MINUTES - General Committee - 20060919
NO. 06-15
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Hogg in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Buck, Gaertner, Kean, Morris, Vrancic
and Wallace.
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor West was absent.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Manager of Policy Planning,
Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Town
Solicitor and Council/Committee Secretary.
Councillor Hogg called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Vrancic declared an interest in Item 14 regarding Report PL06-069, by
virtue of a solicitor/client relationship and did not take part in or vote on any
questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
Mayor Jones declared an interest in Item 15 - Report PL06-105 by virtue of his
residence in the vicinity of the subject land and did not take part in or vote on any
questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
General Committee recommends:
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department, with the following additional items, be approved:
Delegation Request from Ms Carolin Grandin
Re: Item 21 - FS06-027 - Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Funds
Recirculation of Report EAC06-08, September 11, 2006
Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting
Memo from the Director of Leisure Services
Re: Revised Recommendation for Item 22 - LS06-042 – Alternative
Uses of the Former Hydro Building at 215 Industrial Parkway
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
General Committee Report of September 5, 2006, Meeting Number 06-14
General Committee recommends:
THAT the General Committee Report of Meeting Number 06-14 be
adopted as printed and circulated.
Items 3(3), 3(4), 3(7), 3(8), 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22 and 23 were
identified for discussion.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the
General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action
required to give effect to same:
1. FAC06-02 – August 22, 2006 Finance Advisory Committee
No Quorum Report
1. Committee Record
THAT the August 22, 2006 Finance Advisory Committee no quorum report
be received for information.
2. AHC06-08 – August 21, 2006 Heritage Advisory Committee Meeting
1. THAT the Committee Record of the Heritage Advisory Committee of
Aurora Meeting held on August 21, 2006 be received for information and
the following recommendations of Heritage Advisory Committee of Aurora
be endorsed:
2. 260 Wellington St. – Demolition Application
THAT the owner be requested to make the building available for
relocation, or for salvage, at no cost to the Town, for the Heritage Advisory
Committee of Aurora Architectural Salvage Program; and
THAT the owner be requested to advertise the availability of remaining
components to the general public; and
THAT the owner be requested to provide an interpretive plaque and/or a
historically significant feature documenting the history of the building.
3. 13777, 13795, 13815 Yonge St. & 74 Old Bloomington Rd – Draft Plan of
THAT the owner be requested to secure the services of a qualified
engineer and experienced mover of heritage buildings to determine if the
building can be moved.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
4. 15356 Yonge St. – Site Plan Application
THAT the Heritage Advisory Committee has no objections for site plan
approval File D11-13-06 for 15356 Yonge Street; and
THAT the Community Planner be delegated authority for review,
commentary and approval of detailed architectural elevations with respect
to the proposal; and
THAT the owner be thanked for their commitment to preserve the existing
heritage resource and to maintain the character of the neighbourhood.
5. 15032 Yonge St. – Site Plan Application
THAT the application for site-plan control for improvements to Elmwood
Lodge, 15032 Yonge Street be endorsed; and
THAT the Site Plan Agreement include reference to any outstanding
requirements as noted in the recommendation of the Heritage Advisory
Committee from September 2005; and
THAT authority for endorsement of any additional works associated with
the subject application, on behalf of the Heritage Advisory Committee, are
to be delegated to the Community Planner; and
THAT the owners be commended for their commitment to the preservation
of this important Aurora landmark.
6. 14425 Bayview Ave. – Zoning By-law & Draft Plan of Subdivision
THAT the information concerning the applications for Zoning By-law
Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision for 14425 Bayview Avenue be
received; and
THAT the draft conditions recommended by the Community Planner be
supported; and
THAT the designation of the heritage building at 14425 Bayview Avenue
under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act be supported; and
THAT the applicant be commended for their efforts to preserve a
significant Aurora Heritage Building.
7. 58 Wellington St. E. – Proposed Alterations
THAT the renovation approach for the heritage building at 58 Wellington
Street East, with suggested modification as described in the memorandum
from the Community Planner dated June 19, 2006, be supported; and
THAT final approval of the details of the rehabilitation program for the
property at 58 Wellington Street East, is to be delegated to the Community
8. Hillary House – Restoration Plans
THAT the memorandum from the Community Planner regarding the Hillary
House Barn, 15372 Yonge Street, Restoration Plans, be received for
9. Hartman House – Demolition
THAT the verbal update from the Community Planner regarding the
demolition of the Hartman House, be received for information.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
10. 138 Temperance St. – Proposed Renovation
THAT the information from the Community Planner regarding the
proposed renovation at 138 Temperance Street be received for
11. 52 Spruce St. – Updated Elevations
THAT the information regarding updated elevations for 52 Spruce Street
be received for information.
12. 50 Mill St. – Proposed Veranda
THAT the information regarding the proposed veranda at 50 Mill Street be
received for information.
13. 29 Victoria St. – Proposed Alterations
THAT the information regarding proposed alterations at 29 Victoria Street
be received for information.
14. 98 Wellington St. E. – Proposed Veranda
THAT the information regarding the proposed veranda at 98 Wellington
Street East be received as information.
15. Ontario Heritage Act Amendments
THAT the information regarding new amendments to the Ontario Heritage
Act be received for information.
16. Heritage Advisory Committee Member – Ms. Margaret Brevik
THAT the notice of the passing of Heritage Advisory Committee Member,
Margaret Brevik, be received as information; and
THAT the naming of a room in the new Aurora Heritage Museum after
Margaret Brevik, in her memory, is supported.
4. AAC06-06– August 31, 2006 Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting
1. THAT the Committee Record of the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Meeting 06-06 held on August 31, 2006 be received as information and
the following recommendations of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be
2. Accessibility Plan 2006 – Project Updates
THAT the Accessibility Plan 2006 – Project Updates be adopted as
3. Correspondence from the Region of York
AODA Standards Update
THAT the correspondence from the Region of York regarding the AODA
Standards Update be received for information.
4. Accessibility Advisory Committee Website
THAT the information regarding the Accessibility Advisory Committee
Website be received for information; and
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
THAT Committee Members be requested to investigate other municipal
websites of this nature, for content or applications which could be
beneficial for the Town of Aurora Website, and forward any suggestions
or comments to the Director of Corporate Services.
5. Copy of Correspondence to the Real Canadian Superstore regarding
Accessibility to Medical Clinic
THAT the correspondence to the Real Canadian Superstore regarding
Accessibility to Medical Clinic be endorsed by the Accessibility Advisory
6. City of Vaughan - Invitation to the Regional Accessibility Advisory
Committees Breakfast Meeting – September 25, 2006
THAT the invitation to the Regional Accessibility Advisory Committees
Breakfast Meeting on September 25, 2006 be received as information;
THAT John Lenchak and Catherine Couchman attend the Breakfast
Meeting on behalf of the Committee.
7. Correspondence from Carrie Eastwood - ADAPT Services
THAT the correspondence from Carrie Eastwood regarding ADAPT
Services be received as information.
7. PW06-049 – Funding For the Replacement of Fuel Pumps and
Fuel Management System
THAT Council approve and allocate the necessary funding to proceed with
the replacement of the fuel pumps and fuel management system at the
Works Yard, 9 Scanlon Court, as described in Report PW06-049 and
more particularly that an additional $30,000 for this project be provided
from the Equipment Reserve Fund; and
THAT staff be requested to report further on the award of a contract to
upgrade the Town’s fuel dispensing and management systems; and
THAT staff report further on the cost and benefits of using dyed-diesel fuel
for non-licensed equipment.
8. PW06-050 – Request to Transfer Ownership of a Section of
Town of Aurora Watermain to the Region of York
THAT Council approve the assumption by the Region of York of a section
of the Town of Aurora’s watermain network on Orchard Heights Boulevard
and Bathurst Street as detailed in Report PW06-050; and
THAT the Regional Municipality of York be advised of Council’s decision.
9. FS06-028 – Benefits of the LAS GASAMO Natural Gas Program
THAT Report FS06-028, “Benefits of the LAS GASAMO Natural Gas
Program” be received for information; and
THAT Financial Services be authorized to begin the process to implement
the program for the Town of Aurora, and
THAT the initial setup fee of $499.00 come from the Municipal Purposes,
Operating Contingencies Budget.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
16. PL06-112 – Official Plan Amendment (OPA), Zoning By-law
Amendment (ZBA) and Site Plan Applications
Ev-Taz Development Ltd.
217 Earl Stewart Drive
Lot 4, 65M Lot 82, Concession 1, Part 6, Plan 65R-14423
Files D09-15-03, D14-34-03 and D11-17-06
THAT Council enact By-law 4853-06.D, being a By-law to adopt Official
Plan Amendment #67; and
THAT Implementing Zoning By-law 4854-06.D be enacted; and
THAT, subject to a satisfactory review by the Site Plan Committee, the
Director of Planning and Development Services be authorized to execute
a site plan agreement between the owner and the Town of Aurora,
respecting the construction of a commercial development on the subject
17. PL06-113 – Servicing Allocation Matrix
THAT the attached matrix for the Allocation of Servicing Capacity,
Appendix 1, be adopted by Council to be used to determine applications
that may be considered for allocation; and
THAT the timeframe for the next review of the matrix be extended from 3
to 6 months, based on the municipal election timing.
18. PL06-114 – Application for Site Plan Approval
1671923 Ontario Limited
235 Industrial Parkway South
Lot 61, RCP 10328
File D11-18-06
THAT Report PL06-114 be received as information and that, subject to the
resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and
securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development
Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the Owner and the
Town of Aurora to permit the construction of a 4,872 sq. metre (52,443.49
sq. ft) multi-unit office/ industrial condominium building.
19. PL06-115 – Planning Applications Status List
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information.
20. PW06-051 – Maintenance Flushing of Sanitary and Storm Sewers
THAT Council authorize the payment of additional funds in the amount of
$36,394.33 associated with Tender Award No. PW-2006-11, Maintenance
Flushing of Sanitary and Storm Sewers to D. M. Robichaud as detailed in
Report PW06-051; and
THAT such additional funds be obtained from the Water & Sewer Reserve
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
24. CS06-012 – Amendment to Administration Procedure No. 23 Code of Conduct
THAT Report CS06-012 to provide for a revised Code of Conduct policy
for all Town employees be received; and
THAT the revised Administration Procedure No. 23 attached as Appendix
#1 be approved.
25. CS06-031 – Council Pending List - Status Report
THAT Report CS06-031 be received for information purposes.
Councillor Kean inquired about the completion date for the reconstruction on
Yonge Street near Industrial Parkway. The CAO advised that the Director of
Public Works will follow up on that inquiry.
Councillor Morris provided Notice of Motion regarding the Ann Bartley Smith
Lands, to be presented for consideration at the September 26, 2006 Council
a) Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj of the United Way - York Region
Re: 2006 United Way Campaign Update
Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj of the United Way - York Region, provided an update of the
new directions, initiatives and goals of the United Way - York Region for the
upcoming year. Mr. Bhardwaj concluded by requesting that Council proclaim the
month of October 2006 as “United Way Month” in the Town of Aurora and that
during this month United Way posters and signs be permitted throughout Aurora
and that the United Way flag be flown at the Town Hall.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and
THAT the Town of Aurora Proclaims the month of October 2006 as
“United Way Month in the Town of Aurora” and urges all citizens to
recognize and support the mission of the United Way of York Region; and
THAT during “United Way Month in the Town of Aurora”:
i) permit the posting of United Way posters and signs in the Town of
Aurora facilities; and
ii) fly the United Way flag at the Town Hall during United Way month for
the duration of the Town of Aurora United Way campaign.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
b) Delegation Request from Ms Carolin Grandin
Re: Item 21 - FS06-027 - Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Funds
Ms Carolin Grandin appeared before the Committee to discuss the future of the
lands located on the north side of Henderson Drive, adjacent to the Case
Woodlot, bordered by McClenny Drive, Willis Drive and Watts Meadow. Ms
Grandin advised that she represents approximately 80 households in that area
and she expressed their concern regarding the news that the owner of those
lands is intending to sell the property, thereby endangering the beauty of the
natural setting and pond as well as the wildlife currently living on the subject
lands. Ms Grandin provided a petition from the residents in that area, requesting
that the Town of Aurora use a portion of the interest from the Hydro Proceeds to
purchase those lands to preserve and protect their natural state.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and that Item 21 be
brought forward for consideration at this time.
21. FS06-027 – Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Funds
General Committee recommends:
THAT 90% of the balance in the Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Fund
remain in the fund and that the balance of the earned interest from the
prior year be utilized for new initiatives identified in the Municipalities
Strategic Plan; and
THAT proposed Strategic Plan Initiatives be budgeted as separate
projects for separate consideration and, should all the funds from the
current year not be used, that they be carried forward to the next budget
year; and
THAT, should Council wish to use any of the principal from the
Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Fund, proper public notice must be
provided at least 30 days in advance before the matter is discussed
at open Council; and
THAT Council establish a Council Discretionary Reserve Fund in the
amount of 10% of the Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Fund; and
THAT the funds in the Council Discretionary Reserve Fund will be
expended at the discretion of Council; and
THAT Council determine the terms and conditions of the use of the
Council Discretionary Reserve Fund and that these be reviewed at the
beginning of each new term of Council; and
THAT, should Council wish to use any of the principal from the Council
Discretionary Reserve Fund, proper public notice must be provided at
least 30 days in advance before the matter is discussed at open Council;
THAT any donations or expenditures from the Council Discretionary
Reserve Fund must recognize in program or project advertising that the
contribution was made from proceeds from the sale of Aurora Hydro; and
THAT funds be allocated to the appropriate Reserves at year-end once
the fund balance has been determined; and
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
THAT Council amend the Council resolution of the June 28, 2005, to
add the following at the end of section 8(c) after the word “entirety”;
“Providing that, in the event that the entire Council is not
present for three consecutive meetings, the requirement for
100% of members needed to attend be reduced by 1 member
of Council.”
AMENDMENT - General Committee considered the following amendment
which was defeated:
THAT the first paragraph of the motion be amended to include the
following wording:
“and infrastructure, repairs and replacements identified by Council”
The main recommendations were CARRIED AS AMENDED.
Mayor Jones, having previously declared an interest in Item 15, did not take part in the
vote called for in this regard.
15. PL06-105 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-Law and
Draft Plan of Subdivision
Brookvalley Developments (Aurora)
14425 Bayview Avenue, Aurora
Part of Lot 15, Concession 2, E.Y.S
Files D14-06-05 & D12-05-02A
General Committee recommends:
THAT Report PL06-105 respecting files D14-06-05 and D12-05-2A
(Brookvalley Developments) be received as information and staff be
instructed to prepare conditions of draft approval.
3. EAC06-08 – September 11, 2006 Environmental Advisory Committee
General Committee recommends:
3. Report from Richard Wizemann
Planning for Tomorrow – Crucial Directions for Moving York (People
and Goods) York Region’s Sustainable Transportation Symposium
THAT the Planning for Tomorrow – Crucial Directions for Moving York
(People and Goods) York Region’s Sustainable Transportation
Symposium be received for information; and
THAT Richard Wizemann be requested to attend future seminars
pertaining the “Planning for Tomorrow – Transportation Master Plan” on
behalf of the Environmental Advisory Committee.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
General Committee recommends:
4. By-law/Policy/Planning Working Group – Pesticide By-law Report
a) Pesticide Report considered at the July 24, 2006 EAC
b) Copy of the Town of Newmarket Pesticide By-law
c) Replacement Agenda pages: 22, 23 and 31
d) Letter from Councillor Joe Mihevc (NEW ITEM)
e) City of Peterborough By-law 05-077 as amended by 06-056 –
Pesticide By-law (NEW ITEM)
THAT the recommendations from the Environmental Advisory
Committee regarding the By-law/Policy/Planning Working Group –
Pesticide By-law Report be received and referred to staff for a report;
THAT a public meeting be held inviting input from the public and golf
course operators.
General Committee recommends:
7. Verbal Update - Tannery Creek
THAT the verbal report from the Director of Public Works be formalized in
writing to be presented to Council; and
THAT the memo provided by the Director of Public Works on the
September 19, 2006 General Committee agenda - Item 5 be received
for information; and
THAT the Director of Public Works be requested to report back to
Council as soon as a response has been received from the Ministry
of the Environment, incorporating the additional comments from the
public which will be provided by Councillor Morris, and continue to
provide further updates to Council on this matter.
General Committee recommends:
8. Naturalization/Wildlife
THAT the verbal report from David Tomlinson be referred to the Public
Awareness/Education working group to be included in future newspaper
articles outlining the success of the Naturalization/Wildlife Working Group
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
General Committee recommends:
1. THAT the balance of the Committee Record of the Environmental
Advisory Committee meeting, held September 11, 2006 be received for
information and Council endorse the following recommendations of the
Environmental Advisory Committee:
2. THAT Meeting Record No. 06-07 dated Monday, July 24, 2006 be
adopted as printed and circulated by Corporate Services.
5. Sustainable Green Community Policy
THAT, in keeping with Goals B and C of the Strategic Plan, the
Environmental Advisory Committee adopt in principle and recommend to
Council, minimum thresholds for the performance of a variety of features
of both site and building design with the goal to promote better
environmental sustainability of development for Aurora; and
THAT Council request staff to report on the development of a sustainable
Green Community Policy for the Town of Aurora using the report “Making
a Sustainable City Happen: The Toronto Green Development Standard
2006” as a model; and
THAT such report be submitted to the new Environmental Advisory
Committee or in their absence, Council, by June 2007.
6. EAC Budget Balance
THAT the following funds be utilized for the upcoming special events from
the Environmental Advisory Committee budget for the balance of 2006:
Promotional material $750.00
Operational costs $625.00
Seminar costs $850.00; and
THAT any surplus funds be utilized to purchase anti-idling signs in 2006;
THAT Council be requested to allocate $10,000 in the 2007 Budget for the
Environmental Advisory Committee.
9. Public Awareness/Education
THAT the following list of upcoming events be received for information:
Submit entries to auroraeac@hotmail.com
Local Eco-Heroes
Ongoing - Fall (watch this space for Contest Deadlines)
Enter by midnight,
Sunday, October 1st
Aurora's Most Cluttered Bathroom Contest
Monday, Sept 18, 2006
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #5
Subject: Hike the Aurora Arboretum
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Saturday, Sept. 23, 2006
10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Tannery Creek running north and south through Fleury and Machell
Park area.
Meeting place: Aurora Community Centre parking lot south side of
Aurora Heights Blvd.
Fall Shoreline Cleanup (joining into TD Trust event)
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2006
At donated property
Dedication Event (assisting Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust)
Saturday, Oct 21, 2006
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
York Region Waste Management Centre,
100 Garfield Wright Blvd., East Gwillimbury
Re-use Event, York Region Re-usable Goods Collection Program
Saturday, Oct 28, 2006 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm
Aurora Great Curbside Giveaway
Sunday, Oct 29, 2006
Arboretum Valley
Community Planting of Maple Keys
Raindate: Sunday, Nov 5, 2006
Monday, Nov 20, 2006
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #6
Subject: Backyard Birds
Feb 2007
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #7
Subject: TBA (Garden start – Horticultural Society?)
Monday, Mar 19, 2007
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #8
Subject: TBA (Build bird and butterfly boxes?)
Monday, Apr 16, 2007
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Event #9
Subject: TBA (Put up bird and butterfly boxes?)
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Raindate: Sunday, April 29, 2007
Morning to Afternoon litter pick up; BBQ after
Spring Anti-Litter Day & Poster Contest
Saturday, April 28, 2007 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm
Aurora Great Curbside Giveaway
Monday, May TBA, 2007
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #10
Subject: TBA
Monday, June 18, 2007
West-McKenzie Room, new Seniors' Centre, 5 Municipal Dr
Get Eco Fit Seminar #11
Subject: TBA
Saturday, June 30, 2007 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 pm
Aurora Great Curbside Giveaway
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
10. Region of York
Resolution – Household Hazardous Waste/Household Special Waste
THAT Council endorse the following resolution:
WHEREAS ensuring the proper disposal of Household Hazardous
Waste/Household Special Waste (HHW/HSW) is a public health
and safety issue;
AND WHEREAS municipalities have a vested interest in the
operation of an effective HHW/HSW management system in the
Province of Ontario;
AND WHEREAS the Honourable Laurel Broten, Minister of the
Environment announced on April 20, 2006 that she will be
designating HHW/HSW under the Waste Diversion Act, 2002 in the
near future;
AND WHEREAS the Waste Diversion Act, 2002 requires Waste
Diversion Ontario to develop waste diversion programs for
designated wastes;
AND WHEREAS wastes currently designated for diversion include
only (i) blue box waste, (ii) used oil, (iii) used tires and (iv) electrical
and electronic equipment;
AND WHEREAS the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario/Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators
(AMO/AMRC) has developed a position paper on the management
of this waste entitled “AMO and AMRC Proposal for a Provincial
Household Hazardous Waste and Special Waste Strategy”;
AND WHEREAS AMO believes that in order for the Province to
meet its goals of designating HHW/HSW, it must provide clear
direction in respect of the following:
1. Recognition that HHW/HSW is a public health and safety
issue and that municipalities have a vested interest in an
effective HHW/HSW management system as it transcends
all environmental boundaries due to its potential impacts on
air, soil, municipal landfills, water, storm drains, sanitary
sewers and waste water treatment facilities;
2. Recognition that the principles of Extended Producer
Responsibility (EPR) and Design for the Environment (DfE)
places the responsibility for product residuals and packaging
on industry;
3. Industry funding to operate, maintain and expand, as
needed, HHW/HSW collection infrastructure and public
education programs;
4. Utilize the CSA HHW standard and specify a short list of
HSW that includes latex paints and coatings, oil containers,
oil filters, propylene glycol, alkaline batteries and
pharmaceuticals, and to further stage in residential
generated used motor oil as part of the overall program;
5. Recognize that the current municipal level of service offered
across Ontario is varied and that it cannot be reduced but
must be improved to an acceptable standardized provincial
level of service to be determined in association with
municipalities and industry;
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
6. Require industry to fund and establish HHW/HSW related
research that provides scientific and verifiable data that can
be used to further enhance the system for uniform program
delivery for all residents across Ontario;
7. Support industry in its efforts for reduction, reuse and
reformulation initiatives via eco-labelling, procurement,
outreach and education programs;
8. Empower Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) by ensuring that it
has sustainable funding, full authority to develop an
HHW/HSW program and the necessary policy and approval
support from the Minister of the Environment.
AND WHEREAS the AMO Executive has approved this position
paper in principle and requests its support by municipalities in
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council support in
principle this position paper prepared by the AMO/AMRC Waste
Management Task Force and seek the endorsement of this
resolution by the local municipalities;
AND FURTHER that this resolution be forwarded by the Regional
Clerk to the local municipalities for consideration and endorsement
and to AMO.
11. PW06-048 – Joint Municipal Waste Diversion Strategy
(Referred to EAC from September 5, 2006 General Committee)
THAT Report PW06-048 – Joint Municipal Waste Diversion Strategy be
received for information.
12. PW06-046 – Northern 6 Municipalities Joint Waste Collection
Contract – Results of Request for Proposals
(Referred to EAC from September 5, 2006 General Committee)
THAT PW06-046 – Northern 6 Municipalities Joint Waste Collection
Contract – Results of Request for Proposals be received for information.
13. Extract from July 11, 2006 Council
Correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Support
for the AMO Position on Improving the Efficiency of the Blue Box
Correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Support
of the Best Practice Team Project – Best Practices in Blue Box Activities
THAT the correspondence from the Association of Municipalities of
Ontario - Support for the AMO Position on Improving the Efficiency of the
Blue Box and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Support of the
Best Practice Team Project – Best Practices in Blue Box Activities be
received for information.
14. Town of East Gwillimbury - Waste Diversion Reminders
THAT the information from the Town of East Gwillimbury - Waste
Diversion Reminders be received for information.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
15. Pollution Prevention Workshop Information
THAT the Pollution Prevention Workshop Information be received for
16. Notice of Motion from Councillor Morris (NEW ITEM)
Citizen Initiative to Conserve Energy and Control Escalating Energy Costs
THAT the resolution from Councillor Morris regarding the Citizen Initiative
to Conserve Energy and Control Escalating Energy Costs be received and
endorsed; and
THAT this recommendation be presented at the September 12, 2006
Council meeting for consideration.
17 Correspondence from the World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF)
Support of Resolution from Councillor Morris
THAT the correspondence from the World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF)
Support of Resolution from Councillor Morris be received and referred to
Council with the endorsement of the Citizen Initiative to Conserve Energy
and Control Escalating Energy Costs; and
THAT this recommendation be presented at the September 12, 2006
Council meeting for consideration.
5. Memorandum from the Director of Public Works
Re: Tannery Creek - Elevated Metal Concentration in Sediment
General Committee recommends:
THAT the memorandum from the Director of Public Works regarding
Tannery Creek - Elevated Metal Concentration in Sediment, be received
for information; and
THAT the Director of Public Works be requested to inform and
continue to update the next term of Council on this matter.
6. BA06-012 – Building Administration Operational Review
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council authorize a contract with CN Watson and Associates Ltd. to
complete a Building Administration Operational Review for the purpose of
streamlining the process to meet legislative timeframes for building
permits; and
THAT this be done at an upset limit of $15,000; and
THAT the Operational Review be funded through the 2006 Building
Administration Operating Budget.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
23. Correspondence from Councillor Buck
Re: Attendance Record
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Council attendance report be presented to the next Council
13. LS06-041 – York Region Neighbourhood Services Inc.
General Committee recommends:
Option #4: Rental payment in the amount of $26,000 be received. Staff
will then receive applications from the York Region
Neighbourhood Services Inc. to expand the existing facilities
at the Jack Woods property.
General Committee recommends:
THAT staff bring back a report on possible ramifications of declaring
the property as surplus; and
THAT staff be directed to begin the process of terminating the
existing agreement between York Region Neighbourhood Services
Inc. and the Town of Aurora; and
THAT the Solicitor be directed to commence legal proceedings to
recover the funds owed to the Town.
Councillor Vrancic, having previously declared an interest in Item 14, did not take part in
the vote called for in this regard.
14. PL06-069 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Lips, Stefan and Mary
219 Old Yonge Street
Part of Lot 4, Registered Plan 461
File D14-06-02
General Committee recommends:
THAT Implementing Zoning By-law 4844-06.D to allow the development of
seven (7) unit block townhouses on lands known municipally as 219 Old
Yonge Street (Stefan and Mary Lips - File D14-06-02) be enacted.
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Tuesday, September 19, 2006
11. LS06-038 – Recommendation for Concession and Snack Food
Vending at the New Aurora Recreation Complex
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council approve the recommendation to proceed with an
agreement with Recreation Leisure Services for Concession and Snack
Food Vending Services at the new Aurora Recreation Complex until July
31, 2007; and
THAT Council approve funding from the Operating Budget as indicated in
Report LS06-038.
22. LS06-042 – Alternative Uses of the Former Hydro Building at 215 Industrial
Parkway South
General Committee recommends:
THAT the property be used for Municipal purposes; and
THAT staff report back on specific issues related to the preferred option.
10. FS06-029 – Frank Stronach Donation
General Committee recommends:
THAT Mr. Stronach’s donation of $2,000,000 be accepted with gratitude
and that the funds be applied to the Capital Obligations for the Multi-
Purpose Recreational Facility, and
THAT negotiations for appropriate recognition for Mr. Stronach’s donation
proceed in accordance with the Facility Naming Rights Policy; and
THAT funds be borrowed from the Town of Aurora’s Reserve Funds to
pay project expenses and that these funds be replenished from the annual
contribution from Mr. Stronach; and
THAT interest be paid to the Reserve Funds for these borrowings at the
appropriate market rate for Reserve Investments and that this expense be
included in the Leisure Services Operating Budget; and
THAT the details of the draft agreement be presented to Council in
Closed Session.
General Committee Report No. 06-15 Page 18 of 18
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
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