MINUTES - General Committee - 20070515 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES NO. 07-24 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, May 15, 2007 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor MacEachern in the Chair; Mayor Morris Councillors Buck, Collins-Mrakas, Gaertner, Granger, Marsh, McRoberts and Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Acting Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Mayor Morris congratulated the Aurora Tigers Hockey Team, who were in attendance at this General Committee meeting, on winning the RBC Royal Bank Cup on May 13, 2007 emblematic of the Canadian Junior ‘A’ Championship. Councillor MacEachern called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor McRoberts declared a pecuniary interest in the delegations pertaining to Dr. G.W. Williams Secondary School, by virtue of the York Region District School Board being his employer. Councillor McRoberts did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. Councillor Marsh declared an interest in item 17 – report PL07-064 – Planning Applications Status List by virtue of her spouse’s employer being the applicant in one of the applications, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Delegation b – Naz Hiyate, Project Manager, NAK Design Group Re: Item 8 – PL07-056 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) 14425 Bayview Avenue General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 2 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007  Delegation c – Mr. Michael Tough Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation d – Ms Janet Brewda Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation e – Ms Lori Oosterbroek Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation f – Mr. Trevor Nelson Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation g – Mr. John Camplin Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation h – Ms Erika Van Straten Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation i – Ms Susan Walmer Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Delegation j – Mr. Dan Revington Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School  Referral of NEW ITEM 19 - FS07-020 – Notice of Motion – GTA Pooling (referred to May 22, 2007 Council meeting)  Deferral of Closed Session (deferred to May 22, 2007 Council meeting) CARRIED III ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-22, April 23, 2007 and General Committee Meeting Minutes, 07-23, May 1, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 07-22 and the General Committee Meeting minutes 07-23 be adopted. CARRIED IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1(2), 1(8), 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14 and 17 were identified for discussion. V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 3 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 2. PW07-011 – Parking Concerns on Birkshire Drive THAT parking be prohibited on the east side of Birkshire Drive from Turnbridge Road to a point 71 metres north of the Turnbridge Road; and THAT the existing “No Parking Anytime” prohibition on the west side of Birkshire Drive from Billingham Heights to a point 59 metres south of Billingham Heights be rescinded; and THAT staff be requested to introduce the necessary by-law to implement the above recommendations; and THAT staff be directed to investigate and report to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee regarding potential changes in the parking restrictions on the remainder of Birkshire Drive. 4. PW07-016 – Award of Tender No. PW-2007-13 – Supply and Delivery of One 2008 Conventional Cab Combination Dump/Sander/Plow Truck THAT Tender No. PW-2007-13, Supply and Delivery of One 2008 Conventional Cab Combination Dump/Sander/Plow Truck be awarded to Galloway Motors Ltd. at the tendered price of $182,336.40, including PST. 6. PL07-039 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application Robert Delcourt and Rui Chan Lin 268 Kennedy Street West Part Lot 79, Concession 1 King, Part 4, 65R-27428 File D14-05-07 THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By- law Amendment Application D14-05-07, scheduled for the June 27, 2007 Public Planning Meeting. 11. LS07-011 – Approval of Nokiidaa Trail Kiosk THAT Council approve the Nokiidaa Trail Kiosk and location in the Holland River Valley. 12. LS07-003 – Consolidated Facility Concession and Vending Request for Proposal THAT Council approve the attached Terms of Reference to be used for a consolidated Request for Proposal for concession and vending services at all Town of Aurora facilities; and THAT Council approve a 2 month contract extension for both concession and vending service contracts through to August 31, 2007 to provide adequate time to tender services and award a new contract. 13. LS07-017 – Property Use Agreement THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute a Property Use Agreement between the Town of Aurora and 1207309 Ontario Inc. (Magna) for the year 2007 as required to facilitate the Aurora Youth Soccer Club’s use of the Magna lands. General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 4 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 15. AAC07-02– Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes May 2, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the May 2, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. 16. PL07-062 – Ontario Realty Corporation Lands (Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal) – Bloomington Road and Yonge Street General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-062 be received for information; and THAT Council authorize staff to: 1. Prepare a “Master Plan” of the environmental features on the Ontario Realty Corporation Lands; and 2. Initiate negotiations with the Ontario Realty Corporation pertaining to the short and long term protection of environmental features on the subject lands, including the possibility of securing playing fields on the remaining lands. CARRIED 18. FS07-019 – 2007 Property Tax Rates and Ratios THAT the property tax ratios and tax rates for the 2007 taxation year be established as follows: Broad Property Class Tax Ratio Tax Rate Residential/Farm 1.0000 0.00359182 Multi-residential 1.0000 0.00359182 Commercial 1.2070 0.00433533 Industrial 1.3737 0.00493408 Pipeline 0.9190 0.00330088 Farmland 0.2500 0.00089795 Managed Forest 0.2500 0.00089795 THAT By-law 4911-07.F establishing the 2007 Property Tax Rates for the Town of Aurora be approved at the Council Meeting scheduled for May 22, 2007. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Mr. Don Dussault, Manager, Real Estate Development for Imperial Oil Limited, be allowed 10 minutes for his delegation. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 5 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 VI DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Don Dussault, Manager – Real Estate Development Imperial Oil Limited Re: Item 7 - Site Plan Application to Redevelop Existing Service Station at 14923 Yonge Street at Cousins Drive Mr. Don Dussault addressed General Committee to provide an overview of the plans for the redevelopment of the existing Imperial Oil service station at 14923 Yonge Street. Mr. Dussault requested that Council waive the Official Plan requirement for an 8.0 metre road widening along the entire Yonge Street frontage of the subject site, and advised that previous concerns pertaining to setback requirements, the garbage enclosure, light levels and noise level from the order board have all been addressed. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 7 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 7. PL07-047 – Application for Site Plan Approval Imperial Oil Limited 14923 Yonge Street Lot 177, Plan 246, except AU9719 File D11-21-06 General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-047 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Aurora to permit the redevelopment of the existing automobile service station to include a convenience store, drive-thru and car wash; and THAT the requirement for an 8.0 metre road widening along Yonge Street over the subject lands be waived. CARRIED (b) Mr, Naz Hiyate, Project Manager NAK Design Group Re: Item 8 – PL07-056 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) 14425 Bayview Avenue Mr. Naz Hiyate answered questions from General Committee regarding the Brookvalley Developments applications pertaining to the kiosk, community mailboxes, garbage receptacles, and payment to the Town of 25% of the value of landscape features for future maintenance by the Town of Aurora. General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 6 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 8 be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 8. PL07-056 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) 14425 Bayview Avenue Part of Lot 15, Concession 2, E.Y.S. File D14-06-05 & D12-05-02A General Committee recommends: THAT the Procedural By-law be waived to allow open discussion without a formal motion being on the floor. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the matter be referred to staff to provide a report on the cost structure associated with monitoring the entrance features, landscaping and community mailbox areas on Town lands; and THAT discussion on this matter continue with the applicant in order to bring back further options for Council’s consideration. CARRIED Councillor McRoberts, having previously declared an interest in the delegations pertaining to Dr. G. W. Williams High School, did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. (c) Mr. Michael Tough Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) Mr. Michael Tough addressed General Committee to request that the Town of Aurora remain neutral on the issue of site selection for Dr. G.W. Williams High School, as well as further issues pertaining to this matter. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 7 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 (d) Ms Janet Brewda Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) The delegate was not in attendance. General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from Ms Janet Brewda regarding Dr. G.W. Williams High School be received for information. CARRIED (e) Ms Lori Oosterbroek Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) The delegate was not in attendance. General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from Ms Lori Oosterbroek regarding Dr. G.W. Williams High School be received for information. CARRIED (f) Mr. Trevor Nelson Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) The delegate did not appear before the General Committee. (g) Mr. John Camplin Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) Mr. John Camplin addressed General Committee to request that the Town of Aurora remain neutral on the issue of site selection for Dr. G.W. Williams High School, as well as further issues pertaining to this matter. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (h) Ms Erika Van Straten Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) Ms Erika Van Straten addressed General Committee to indicate that the group of residents in favour of keeping Dr. G.W. Williams High School at its current site, had forwarded the Town of Aurora’s resolution regarding the issue to the York Region District School Board and the local newspaper. Ms Van Straten suggested that keeping the school on Dunning Avenue will result in having to transport over 1,000 students from the Bayview/Wellington area, whereas if the school is located on Bayview Avenue, the need will be to transport about 300 students. Ms Van Straten also requested that the Town of Aurora advise the public that they do not take a position either way on the issue. General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 8 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (i) Ms Susan Walmer Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) Ms Susan Walmer addressed General Committee to advocate that the Town of Aurora should have three high schools and that the York Region District School Board should review up-to-date population numbers in order to arrive at appropriate requirements for the town. Ms Walmer advised that the school board has had two informational meetings to date, and that the feasibility study will not be available until May 18, 2007. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (j) Mr. Dan Revington Re: Dr. G.W. Williams High School (ADDED ITEM) Mr. Dan Revington addressed General Committee to support the comments made by Ms Susan Walmer. As well, Mr. Revington suggested that having a public meeting would be a good idea and that the first paragraph of the Town of Aurora’s resolution does not rule out the possibility of having a third high school. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from the delegates regarding Dr. G.W. Williams High School be received and forwarded to the York Region District School Board. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT staff be requested to contact the York Region District School Board to request that they provide specific information regarding the possibility of constructing a third high school and the rationale for their decision; and THAT the York Region District School Board be requested to provide this information for the next Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 22, 2007. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 9 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 VII PRESENTATIONS BY THE COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVE None VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 1. LSAC07-01– Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes April 19, 2007 (2) Orientation Binders General Committee recommends: THAT the orientation binder/initial information package distributed by the Director of Leisure Services be received; and THAT each member of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee be requested to e-mail directly to adowney@e-aurora.ca as soon as possible before the May 17, 2007 LSAC meeting, five groups from a list to liaize with and identify any issues to be discussed by the Leisure Services Advisory Committee during this term of office. CARRIED (8) 2007 Canada Parade General Committee recommends: THAT LSAC Report LS07-014 be received; and THAT given the declining interest in the Canada Day Parade and in light of the other activities that the Town of Aurora is arranging to celebrate Canada Day 2007, the Leisure Services Advisory Committee recommends that Council of the Town of Aurora forego the Canada Day Parade for 2007; and THAT staff be requested to issue a notice to inform residents of the cancellation of the Canada Day Parade and to advise why this decision was made, as well as to promote the many Canada Day events which will be taking place in Aurora. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT this meeting be extended beyond 10:30 p.m. in order to address the remaining items on the agenda. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the balance of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting minutes from the April 19, 2007 meeting be received and the recommendations contained therein be adopted. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 10 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 General Committee recommends: THAT item 9 be brought forward for consideration at this time. CARRIED 9. PL07-057 – Application for Site Plan Approval Industrial Parkway Medical Dental Centre Inc. 520 Industrial Parkway South Part Lot 76, Con 1 Whitchurch as in WH26502, WH23405 and Part 1, 65R-193 and Part Road Allowance Between Lots 75 and 76, Con 1 Whitchurch as in A29358A, except Part 4, RS129 closed by By-law 1589 And except Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5, 65R-27605 File D11-05-06 General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-057 be received as information and that, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the Town of Aurora to permit the construction of a 2-storey 1,372.12 sq. metre (14,769.86 sq. ft) professional medical office building; and THAT provisions be made to include additional handicapped parking spaces on this site, to be placed appropriately within the site plan. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT item 10 be brought forward for consideration at this time. CARRIED 10. PL07-058 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision MI Developments Inc. Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, E.Y.S. Files D14-03-06 & D12-01-06 General Committee recommends: THAT report PL07-058 respecting files D12-01-06 and D14-03-06 (MI Developments Inc.) be received as information and that staff be instructed to prepare the necessary conditions of draft approval and implementing zoning by-law; and THAT staff be directed to proceed with parkland option 2 - taking 5% cash in lieu (CIL) of parkland for the development. CARRIED Councillor Buck left the meeting at 10:45 p.m. General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 11 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 3. PW07-013 – Award of Tender No. P.W.2007-03 – Wellington Street Sidewalk, Bicycle Path and Illumination General Committee recommends: THAT Tender No. P.W.2007-03 "Wellington Street Sidewalk, Bicycle Path and Illumination”, be awarded to Mopal Construction Limited at its tendered price of $1,146,823.30; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the attached Form of Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Mopal Construction Limited for the Wellington Street Sidewalk, Bicycle Path and Illumination. CARRIED 5. CS07-027 – Administrative Procedure No. 36 – Clothing Policy General Committee recommends: THAT the proposed amendment to Administration Procedure No. 36, Clothing Policy included in this report as Appendix #1 be approved. CARRIED 14. 2007 Communications Plan General Committee recommends: THAT the 2007 Communications Plan be deferred to the next General Committee Meeting on Tuesday, June 5, 2007. CARRIED Councillor Marsh, having previously declared an interest in item 17, did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. 17. PL07-064 – Planning Applications Status List General Committee recommends: THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received for information. CARRIED 19. FS07-020 – Notice of Motion – GTA Pooling (ADDED ITEM) General Committee recommends: THAT this item be referred to the May 22, 2007 Council meeting. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 07-24 Page 12 of 12 Tuesday, May 15, 2007 IX NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION – COUNCILLORS Councillor MacEachern inquired as to the status of the York Regional Police land transfer to which the CAO responded that the closing will take place shortly. Councillor MacEachern then inquired whether the rumours suggesting that the York Regional Police no longer need the land are true, to which the CAO responded that this should be discussed in closed session. X CLOSED SESSION Property Matters General Committee recommends: THAT the Closed Session item regarding property matters be deferred to the next meeting of Council on Tuesday, May 22, 2007. CARRIED XI ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 11:30 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 07-24 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2007, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM 8, WHICH WAS ADOPTED AS AMENDED, AND ITEM 12, WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND ADOPTED AS ORIGINALLY PRESENTED. _______________________________ ________________________________ PHYLLIS M. MORRIS, MAYOR BOB PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK