MINUTES - General Committee - 20071204 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 07-52 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, December 4, 2007 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Gaertner in the Chair; Mayor Morris (arrived at 7:10 p.m.), Councillors Collins-Mrakas, (arrived at 8:58 p.m.) Granger, Marsh, MacEachern, McRoberts and Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Buck was absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Acting Director of Public Works, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Gaertner called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor McRoberts declared an interest in item 21 – Memorandum from the Fire Chief regarding Traffic Calming, by virtue of his residence in the vicinity of the subject area and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Withdrawal of Delegation (b) – Ms Kristen Yemm-Brodie Communications & Marketing Co-ordinator Re: Intranet Demo  Delegation (c) – Ms Barb Morris Re: Item 2(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – TSAC07-016 – Safety Concerns on Murray Drive  NEW ITEM 28 – Memorandum from the Director of Planning Re: Item 17 – PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law – File D14-08-07  Delegtion (d) – Mr. Danny Panagoulia Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07 General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 2 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007  Delegation (e) – Mr. Frank D’Amico Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07  Delegation (f) – Mr. Hugh Thomas Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07  Delegation (g) – Mr. Gus Leontis Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07  NEW ITEM 29 – Correspondence from Ms Sandra Linton Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07  NEW ITEM 30 - Correspondence from Ms Allison Halls Re: Item 6 - CS07-046 – 2008 Pet Licensing Fees  NEW ITEM 31 - Memorandum from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Closed Session Meeting Agenda  Additional Material – Sports Field and Park Use Policy Re: Item 8 - LS07-046 – Department of Leisure Services – Sports Field Use Policy CARRIED III ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-43, November 6, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT item 3(2) on page 7 be amended to delete “and endorsement” in the second paragraph. CARRIED Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-44, November 10, 2007 Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-45, November 19, 2007 General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-46, November 20, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the General Committee Meeting minutes 07-43, as amended, the General Committee Meeting minutes 07-46, and the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 07-44 and 07-45 be adopted. CARRIED IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 2(4), 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28 and 29 were identified for discussion. General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 3 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. AAC07-05 – Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting, November 7, 2007 THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the November 7, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. 3. LSAC07-07 – Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting November 15, 2007 THAT the Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the November 15, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. 7. LS07-044 – Purchase of Electrical Components LS2007-115 THAT Council approve the award of Request for Quotation LS2007-115 for the supply and delivery of various electrical components to Guillevin International Co. in the amount of $52,533.41 excluding applicable taxes. 8. LS07-046 – Department of Leisure Services – Sports Field Use Policy THAT the General Committee endorse the revised Sports Field Use Policy for implementation prior to the commencement of the 2008 playing season, subject to any comments or revisions as recommended by the General Committee. 13. PW07-045 – Award of Tender LS-2007-63 – For the Supply & Delivery of Two (2) 2007 Four-Wheel Drive Agricultural Tractors THAT Tender No. LS-2007-63 - for the Supply and Delivery of Two (2) 2007 Four-Wheel Drive Agricultural Tractors be awarded to Hutchinson Farm Supply at the combined tendered price of $83,299.32, including PST; and THAT $6,176.76 of the excess funds from Project No. 71034 be transferred to Project No. 71021 to cover the shortfall of funds in that capital replacement purchase. 15. ADM07-015 – Extension of Agreement for Provision of External Legal Services THAT the provision of external legal services previously by the roster of firms as noted and as previously approved by Council on December 7, 2004, be hereby extended upon the terms and conditions provided herein for a further two (2) year term commencing January 1, 2008, as follows: General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 4 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 AREA OF LAW LEGAL FIRM General Municipal Weir Foulds, LLP (Primary Service Provider) Aird & Berlis Gowling Lafleur Henderson Thomson Rogers Planning and Development Weir Foulds, LLP (Primary Service Provider) Aird & Berlis Gowling Lafleur Henderson Thomson Rogers Litigation Paterson MacDougall Thomson Rogers Environmental Wilms & Shier Gowling Lafleur Henderson AND THAT Hicks, Morley, Hamilton, Stewart and Storie continue as the primary service provider in the area of labour and employment law; AND THAT the Town Solicitor be authorized to retain external legal services from the list of approved firms, and alternatively, from any other firms as required on an exceptional and as-needed basis. 16. PL07-143 – Proposed Regional Official Plan Amendment Pertaining to the 2C Lands THAT report PL07-143 be received as information. 22. Memorandum from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Pending List – Remembrance Day Services THAT the memorandum regarding Remembrance Day Services be received for information. 23. Memorandum from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Pending List – Taxi By-law Amendment re: Brokerage Dispatch THAT the memorandum regarding Taxi By-law Amendment regarding Brokerage Dispatch be received for information. 24. Memorandum from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Pending List – Waste Containers & Newspaper Boxes THAT the memorandum regarding Waste Containers & Newspaper Boxes be received for information. 25. Memorandum from the Director of Leisure Services Re: Pending List Item #LS6 – Litter in Parks THAT the memorandum regarding Litter in Parks be received for information. General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 5 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 26. Memorandum from the Director of Leisure Services Re: Pending List Item #NB3 Summit Park Tennis Reconstruction 2007 THAT the memorandum regarding Summit Park Tennis Reconstruction 2007 be received for information. CARRIED VI DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Paul LaCroix Re: Development on Bayview Avenue – Large Power Lines Mr. Paul LaCroix, resident of 19 Ing Court, addressed committee to advise of the large power lines that have been installed across the back of his property, which now block the view for which he originally purchased the property. Mr. LaCroix advised that he has contacted PowerStream regarding the issue and, although they were sympathetic, advised that they could not assist in rectifying the matter. Mr. LaCroix requested that the Town of Aurora review the situation and assist by installing landscaping to obstruct the view of the power lines. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT staff make a formal request to PowerStream to meet with Council and staff, as soon as possible, in order to educate us and explain how the process of installing power lines is implemented and to discuss our concerns pertaining to regional roads. CARRIED (b) Ms Kristen Yemm-Brodie, Communications & Marketing Co-ordinator Re: Intranet Demo This delegation was withdrawn from the agenda. General Committee recommends: THAT items 17, 28, 29 and delegations (d), (e), (f) and (g) be brought forward. CARRIED 17. PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment - Infill Housing By-law File D14-08-07 28. Memorandum from the Director of Planning Re: Item 17 – PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment - Infill Housing By-law File D14-08-07 (Added Item) General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 6 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 29. Correspondence from Ms Sandra Linton Re: Item 17 – PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment - Infill Housing By-law File D14-08-07 (Added Item) (d) Mr. Danny Panagoulia Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07 (Added Item) Mr. Danny Panagoulia addressed committee pertaining to 117 Hillview Drive and advised that he did not receive notice of the proposed by-law and requested that the matter be deferred. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (e) Mr. Frank D’Amico Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07 (Added Item) Mr. Howard Freedman spoke on behalf of Mr. Frank D’Amico, requesting that the matter be deferred. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (f) Mr. Hugh Thomas Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07 (Added Item) Mr. Hugh Thomas declined to appear as a delegate and the delegation was deferred. (g) Mr. Gus Leontis Re: Item 17 - PL07-148 – Zoning By-law Amendment Infill Housing By-law - File D14-08-07 (Added Item) Mr. Gus Leontis declined to appear as a delegate and the delegation was deferred. General Committee recommends: THAT items 17, 28, 29 and delegations (d), (e), (f) and (g) be deferred. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 7 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 (c) Ms Barb Morris Re: Item 2(7) – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – TSAC07 -016 – Safety Concerns on Murray Drive (Added Item) Ms Barb Morris addressed committee to raise the issue of speeding on Murray Drive. Ms Morris suggested that the Town consider the installation of a four-way stop at the entrance to the high school at Milestone Crescent and Murray Drive as well as speed humps, rather than a Community Safe Zone. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and that item 2(7) be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 2. TSAC07-07 – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting November 14, 2007 (7) TSAC07-016 - Safety Concerns on Murray Drive General Committee recommends: THAT Murray Drive from Wellington Street West to Kennedy Street West be designated as an official Community Safety Zone; and THAT a letter be sent to Ms. Barb Morris with the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee’s recommendations. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the balance of the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the November 14, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 5 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 5. CS07-045 – Animal Control Services Contract General Committee recommends: THAT report CS07-045 - Animal Control Services Contract be received; and THAT the Town of Aurora enter into a 3 year service agreement with the OSPCA (Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) for the provision of animal control and shelter services at a cost of $183,200 for 2008; $187,249 for 2009; and $191,387 for 2010. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 8 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 VII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE None VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. CS07-047 – Council Pending List General Committee recommends: THAT the Town Solicitor provide a memo to Council indicating the reason for the change in direction pertaining to the RFP process for LS07-030 – Award of Contract for Consolidated Facility Concession and Vending on page 17 of report CS07-047 – Council Pending List. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the balance of report CS07-047 – Council Pending List be received. CARRIED Councillor Collins-Mrakas arrived at 8:58 p.m. 6. CS07-046 – 2008 Pet Licensing Fees General Committee recommends: THAT report CS07-046 - 2008 Pet Licensing Fees be received for information; and THAT the proposed amending by-law be presented at the Council meeting of December 11, 2008. Amendment: General Committee recommends: THAT an Information item be placed on the town website and in the Era Banner Notice Board informing residents of the change to the animal control contractor, as well as the pet licensing fees; and THAT door to door canvassers who sell pet licenses be instructed to distribute a flyer to each household which includes the following information:  Phone number for animal control  Hours of operation for animal control  List of services provided by animal control  The cost of the contract for animal control  Information regarding the leash-free dog park  Information regarding the ability to purchase a pet license in person at Town Hall  Any additional information which staff deem appropriate; and General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 9 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 THAT the license fee for a micro-chipped dog be $22.50 per year; and THAT the license fee for a micro-chipped cat be $15.00 per year; and THAT the fine for “Failing to Obtain a Dog or Cat License” be $200; and THAT the fine for “Allowing a Dog or Cat to Run at Large” be $300. CARRIED The main recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED. 9. ADM07-014 – Amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001 Appointment of an Investigator General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive this report respecting the appointment of an Investigator pursuant to section 239.1 and 239.2 of the Municipal Act, 2001, for information; and THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Investigator Services Agreement substantially in the form attached appointing the Local Authority Services Ltd. (LAS) as the Investigator in the event that a request for an investigation is received, and THAT Council enact a By-Law appointing LAS as the Investigator to act when a complaint is made and an investigation is triggered. CARRIED 10. ADM07-016 – Amendments to the Municipal Act, 2001, Delegation Policy General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive this report respecting the adoption of a delegation policy for information; and THAT Council adopt the attached Delegation Policy in accordance with section 270(1)6 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended. CARRIED 11. PL07-144 – Zoning By-law Amendment Farland Properties 130 Industrial Parkway North File D14-01-07 General Committee recommends: THAT Council enact Implementing Zoning By-law 4974-07.D. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 10 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 12. PL07-146 – Application for Site Plan Approval Cherry Hill Park Development Inc. Lot 14, Plan 65M-3974 File D11-13-07 General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-146 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the owner and the Town of Aurora to permit the construction of a 2-storey, 4,013.35 square metre (43,200.75 square feet) multi-unit industrial building. CARRIED 14. PW07-046 – Recycling Services in Public Spaces General Committee recommends: THAT Council receive report PW07-046, regarding the provision of recycling services in public spaces; and THAT Council direct staff to further investigate all of the options outlined in report PW07-046, and report back to Council prior to the 2008 Budget deliberations with further details and budget impacts for the options; and THAT, for 2008, staff be directed to proceed to implement Option “D”, to placard all existing waste receptacles in public areas to help deter recyclable materials going to landfill. Amendment: THAT report PW07-046 – Recycling Services in Public Spaces be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee for information on their January 2008 agenda. CARRIED The main recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED. 18. Key Performance Indicators and Business Plan Update  Administration – Chief Administrative Officer’s Office  Administration – Legal Services  Administration – Economic Development Office  Administration – Communications & Marketing  Planning & Development Services  Corporate Services  Financial Services  Building Administration  Public Works General Committee recommends: THAT the Key Performance Indicators and Business Plan Updates be deferred to the January 15, 2008 General Committee meeting. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 11 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 19. Resolution from the Municipality of Morris-Turnberry (Tabled by Councillor Gaertner) General Committee recommends: THAT this matter be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee. CARRIED 20. Resolution from the City of Waterloo (Tabled by Councillor Gaertner) General Committee recommends: THAT this matter be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee. CARRIED Councillor McRoberts, having declared an interest in item 21, did not take part in any discussion regarding traffic calming in the north-east quadrant. 21. Memorandum from the Fire Chief Re: Traffic Calming General Committee recommends: THAT the memorandum from the Fire Chief regarding Traffic Calming be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be extended until 10:45 p.m. CARRIED 27. Memorandum from the Town Solicitor Re: Committee Declaration of Appointed Office General Committee recommends: THAT the memorandum from the Town Solicitor regarding Committee Declaration of Appointed Office be received for information. Amendment: General Committee recommends: THAT the memorandum from the Town Solicitor regarding Committee Declaration of Appointed Office be placed on the Economic Development Advisory Committee agenda. CARRIED The main recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED. General Committee Report No. 07-52 Page 12 of 12 Tuesday, December 4, 2007 IX NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION – COUNCILLORS The Chief Administrative Officer requested that the Closed Session on December 11, 2007 begin at 5:30 p.m. preceding the Council meeting. A quorum was received for the time change, but Councillor Gaertner requested that the CAO review the Council agenda for December 11, 2007 and decide whether the early time is necessary. Councillor McRoberts requested that the CAO discuss at Senior Management Team, the section in staff reports regarding Options and Additional Options. Mayor Morris indicated that, due to unforeseen circumstances, Yonge Street was not closed during the Remembrance Day ceremony and that steps will be taken to ensure that no problem arise in future years. X CLOSED SESSION The closed session was withdrawn. XI ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:50 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 07-52 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2007, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEMS 6 AND 15 WHICH WERE DISCUSSED AND ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND ITEMS 8 AND 14 WHICH WERE ADOPTED AS ORIGINALLY PRESENTED. _______________________________ ________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR BOB PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK