MINUTES - General Committee - 20070220
NO. 07-12
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Marsh in the Chair; Mayor Morris
Councillors Collins-Mrakas, Gaertner, Granger,
MacEachern, McRoberts and Wilson
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Buck was absent.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of
Public Works, Director of Financial Services/
Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee
Councillor Marsh called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department,
with the following additional item, be approved:
Delegation c – Mr. Paul English, Trillium Consulting
Re: Item 9 – Parking on Trillium Drive
Special General Committee Meeting Minutes, No. 07-09, February 3, 2007
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Special General Committee Meeting minutes 07-09 be adopted.
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General Committee Meeting Minutes, No. 07-10, February 6, 2007
General Committee recommends:
THAT the General Committee Meeting minutes 07-10 be adopted.
Items 1, 2, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 were identified for discussion.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the
General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action
required to give effect to same:
3. FS07-006– Council and Local Board Members Remuneration and Expenses
for 2006
THAT report FS07-006, Council and Local Board Members Remuneration
and Expenses for 2006, be received.
4. PL07-009– Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Removal of (H) Holding Prefix
Preserve Homes Corporation
Part of Lot 21, Concession 2, EYS
65M-3945 and 36M-3946
File D14-02-07
THAT Council enact By-law 4882-07.D to remove the Holding (H) prefix
from the lands described as 65M-3945 and 65M-3946 being Part of Lot
21, Concession 2, EYS to allow the subject lands to be developed for
residential purposes.
5. PL07-012– Application for Minor Site Plan Approval
York Region District School Board
Lester B. Pearson Public School
15 Odin Crescent
Block A, Plan M-87
File D11-01-07
THAT report PL07-012 be received as information.
7. PL07-016– Planning Applications Status List
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information.
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8. PL07-017– Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law
Amendment Applications
York Catholic District School Board
59 Industrial Parkway North, 250, 260, 270, 280, 282,
286, 290, 294 & 298 Wellington Street East
Northeast area of Wellington Street East and
Industrial Parkway North
Files D09-05-06 and D14-14-06
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Official
Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, D09-05-06
and D14-14-06 scheduled for a Public Planning Meeting to be held on
March 28, 2007.
13. CS07-012 – Print Management Analysis Project
THAT the Town engage the services of The More Group to implement
Phase 2 of the Print Management Analysis Project at a proposed cost of
$7,200 plus taxes; and
THAT the amount be funded from the reserve account.
Mayor Morris gave Notice of Motion under the Procedural By-law, section 4.4 (a)
and 4.4 (d) – Conduct of Members.
Councillor MacEachern inquired as to the timing of receiving an update on the
Municipal Act, to which the Town Solicitor responded that it would be coming
forward at the March 20, 2007 General Committee meeting.
Councillor MacEachern requested clarification on the comment in the local paper
regarding the ongoing issue with Aurora Cable Internet, to which the CAO
responded that the Town has done everything it can do to this point and that the
matter is now in the hands of the Ministry of the Environment.
Councillor Gaertner arrived at 7:10 p.m.
(a) Mr. Harold Sellers, Executive Director, Oak Ridges Trail Association
Re: The Moraine For Life Adventure Relay
Mr. Harold Sellers addressed General Committee to provide an overview of the
annual awareness and fundraising event - The Moraine For Life Adventure Relay
and Scavenger Hunt. Mr. Sellers advised that the event will take place on June
16 & 17, 2007 and that the purpose of the event is to:
- educate people about the Oak Ridges Moraine and its end-to-end trail
- encourage the sustainable use and enjoyment of the trail and surrounding
area while exposing more people to the beauty and importance of the region
- promote the trails for healthy physical activity
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Mr. Sellers requested monetary support from the Town of Aurora in the amount
of $3,000 in order to help ensure a successful event and promote Aurora on-line,
in the media and through participant kits.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and
THAT the matter be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee;
THAT the financial request be referred to budget deliberations.
General Committee recommends:
THAT General Committee waive the Procedural By-law to allow Mr. Greg
Baxter 15 minutes for his presentation.
(b) Mr. Greg Baxter, Account Manager, Municipal Relations
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)
Mr. Greg Baxter addressed General Committee to provide an overview on the
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, covering such topics as: the
Ontario Model of Property Assessment, a corporate overview, an overview on
current value assessments, customer service, local activities, future actions and
the Ombudsman’s Report.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
Councillor Wilson arrived at 7:35 p.m.
(c) Mr. Paul English, Trillium Consulting
Re: Item 9 – Parking on Trillium Drive
(Added Item)
Mr. Paul English addressed General Committee to request that the matter
regarding parking on Trillium Drive be referred back to the Traffic Safety Advisory
Committee for further consideration, and that a comprehensive study of the area
be completed before making a decision on the matter, and that the new parking
prohibition signs not be installed until the matter is dealt with by the Traffic Safety
Advisory Committee.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information and that
item 9 be brought forward for discussion.
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9. Memorandum from Director of Public Works
Re: Parking on Trillium Drive
General Committee recommends:
THAT the matter regarding parking on Trillium Drive be referred back to
the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee for further consideration, including a
comprehensive study of the area, referred to in Council’s April 11, 2006
1. LS07-004– Allocation of Machell Park Playing Fields
General Committee recommends:
THAT report LS07-004 be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT General Committee waive the Procedural By-law in order to allow
Mr. Ken Denouden of Joker’s Hill Horse Shows to answer questions.
(d) Mr. Ken Denouden, Joker’s Hill Horse Shows
Re: Item 1 – LS07-004 – Allocation of Machell Park Playing Fields
Mr. Ken Denouden responded to questions from General Committee regarding
the relevance of holding the horse show on the dates in question. Mr. Denouden
indicated that the Aurora Horse Show has been in Aurora for at least 45 years
and that the dates have been set for the past 10 years.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT General Committee waive the Procedural By-law in order to allow
Ms Nina Douvinos of the Aurora Youth Soccer Club to answer questions.
(e) Ms Nina Douvinos, V.P. Houseleague, Aurora Youth Soccer Club
Re: Item 1 – LS07-004 – Allocation of Machell Park Playing Fields
Ms Nina Douvinos responded to questions from General Committee regarding
the situation that the Aurora Youth Soccer Club is facing relating to accessibility
to various fields. Ms Douvinos indicated that, due to the loss of fields at St.
Andrew’s College, Dr. G.W. Williams and at Lester B. Pearson, the club is having
difficulty placing the approximately 3,500 players.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the matter be referred to staff to meet with Joker’s Hill Horse Shows
and the Aurora Youth Soccer Club in an effort to arrive at a workable
solution, including consideration of the option of the horse show being
held on the Magna field, and identifying the hours that the Aurora Youth
Soccer Club requires for the season; and
THAT the Aurora Agricultural Society be given an opportunity to comment.
14. PL07-013 - Release for Registration-Phase 2
Minto Communities (Toronto) Inc.
Part of Lot 23 Concession 2 EYS
File D12-01-4A
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision
Agreement between The Corporation of the Town of Aurora and Minto
Communities (Toronto) Inc. in accordance with the draft approval
conditions dated May 28, 2002, revised July 12, 2005, subject to the
provision of financial payments and securities as set out on Schedules "K"
and "L" of the Agreement substantially in the form attached; and
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents
necessary to give effect to same.
2. LS07-005– Early Approval of Artificial Turf Sports Field Construction,
Reconstruction of Aurora Heights Drive from Yonge
Street to Foreht Crescent, Laurentide Avenue, and
Illingworth Court, and Reconstruction of Machell Park
Parking Lot
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council approve the following projects in advance of final approval
of the remainder of the 2007 Capital Budget:
1) Artificial Turf Sports Field Construction Project at Sheppard’s
Bush; and
2) Reconstruction of Aurora Heights Drive from Yonge Street to
Foreht Crescent, Laurentide Avenue, and Illingworth Court; and
3) Reconstruction of Machell Park Parking Lot; and
THAT staff be directed to report to Council with the results of the tendering
processes for the projects; and
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THAT approval of the artificial sports field is subject to its outcome
not adversely affecting the needs of the Aurora Youth Soccer Club.
6. PL07-014– Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Antonios & Sylvia Petratos
100 Old Yonge Street
Part Lot 84, Concession 1 EYS
File D14-16-06
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By-
law Amendment Application D14-16-06, scheduled for the March 28, 2007
Public Planning Meeting.
10. Motion from Councillor Collins-Mrakas
Re: Ad -hoc Committee to Address the Issue of Graffiti within
the Town of Aurora
General Committee recommends:
WHEREAS, there is considerable community concern regarding graffiti
within the Town of Aurora; and
WHEREAS, citizens of Aurora value their homes and businesses and the
welfare and safety of their children and themselves; and
WHEREAS, graffiti is an on-going issue which may impact businesses,
property values and community safety concerns; and
WHEREAS, graffiti can have a negative impact on the Town’s strategic
economic development initiatives; and
WHEREAS, the protection and enhancement of Aurora’s built and natural
environment are of paramount concern to our community; and
WHEREAS, other municipalities within the GTA have recognized the
importance of implementing graffiti abatement programmes;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that Council forms an ad-hoc committee,
with a six month term, to address specifically the issue of graffiti within
the Town of Aurora, building upon current and past initiatives, working in
partnership with York Regional Police, the Crime Prevention Sub-
Committee of York Regional Police, Town staff, community groups, the
business community and concerned Aurora citizens, to develop
recommendations for a graffiti abatement programme; and
THAT staff assist with the preparation of the terms of reference.
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11. CS07-010 – Proposed Amendments to the Procedural By-law
General Committee recommends:
Special Meetings
THAT section 2.5 be deleted and replaced with:
a) the head of Council may at any time call a special meeting; and
b) upon receipt of a petition of the majority of the members of Council,
the Clerk shall call a special meeting for the purpose and at the
time mentioned in the petition.
General Committee recommends:
Advisory Committee Presentations at General Committee
THAT the Order of Business for General Committee be amended to
recognize and permit a committee representative of each Advisory
Committee to do their presentation:
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
Approval of the Agenda
Adoption of the Minutes
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
Presentations by Committee Representative
Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
New Business/General Information- Councillors
Closed Session
General Committee recommends:
Public Service Announcements
THAT a new section be added in the Order of Business, early in the
agenda, to allow for public announcements such as special events and
grand openings, as follows:
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Approval of the Agenda
Open Forum
Public Service Announcements
Adoption of the Minutes
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items not Requiring Separate Discussion
Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Regional Report
New Business/General Information - Councillors
Reading of By-laws
Closed Session
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General Committee recommends:
Duties of the Chair
THAT the following section be added to the Procedural By-law:
Section 4.2 (j) To inquire with any members of the audience that may be
present at the meeting regarding items on the agenda,
and to entertain a motion of Council or Committee to bring
those items forward for discussion, in numerical order,
earlier in the meeting.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the definition of meeting be added to Section 1 of the Procedural
By-law, as follows:
“Meeting” means any regular, special, committee or other meeting of a
council, of a local board or of a committee of either of them.
General Committee recommends:
Open Forum
THAT Sections 2.7(a) and 3.1 of the Procedural By-law be amended as
2.7 (a) Council shall generally hold its meetings at the Town Hall on
the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
beginning with a 20 minute Open Forum if necessary as
determined by Council, unless Council meets in a Special
meeting called pursuant to the terms of this By-law or unless
Council authorizes holding any meeting at a different
location or date or time and notice thereof has been provided
in accordance with the provisions of this By-law.
3.1 Open Forum shall be considered a part of the formal order of
business of Council. Any ratepayer of the Town of Aurora is
entitled to make a deputation to Council on a matter that is or is not
on the Agenda of Council provided the maximum time allotted is
five minutes for each delegate and the total time of all delegates for
this portion of the Agenda be restricted to twenty minutes.
General Committee recommends:
Open Meetings – Exceptions
That Section 2.8 of the Procedural By-law be amended and renumbered
and that the balance of the section be maintained, as follows:
2.8 (1) Except as provided in this section, all meetings shall be open to
the public.
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(2) A meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if
the subject matter being considered is:
a) the security of the property of the municipality or local
b) personal matters about an identifiable individual,
including municipal or local board employees;
c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land
for municipal or local board;
d) labour relations or employee negotiations;
e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before
administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local
f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including
communications necessary for that purpose; and
g) a matter in respect of which a council, board, committee
or other body has authorized a meeting to be closed
under another Act.
(3) A meeting shall be closed to the public if the subject matter
relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act if the
Council, Board, Commission or other body is the head of an
institution for the purposes of that Act.
(4) Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be
closed to the public, a municipality or local board or
committee of either of them shall state by resolution,
a) the fact of the holding of the closed meeting; and
b) the general nature of the matter to be considered at the
closed meeting.
(5) Subject to subsection (6) a meeting shall not be closed to the
public during the taking of a vote.
(6) A meeting may be closed to the public during a vote if,
subsection (2) or (3) permits or requires the meeting to be
closed to the public; and
the vote is for a procedural matter or for giving directions or
instructions to officers, employees or agents of the
municipality, local board or committee of either of them or
persons retained by or under a contract with the municipality
or local board.
(7) Formal minutes will be taken at all closed session meetings
of Council or its committees or its local boards and such
minutes will be under the care and control of the Town Clerk
and not made public.
(8) As part of Council’s or its Committees’ closed session
deliberations, a determination will be made by Council or
Committee members as to when the matter(s) will be ratified
publicly by Council or its Committees to the extent that the
public interest permits. At no time will Committees report
publicly, since closed session deliberations must only be
reported to General Committee.
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(9) All information, documentation or deliberations received,
reviewed or provided in a closed session meeting is
confidential. Members of Council shall not release,
reproduce, copy or make public any information or material
considered at a closed session meeting, or discuss the
content of such a meeting with persons other than members
of Council or relevant staff members, prior to it being
reported in public by Council.
(10) While in closed session, members of Council will determine
how and when information concerning the matters dealt with
shall be reported out publicly. By way of examples, matters
dealt with in closed session can either be ratified in open
Council immediately after the closed session or at a future
scheduled Council meeting.
(12) The agenda or any other support items for consideration by
Council or its committees in closed session shall not be
released to the public in advance of the closed session
meeting or prior to the time agreed upon for public ratification
by Council.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 2.8 (11) be referred to staff for a report.
General Committee recommends:
New Business/General Information – Councillors
THAT Section 3.2 – Order of Business for Council be amended as follows:
Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
Approval of the Agenda
Open Forum
Adoption of the Minutes
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items not Requiring Separate Discussion
Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Regional Report
New Business/General Information - Councillors
Reading of By-laws
Closed Session
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THAT Section 13.2 – Order of Business for General Committee be
amended as follows:
Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
Approval of the Agenda
Adoption of the Minutes
Determination of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
Adoption of Items Not Requiring Separate Discussion
Consideration of Items Requiring Separate Discussion
New Business/General Information- Councillors
Closed Session
General Committee recommends:
Reading of By-laws
THAT the section regarding Reading of By-laws within the Procedural By-
law not be amended and therefore, that the reading of the by-laws remain
as 1st, 2nd and 3rd readings at the end of the meeting.
General Committee recommends:
Calling an Item for Discussion
THAT Section 3.3 be repealed.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 3.10(f) of the Procedural By-law be repealed.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 3.15 be amended to reflect that all resolutions from other
municipalities be added to the agenda.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 3.15 be amended to read as follows:
THAT a binder with copies of all AMO resolutions, which come from other
municipalities, will be placed in a binder at the reception desk on the 1st
floor; and
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THAT staff continue to circulate copies of all resolutions to Councillors via
e-mail; and
THAT any resolutions from municipalities within York Region be placed on
a Council agenda for direction.
General Committee recommends:
THAT this meeting be extended past 10:30 p.m. in order address the
remaining items on the agenda.
General Committee recommends:
Duties of the Chair
THAT Section 4.2 of the Procedural By-law not be amended.
General Committee recommends:
Deputy Mayor
THAT Section 4.3 of the Procedural By-law be amended as follows:
4.3 The Council shall appoint by By-law the Member who received the
highest number of votes to be elected to act in the place and stead of
the Mayor when the Mayor is absent from the municipality, or is
absent through illness, or refuses to act, or his the office is vacant.
Such appointee shall be known as the Deputy Mayor and shall have
all of the duties, rights, powers and authority of the Mayor during
such absence, refusal to act, or vacancy of office.
General Committee recommends:
Ad Hoc and Advisory Committee Membership
THAT Sections 17.3 and 26.2 of the Procedural By-law be amended as
17.3 Council Members who are not Committee Members shall be
entitled to attend all Ad Hoc Committee meetings, including any
in-camera portion of the meeting and shall be entitled to speak at
the invitation of the Chair, but shall not be entitled to vote.
26.2 Council Members who are not Committee Members shall be
entitled to attend all Advisory Committee meetings, including any
in-camera portion of the meeting, and shall be entitled to speak
at the invitation of the Chair, but shall not be entitled to vote.
This privilege shall not be extended to Statutory Committees or
Boards such as the Committee of Adjustment, or the Library
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General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 18.2 of the Procedural By-law be amended as follows:
18.2 In the absence of the person appointed by Council as Chair, the
Committee Members shall elect one of their members as Chair for
the purposes of that meeting.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 44 of the Procedural By-law be repealed.
General Committee recommends:
Open Meetings - Exceptions
THAT a new section 2.9 be added to the Procedural By-law as follows:
2.9 (a) A meeting of Council or local board or of a committee of either of
them may be closed to the public if the following conditions are
both satisfied:
(1) the meeting is held for the purposes of educating or training the
(2) at the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with
any matter in a way that materially advances the business or
decision making of the Council, local board or committee.
General Committee recommends:
THAT a new section be added to the Procedural By-law as follows:
A meeting may be held outside of the Town within an adjacent
General Committee recommends:
THAT Section 3.11 of the Procedural By-law be amended as follows:
Section 3.11 (c) Members of Council may direct that correspondence,
letters or resolutions be placed on an agenda, but not
as an added item to an agenda that has already been
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12. CS07-011 – Temporary Sign By-law
General Committee recommends:
THAT report CS07-011 be deferred in order to allow the Town Solicitor to
provide additional details.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:50 p.m.
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