MINUTES - General Committee - 20071106 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 07-43 (as amended at November 20, 2007 General Committee) Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, November 6, 2007 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor McRoberts in the Chair; Mayor Morris Councillors Buck, Collins-Mrakas, Gaertner, Granger, Marsh, MacEachern and Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Acting Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor McRoberts called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Councillor McRoberts requested a moment of silence in honour of Remembrance Day. Mayor Morris addressed General Committee on a Question of Privilege. General Committee recommends: THAT the Procedural By-law be waived. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT a Special Council meeting be convened. CARRIED The meeting was recessed at 7:12 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 7:19 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 2 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Additional Material – Delegation (a) – Mr. Harold Sellers Oak Ridges Trail Association Re: Financial Support Request for the 2008 Moraine for Life Adventure Relay  Additional Delegation (c) – Ms Irene McNeil, Manager of Service Planning and Mr. Steven Baldo, Service Planner, York Region Transit Re: 2008 Annual Service Plan  Memorandum from the Director of Planning Re: Withdrawal of Item 11 - report PL07-137 – Zoning By-law Amendment - MI Developments  New Item 20 – Correspondence from Mr. Mark Cannata, Principal St. Joseph Catholic School Re: Item 2(12) – TSAC07-06 – Annual Crossing Guard Report (TSAC07-012)  New Item 21 – Correspondence from the Township of Uxbridge Re: Invitation to Participate in Community Sustainability Planning Workshop  Deferral of New Item 22 to November 13, 2007 Council meeting Re: PL07-117 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Stefano and Rose Polsinelli 14575 Bayview Avenue, Part of Lot 16 Concession 2, EYS  New Item 23 – Correspondence from Southlake Regional Health Centre Re: Request for an Additional Donation of Parkette Naming Rights CARRIED III ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-39, October 12, 12007 Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-40, October 13, 12007 General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-41, October 16, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 07-39, 07-40 and General Committee Meeting minutes 07-41 be adopted. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 3 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20 and 23 were identified for discussion. V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 5. CS07-038 – Document Output Devices THAT Corporate Services report CS07-038 be received; and THAT the strategy proposed by the independent consultant, (Integrated Print Management Inc.) retained under RFP CS2006-41 for the rightsizing and deployment of multifunctional printers as outlined in Appendix #1 be approved; and THAT the award of RFP CS2007-06 for the supply, installation and maintenance of print output devices, for a period of 5 years be awarded to NCO Technologies at a cost of $96,409 per year. 7. CS07-040 – Joint Regional Web Portal THAT Corporate Services report CS07-040 be received as information; and THAT the Town of Aurora continue to participate in the Joint Regional Portal Project with the Regional Municipality of York, the Town of Markham and other interested municipal participants until full costs and benefits are disclosed and can be brought forward as a report for Council consideration. 9. PL07-132 – Planning Applications Status List THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information. 11. PL07-137 – Zoning By-law Amendment MI Developments Inc. Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, E.Y.S. File D14-03-06 This item was withdrawn from the agenda and deferred to the November 13, 2007 Council meeting. General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 4 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 13. PL07-140 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Clifford Sifton 908 Vandorf Sideroad Concession 2, Part of Lot 16, E.Y.S. Files D12-04-07 & D14-12-07 THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications D12-04-07 and D14-12-07, scheduled for the December 12, 2007 Public Planning Meeting. 15. Memorandum from the Chief Administrative Officer Re: Gateway Signage THAT the recommendation for gateway signage, submitted by the ad hoc committee for gateway signage, be approved. 16. Memorandum from the Director of Corporate Services Re: Endorsement of Regional Representatives THAT the Town of Aurora endorse the nomination of Ms Debbie Korolnek as the municipal representative for York Region and its constituent local municipalities on the Credit Valley, Toronto Region and Central Lake Ontario Region Source Protection Committee; and THAT Mr. Illmar Simanovskis be nominated the municipal representative for York Region and its constituent local municipalities on the South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Protection Committee. 19. FS07-043 – Landscaping Reserve Fund THAT Council establish a Landscape Fee Discretionary Reserve Fund; and THAT in 2007 all funds in excess of what is collected for the year less the costs associated with landscape reviews be transferred to the Landscape Fee Discretionary Reserve Fund; and THAT in future years all revenue collected for Landscape Fee be deposited in the Landscape Fee Discretionary Reserve Fund; and THAT the Leisure Services, Parks Division budget annually the amount required to be withdrawn from the Landscape Fee Discretionary Reserve Fund. 21. Correspondence from the Township of Uxbridge Re: Invitation to Participate in Community Sustainability Planning Workshop (Added Item) This item was received for information. General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 5 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 22. PL07-117 – Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Stefano and Rose Polsinelli 14575 Bayview Avenue, Part of Lot 16, Concession 2, EYS (Added Item) This item was deferred to the November 13, 2007 Council meeting. CARRIE D VI DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Harold Sellers, Executive Director Oak Ridges Trail Association Re: Financial Support Request for the 2008 Moraine For Life Adventure Relay Mr. Harold Sellers addressed General Committee to provide a presentation of the 2007 Moraine for Life Adventure Relay and to request a funding donation of $1,000. Mr. Sellers advised that a municipal donation of $1,000 would offer the Town: the Town’s logo on event publications; a Town link on the event website; and a Town publication included in participant packages. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to the 2008 budget deliberation. CARRIED (b) Mr. Terry Kelly Re: Road Widening on Temperance Street The delegate was not in attendance. (c) Ms Irene McNeil, Manager of Service Planning and Mr. Steven Baldo, Service Planner, York Region Transit Re: 2008 Annual Service Plan (Added Item) Ms Irene McNeil and Mr. Steven Baldo addressed General Committee to provide an overview of the 2008 Annual Service Plan. The delegates also identified changes to three routes: route 34, servicing Industrial Parkway, to be discontinued due to poor performance; route 31, servicing Aurora North, to be reduced to weekday peak hour service; and route 33A, servicing Spring Farm and Birkshire subdivisions to be introduced. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegates be received; and THAT Mr. Steven Baldo, Service Planner from York Region Transit, be invited to address Council on November 13, 2007 with a similar presentation, focused on transit routes within the Town of Aurora. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 6 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 VII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE None VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT item 12 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 12. PL07-139 – Application for Site Plan Amendment Approval Morguard REIT 15400 to 15500 Bayview Avenue Blocks 2 & 3, 65M-3074 File D11-06-04 General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-139 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute a Site Plan Amendment Agreement between the owner and the Town of Aurora to permit the proposed modifications to the northwest corner of the subject lands . CARRIED 1. Draft 2008 Leisure Services Business Plan (deferred from October 16, 2007 General Committee) General Committee recommends: THAT the 2008 draft Leisure Services Business Plan be referred back to staff; and THAT Councillor Wilson meet with the Director of Leisure Services to provide suggestions. CARRIED 2. TSAC07-06 – Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes October 10, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the October 10, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted, excluding paragraph 4 under item 15 – TSAC07-012 – Annual Crossing Guard Report; and THAT item 20 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 7 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 General Committee recommends: (15) TSAC07 -012 - Annual Crossing Guard Report THAT paragraph 4 be approved as presented: “THAT the school crossing guard be removed during the noon lunch period as of January 2008 at the intersection of Murray Drive and Seaton Drive.” CARRIED 20. Correspondence from Mr. Mark Cannata, Principal St. Joseph Catholic School Re: Item 2(12) – TSAC07-06 – Annual Crossing Guard Report (TSAC07-012) (Added Item) General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from Mr. Cannata, Principal of St. Joseph Catholic School, regarding the Annual Crossing Guard Report, be received for information. CARRIED 3. HAC07-06 – Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes October 15, 2007 General Committee recommends: (2) PL07-098 – Options for the Relocation and Restoration of the Petch Log House THAT the report entitled ‘Options for Relocation and Restoration of the Petch Log House’ be received; and THAT approval of the expenditure of $108,000 for restoration of the Petch Log House be referred to Council for consideration as part of the 2008 Capital Budget; and THAT Whitwell Developments (II) Limited, fulfill the obligations related to its agreement with the Town to pay any and all costs to permanently relocate the Petch House including the construction of a foundation for the building and the provision of full services, including but not limited to water, storm, sanitary and all utilities; and THAT the relocation of the building be determined based on interest. CARRIED General Committee recommends: (5) PL07-121 – Request for Heritage Building Evaluation 14012, 14020, 14003 Leslie Street – Lebovic Lands THAT this matter be deferred to the November 13, 2007 Council meeting. CARRIED Amended at December 4, 2007 General Committee Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 2 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.5" + Tab after: 1" + Indent at: 1" Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt, Bold, Italic Formatted: Justified Formatted: Font: 12 pt Formatted: Font: 12 pt General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 8 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the balance of the Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the October 15, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. CARRIED 4. LSAC07-06 – Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – October 18, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the October 18, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. CARRIED General Committee considered the following amendment to the recommendation: (2)(3) Culture & Recreation Master Plan – Terms of Reference for Request for Proposal THAT the plan be referred to as “Recreation Master Plan”, deleting the word “Culture”. CARRIED The main recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED. Delegation (b) – Ms Rebecca Beaton Re: Special Events Sub-Committee General Committee recommends: THAT the delegation and comments submitted by Ms Rebecca Beaton be received. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the letter from Ms Rebecca Beaton and the memorandum from the Director of Leisure Services, dated December 12, 2006, which was on the May 17, 2007 Leisure Services Advisory Committee agenda be referred to a closed session. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the members of the Special Events Sub-Committee be thanked by the LSAC Committee for their contributions to the committee. CARRIED Amended at November 20, 2007 General Committee Formatted: Font: 12 pt General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 9 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the names and addresses of all members of the Special Events Committee be made available to the Mayor’s office. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be extended until 11:00 p.m. CARRIED 6. PW07-038 – Stormwater Management Remedial Strategy Study Follow-up Report and Implementation Program For 2008 General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the drafting of a rain barrel and soak away pits program for the Town in 2008, subject to the program addressing the issues noted by staff in the report, in particular the issue noted regarding standing water in rain barrels and mosquito growth; and THAT, given that the soak away pits require permeable soils which necessitate location on Oak Ridges Moraine areas, special consideration be given to Oak Ridges Moraine stipulations prior to proceeding to implementation on site in 2009; and THAT Council refer the request for funding in the amount of $400,000.00, necessary for the Environmental Assessments and Detail Designs for 10 new stormwater management facilities, to the 2008 Capital Budget for consideration; and THAT a copy of report PW07-038 (Stormwater Management Remedial Strategy Study Follow–up Report and Implementation Program for 2008) and the associated Council resolutions be forwarded by the Corporate Services Department to the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority for their information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 18 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 18. LS07-043 – Tree Cutting Permit Application General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the application for the removal of 20 trees greater than 20 cm. in diameter at 15255 Leslie Street/1540 Wellington Street East in accordance with By-law 4474-03.D being a by-law to authorize the injury or destruction of trees (Tree Permit By-law). CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 10 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 8. CS07-042 – 2008 Council and Committee Meeting Calendar General Committee recommends: THAT the 2008 Council and General Committee Meeting Calendar, attached to report CS07-042 as Appendix #1, be referred back to staff. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 17 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 17. Motion Tabled by Councillor Collins-Mrakas General Committee recommends: WHEREAS the area surrounding the Pumping Station/Water Tower on Orchard Heights Blvd. has been plagued with instances of public and private property damage, vandalism, graffiti and other negative activities; and WHEREAS a community meeting was held on October 22, 2007 in response to residents’ concerns pertaining to the negative activities in the area surrounding the Pumping Station/Water Tower on Orchard Heights Blvd.; and WHEREAS at the community meeting held on October 22, 2007, a number of suggested solutions were brought forward by those present - including representatives of York Regional Police, the Town of Aurora By- law Services Department and area residents - that have broad implications; and WHEREAS, given the seriousness of the concerns raised, there is a need for immediate action; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that staff be directed to bring forward to Council, at the next General Committee meeting, a report outlining the residents’ issues/concerns with regards to the area surrounding the Pumping Station/Water Tower on Orchard Heights Blvd. expressed at the October 22, 2007 meeting; and THAT staff contact the representatives of York Regional Police, Region of York and other relevant parties to provide their comments and suggestions in this report as a result of the meeting attended October 22, 2007; and THAT this report should identify possible solutions for Council’s consideration with recommendations indicating potential implications, financial or otherwise, of the options suggested. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 11 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT item 23 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 23. Correspondence from Southlake Regional Health Centre Re: Request for an Additional Donation of Parkette Naming Rights (Added Item) General Committee recommends: THAT staff identify developments which are nearing completion in order to locate an additional parkette for potential naming rights to benefit the Southlake Cancer Centre. CARRIED 10. PL07-135 – Servicing Allocation Matrix – Criteria 1 Clarification General Committee recommends: THAT this matter be deferred to the November 13, 2007 Council meeting. CARRIED 14. Motion to Reinstate a Secondary Dwelling Unit Ad Hoc Committee (Tabled by Councillor Gaertner) General Committee recommends: THAT this matter be deferred to the November 13, 2007 Council meeting. CARRIED IX NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION – COUNCILLORS Councillor Marsh requested that the matter regarding the Joint Council Committee – Central York Fire Services awarding of an arbitrator be placed on the November 13, 2007 Council agenda. Councillor Gaertner inquired about the delegate who did not attend tonight’s meeting to which the Director of Corporate Services responded that he spoke to him on Friday and that he was aware that he was scheduled as a delegate for tonight’s meeting. X CLOSED SESSION Personal & Legal Matters The Closed Session was re-scheduled to a future date. General Committee Report No. 07-43 Page 12 of 12 Tuesday, November 6, 2007 XI ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:03 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 07-43 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2007. ___________________________ _________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK