2. GA07-04 – Graffiti Abatement Ad Hoc Committee Meeting Minutes
November 29, 2007
THAT the Graffiti Abatement Ad Hoc Committee Meeting minutes from the
November 29, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations
contained therein be adopted.
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4. EAC07-09 - Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
December 6, 2007
THAT the Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the
December 6, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations
contained therein be adopted.
5. HAC07-07 - Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2007
THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the
December 10, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations
contained therein be adopted.
6. EDAC07-09 – Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes - December 13, 2007
THAT the Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting minutes
from the December 13, 2007 meeting be received and the
recommendations contained therein be adopted.
8. PW08-001 – Early Approval of Capital Projects
THAT, should Council deem it advisable to grant early approval for certain
proposed 2008 Capital Projects, that Council grant said approval to the
following projects:
1) Capital Projects No’s 31071, 31072, 31073, 31074, and 43029
(Various Capital Projects that all include Structural Watermain
Relining work);
2) Capital Project No. 31069 (Reconstruction of Engelhard Drive).
9. PW08-002 – Acceptance of Municipal Services – Bayview Wellington
North Phase III, Registered Plan 65M-3657
THAT Council accept the municipal services contained within Registered
Plan 65M-3657 being the Bayview Wellington North Phase III Residential
Subdivision; and
THAT Council enact By-law 4967-07.D for the assumption of the subject
municipal services; and
THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a Certificate of
Acceptance of Public Works for said lands as required under Section 3.10
of the Subdivision Agreement; and
THAT notice to the homeowners be provided through the Notice Board
advising them that the subject development has been assumed by the
Town; and
THAT the Treasurer be directed to release the municipal servicing
securities held in relation to the Bayview Wellington North Phase III
Residential Subdivision.
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10. PW08-003 – Asphalt Repairs/Restorations
THAT Council authorize the payment of additional funds in the amount of
$13,807.05, associated with Request for Quotation No. PW-2007-20, for
Asphalt Repairs/Restorations to Various Roads in the Town of Aurora to
Royalcrest Paving & Contracting Ltd.; and
THAT the additional funds be obtained from the Hill Drive Reconstruction
Capital Fund, Sanitary Lateral General Operating Fund, Watermain
Maintenance General Operating Fund, and Glass Drive Sidewalk Capital
14. CS08-001 – Feeding of Wildlife
THAT report CS08-001 entitled Feeding of Wildlife be received for
16. CS08-003 – Council Pending List
THAT report CS08-003 entitled Council Pending List be received for
20. Memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development
Re: Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and
Proposed Plan of Condominium Applications
Westhill Redevelopment Company Limited
THAT the memorandum from the Director of Planning and Development be
received for information.
21. Council Proclamation
“The Year of Arts, Culture and Heritage in Aurora”
THAT 2008 be proclaimed “The Year of the Celebration of Arts, Culture
and Heritage in the Town of Aurora”; and
THAT the proclamation be referred to the Heritage Advisory Committee.
23. FS08-001 – Temporary Borrowing By-law
THAT the Mayor and the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to
borrow from time to time until the property taxes are collected, such sums
as the Council considers necessary to meet the current expenditures of
the Corporation for the year, in accordance with Section 407 of the
Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25 as amended; and
THAT, except with the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), the
total amount borrowed at any one time, plus outstanding amounts of
principal borrowed and accrued interest, shall not exceed,
a) From January 1 to September 30 in the year, 50 per cent of the total
estimated revenues of the municipality as set out in the budget
adopted for the year; and
b) From October 1 to December 31 in the year, 25 per cent of the total
estimated revenues for the municipality as set out in the budget
adopted for the year; and
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THAT By-law 4880-07.F be repealed; and
THAT Council enact By-law 4986-08.F authorizing temporary borrowing
by the Corporation, pending the receipt of municipal revenues pursuant to
Section 407 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25 as amended.
24. FS08-002 – 2008 Interim Property Tax Rates
THAT the Council for The Corporation of the Town of Aurora authorize a
2008 Interim Property Tax Levy on all rateable real property which has
been assessed according to the assessment roll returned December 4,
2007 by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) for the
taxation year 2008; and
THAT the 2008 Interim Property Tax Levy be set as legislated at 50% of
the total 2007 property taxes levied on each property; and
THAT the 2008 Interim Property Tax Rates will be equivalent to 50% of
the 2007 Final Property Tax Rates as listed in Appendix “A” of this report
and levied on the Current Value Assessment (CVA) as returned by MPAC
for the taxation year 2008; and
THAT the 2008 Interim Property Tax Levy be due in two relatively equal
instalments on Thursday, February 26, 2008 and Tuesday, April 25, 2008;
THAT the Director of Finance/Treasurer be authorized to amend in whole
or in part any billing in order to comply with any provincial legislation which
may be introduced or passed by the Province of Ontario prior to or after
the issuance of the 2008 Interim Property Tax Bills; and
THAT By-law 4987-08.F be enacted at the Council meeting scheduled for
January 22, 2008.
25. FS08-003 – Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes under
Section 375 and 358 of the Municipal Act
THAT the property taxes in the amount of $105,661.58 be adjusted in
accordance with Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O.
2001 c. 25 as amended, of which the Town of Aurora’s share totals
$19,787.36; and
THAT the associated interest, if applicable, be cancelled in proportion to
the property taxes adjusted; and
THAT the Director of Finance/Treasurer be directed to adjust the
Collector’s Roll to reflect these property tax adjustments.
26. FS08-004 – 2008 Fees and Charges By-law
THAT the 2008 Fees and Service Charges for licences and services
itemized on the attached schedules be approved:
Schedule A – Administration/Legal Services Division
Schedule B – Building Administration Department
Schedule C – Corporate Services Department
Schedule D – Planning Department and Committee of Adjustment
Schedule E – Public Works Department
Schedule F – Financial Services Department; and
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THAT By-law 4988-08.F be enacted at the February 13, 2008 Council
meeting and the appropriate notice be given as prescribed in the Notice
27. Memorandum from the Administrative Co-ordinator
Re: 2008 Council Priorities
THAT the memorandum regarding 2008 Council Priorities be received for
28. Correspondence from Ms Elaine Markson
Re: Parking Concerns on Walton Drive
(Added Item)
THAT the correspondence from Ms Elaine Markson regarding parking
concerns on Walton Drive be received for information.
29. Correspondence from Ms Nancy Wright
Re: Parking Concerns on Walton Drive
(Added Item)
THAT the correspondence from Ms Nancy Wright regarding parking
concerns on Walton Drive be received for information.
(a) Ms Lee Cudlip
Re: Memorandum from the Acting Director of Public Works -
Clarification Relating to Anti-Whistling By-laws
Ms Lee Cudlip addressed General Committee in support of an anti-whistling by-
law within the Town of Aurora. Ms Cudlip identified several municipalities who
have such a by-law in place, and although she indicated that the objection to its
implementation within the Town of Aurora stems from Transport Canada, she
requested that Council resume the process required to establish such a by-law,
which was initiated by the former Director of Public Works.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT, as item 18 was not originally pulled for discussion, procedure be
waived in order to bring item 18 forward for discussion.
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18. Memorandum from the Acting Director of Public Works
Re: Clarification Relating to Anti-Whistling By-laws
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Region of York be asked to respond to this matter in order
to allow Council to consider an anti-whistling by-law for the Town of
Aurora; and
THAT the Region focus specifically on providing information
regarding risk assessment.
(b) Mr. Will Ross
Re: Item 7(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes - TSAC07-014 – All-Way Stop Sign Review on
Kennedy Street East and Gurnett Street Intersection
Mr. Will Ross addressed General Committee in support of keeping the stop sign
in place at Kennedy Street East and Gurnett Street. Mr. Ross expressed
concern regarding the safety of children and seniors in the neighbourhood and
requested enforcement of the parking restrictions in the area.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
(c) Mr. Jody Matthew
Re: Item 7(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes - TSAC07-014 – All-Way Stop Sign Review on
Kennedy Street East and Gurnett Street Intersection
Mr. Jody Matthew addressed General Committee in support of keeping the stop
sign in place at Kennedy Street East and Gurnett Street. Mr. Matthew expressed
concern regarding the safety of children in the neighbourhood and suggested
that continuous review of this issue should not be necessary once the decision
has been made to keep the stop sign.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT, as item 7 was not originally pulled for discussion, procedure be
waived in order to bring item 7 forward for discussion.
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(7) TSAC07-08 – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2007
(7) TSAC07-014 - All-way stop sign review on Kennedy Street East and
Gurnett Street intersection
General Committee recommends:
THAT report TSAC07-014 - all-way stop sign review on Kennedy Street
East and Gurnett Street intersection be received; and
THAT the multi-way stop sign not be removed from Kennedy Street and
Gurnett Street intersection; and
THAT a letter be sent to all affected residents.
(d) Mr. Scott Lyons
Re: Item 7(15) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
Minutes - TSAC07-019 – Speeding and Safety
Concerns on Allenvale Drive
Mr. Scott Lyons addressed General Committee to request that this matter not be
approved by Council at this time, in order to allow him to present his concerns to
the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT item 7(15) not be approved; and
THAT the matter be referred back to the Traffic Safety Advisory
Committee for re-consideration; and
THAT Mr. & Mrs. Lyons be advised of when the matter will be coming
forward to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the balance of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting
minutes from the December 19, 2007 meeting be received and the
recommendations contained therein be adopted.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
3. AAC07-06 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2007
(2) Application for Site Plan Approval – Suncor Energy Products
15255 Leslie St. and 1540 Wellington St. E.
General Committee recommends:
THAT item 3(2) be referred back to staff for a further report.
(1) Full Service Gas Stations
General Committee recommends:
Whereas, it is in the public interest to ensure accessibility to a full range of
services and facilities for all members of the public; and
Whereas the elderly and persons with physical disabilities or limitations
require access to full service gas stations; and
Whereas there are NO full service gas stations presently operating in the
Town of Aurora;
THAT the Canadian Petroleum Products Institute be requested to discuss
with its members the need to ensure that gas stations make provisions for
full service to patrons having special needs; and
THAT the Ministry of Community and Social Services be requested to
assist in the issue of accessibility to gas station services as part of their
customer service standards contained in the AODA Regulations released
in 2007; and
THAT the Town of Aurora and staff use all available tools to ensure the
provision of a full service component for all future gas station facilities in
the Town of Aurora; and
THAT the Town of Aurora utilize its web site and the Notice Board to
encourage the public to sign a petition requesting gas stations to provide
full services for patrons with special needs, and that staff determine the
means of executing the petition; and
THAT the Town of Aurora correspond with all gas station operators within
the town to request them to review their current operations to see what can
be done to accommodate persons with physical disabilities and special
needs; and
FURTHER THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Canadian
Petroleum Products Institute, Petroleum Companies, the Minister of
Community and Social Services and all gas stations in Aurora.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the balance of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting
minutes from the December 5, 2007 meeting be received and the
recommendations contained therein be adopted.
11. PW08-004 – Contract Award, Tender No. PW2007-123
The Maintenance and Emergency Responding to
Sanitary Lift and Water Booster Stations within the
Town of Aurora
General Committee recommends:
THAT Tender No. PW2007-123, “The Maintenance and Emergency
Responding to Sanitary Lift and Water Booster Stations within the Town of
Aurora”, be awarded to American Water Canada Corp.; and
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the attached
Agreement to execute the subject contract; and
THAT the appropriate sewer charge surcharges to residents served by
their respective Sanitary Lift Station be implemented as described in
Report PW08-004; and
THAT the appropriate draft by-law to implement the above noted sewer
charge surcharges be tabled at a future meeting.
12. PL08-003 – Servicing Allocation Matrix – Front Ending Agreements
General Committee recommends:
THAT the attached Matrix for the Allocation of Servicing Capacity,
Appendix 1, be adopted by Council to be used to determine applications
that may be considered for allocation; and
THAT the Allocation Policy be revised to remove the word “Ranking” from
the Criteria as indicated within Appendix 2; and
THAT Criteria 1 be deleted.
13. PL08-006 – Planning Applications Status List
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received for information;
THAT staff contact the owners of vacant lots, particularly in the
downtown core, to discuss the status of the development; and
THAT By-law staff also have discussions with these owners in order
to bring the properties up to appropriate standards.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
15. CS08-002 – Anti -Chaining of Dogs
General Committee recommends:
THAT report CS08-002 entitled Anti-Chaining of Dogs be received for
information; and
THAT staff amend the Town of Aurora’s Animal Control By-law to
include a provision related to the tethering of dogs.
17. Key Performance Indicators and Business Plan Updates
(deferred from December 4, 2007 General Committee)
Chief Administrative Officer’s Office
Legal Services
Economic Development Office
Communications & Marketing
Planning & Development Services
Corporate Services
Financial Services
Building Administration
Public Works
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Key Performance Indicators and Business Plan Updates,
including the Leisure Services Department, be deferred to the
February 5, 2008 General Committee meeting.
19. Correspondence from Pitch-In Ontario
General Committee recommends:
THAT the correspondence from Pitch-In Ontario be received for
22. LS08-001 – Award of Consolidated Facility Concession
and Vending Contract
General Committee recommends:
THAT report LS08-001 – Award of Consolidated Facility Concession
and Vending Contract be deferred to the January 22, 2008 Council
meeting; and
THAT the legal advice pertaining to this matter be referred to Closed
Session after this meeting.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Councillor Buck inquired as to who placed the green bins and other containers
outside of the Leash Free Dog Park, to which the Director of Corporate Services
responded that it was not done by staff and that the assumption is that it was the
dog owners that are using the park.
Councillor Marsh provided Notice of Motion regarding Habitat for Humanity.
Councillor McRoberts inquired as to why a generator is running 24 hours per day,
7 days per week on the property where the Catholic High School is being
constructed, to which the Director of Building responded that she would follow up
on the matter.
Councillor MacEachern requested clarification as to why the amendment which
was made at Council to item 15 – ADM07-015 – Extension of Agreement for
Provision of External Legal Services of the December 4, 2007 General
Committee minutes was not reflected on the General Committee minutes
included on the January 15, 2008 General Committee agenda. The Director of
Corporate Services advised that this would be corrected.
Councillor MacEachern inquired as to when the Arboretum’s 2007 spending
report will be received to which the Director of Leisure Services responded that it
would be provided prior to the 2008 budget approval.
Councillor MacEachern inquired as to when the staff report regarding plantings
on Vandorf Sideroad would be received, to which the CAO responded that he
would review the matter and respond.
Councillor MacEachern provided a Notice of Motion regarding a re-consideration
of the Code of Conduct.
Councillor MacEachern provided a Notice of Motion regarding the 404 lands.
Mayor Morris advised that amendments will be made to item 21 - “The Year of
Arts, Culture and Heritage in Aurora” at the next Council meeting.
Councillor Collins-Mrakas inquired as to whether additions could be made to item
27 – 2008 Council Priorities, to which the Mayor responded that it can always be
Councillor Granger provided a Notice of Motion regarding the implementation
and costs associated with offering Aurora seniors a snow and windrow removal
Personal & Legal Matters
General Committee recommends:
THAT this committee convene into a closed session to consider personal
matters regarding identifiable individuals and the recruitment of a Director
of Public Works, a labour relations matter regarding collective bargaining
with CUPE, and a legal matter.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
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