MINUTES - General Committee - 20060905 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 06-14 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, September 5, 2006 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Wallace in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Gaertner, Hogg, Kean and Morris. MEMBERS ABSENT Councillors West and Vrancic were absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Wallace called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  New Delegation c) – Mr. Glyn Jones Re: Item 21 - PL06-086- Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Implementing Zoning By-law Mattamy (Aurora) Limited Formerly Quaker Lundy Farms Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 EYS Files D12-00-8A and D14-23-00  Revised Recommendation For Item 1 - ADM06-014 – Funding of Regional Cancer Centre, Southlake Regional Health Centre  Memo from the CAO Re: Request that Item 1 - ADM06-014 be deferred to the first General Committee meeting in January, 2007 General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 2 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006  New Item 25 - Letter from Mr. John Mascarin of Aird & Berlis LLP Re: Item 21 - PL06-086- Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Implementing Zoning By-law Mattamy (Aurora) Limited Formerly Quaker Lundy Farms Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 EYS Files D12-00-8A and D14-23-00  New Item 26 - Memo from the Director of Public Works Re: Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan CARRIED III ADOPTION OF MINUTES General Committee Report of May 9, 2006, Meeting Number 06-12 and Special General Committee Report of June 27, 2006, Meeting Number 06-13 General Committee recommends: THAT the General Committee Report of Meeting Number 06-12 and Special General Committee Report of Meeting Number 06-13 be adopted as printed and circulated. CARRIED IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24 and 26 were identified for discussion. V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 9. BA06-011 – Request for Variance to Sign By-law 4622-04P 1472 Wellington Street East – Imperial Oil Ltd THAT Council approve the proposed signage for the west elevation of the convenience store to permit; a) The “On The Wall” sign to extend beyond the extremities of the wall; b) A second wall sign to advertise the Higgins and Burke self serve coffee counter located within the store; and c) An increase in total sign area from 19.87 square metres to 20.26 square metres; and THAT Council approve the proposed signage for the Car Wash to permit; a) The “Touchless Car Wash” sign on the south elevation to extend beyond the extremities of the wall with an increase in total sign area from 11.69 square metres to 12.87 square metres; and b) A second wall sign on the west elevation at the car wash entrance providing information to users. General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 3 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 12. PL06-108 – Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control Royalcliff Homes Inc. 65M-3850 – Blocks 37 to 45 and 47 Barr Crescent, Zokol Drive and Martell Gate File D12-PLC-02-06 THAT Council approve the request for exemption from Part Lot Control made by Royalcliff Homes Inc. to divide the following Blocks on Registered Plan 65M-3850 into separate lots; and THAT Council enact By-law 4841-06.D. 13. PL06-109 – Site Plan Application Geotech Ltd. Block 9, Plan 65M-2718 229 Industrial Parkway North File D11-16-06 THAT, subject to a satisfactory review by the Site Plan Review Committee, the Director of Planning and Development Services be authorized to execute a Site Plan Agreement between Geotech Ltd. and the Town of Aurora respecting the development of an industrial building on the subject lands (File D11-16-06). 14. PW06-035 – Machell Avenue – Regional Watermain Construction and Reconstruction of Machell Avenue THAT Council approve the advancement of the reconstruction of Machell Avenue from 2010 to 2007 to coincide with the planned construction of a Regional watermain along Machell Avenue; and THAT Council authorize staff to engage a consultant for the design of the reconstruction of Machell Avenue as soon as possible; and THAT Council authorize the expenditure of funds in the amount of $630,000 for this project, comprised of $300,000 from the Municipal Capital Reserve, $275,000 from the Sewer/Water Reserve, $25,000 from the Storm Reserve, and $30,000 from the Public Works consulting services account, for this project; and THAT Council recommend to the next Council that the funds allocated from the Municipal Capital Reserve be repaid to the Reserve from the general Capital Budget in 2010; and THAT copies of this report and Council’s decision be delivered to all residents and businesses along Machell Avenue. 15. PW06-040 – Contract Award - RFP No. PW2006-Class Environmental Assessment and Detail Design for the Retrofit of SWM Facilities C1 and SW2/SW3 and Erosion Analysis of the Creek Downstream of Facility SW2 THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to sign an Engineering Agreement with Totten Sims Hubicki Associates for the provision of consulting services for the Class Environmental Assessment and Detail Design for the Retrofit of SWM Facilities C1 and SW2/SW3 and Erosion Analysis of the Creek Downstream of Facility SW2 at a cost of $83,040.00. General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 4 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 17. PW06-048 – Joint Municipal Waste Diversion Strategy THAT Council endorse the Joint Municipal Waste Diversion Strategy as described in Report PW06-048; and THAT Council endorse the goal to divert a minimum of 65% of its waste from landfill; and THAT Report No. PW06-048 be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee for their information. 18. PW06-046 – Northern 6 Municipalities Joint Waste Collection Contract – Results of Request for Proposals THAT RFP No. CRFP–06-01 for the “Collection and Haulage of Collectable Waste” be awarded to Turtle Island Recycling Corporation; and THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk, in concert with the other five municipalities of the Northern 6 Municipalities of York Region, to sign an agreement with Turtle Island Recycling Corporation for the collection and haulage of collectable waste in the Town of Aurora substantially in conformity with Report PW06-046 and RFP No. CRFP-06-01 and that such signatures shall not occur until the C.A.O. and Town Solicitor have reviewed and approved the agreement; and THAT upon execution of the agreement staff be authorized to proceed with implementation of the transition of waste collection contractors including the initiation of source separated organics collection for September 2007; and THAT funds in the amount of $5,000 be contributed to hiring a consultant to assist with implementation of the new waste collection contract and kitchen organics collection in September 2007, such funds to come from the 2006 Waste Collection budget; and THAT Report PW06-046 be referred to the Environmental Advisory Committee for information. 20. Petition from Concerned Residents of Wellington Street West Re: Review of Official Town Plan for Wellington Street West Corridor (Correspondence added to agenda by Councillor Vrancic) THAT the correspondence be received and referred to the Director of Planning and Director of Corporate Services. 23. LS06-036 – Asphalt Parking Lot at Factory Theatre THAT Tender LS2006-64 for asphalt resurfacing of Factory Theatre not be awarded and the Project and Budget be re-considered as part of the 2007 Capital Budget. 25. Letter from Mr. John Mascarin of Aird & Berlis LLP - ADDED ITEM Re: Item 21 - PL06-086- Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Implementing Zoning By-law Mattamy (Aurora) Limited, Formerly Quaker Lundy Farms Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 EYS Files D12-00-8A and D14-23-00 THAT the correspondence be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 5 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 VI NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION - COUNCILLORS Councillor Kean extended his congratulations to Mr. Al White, who recently celebrated his 90th Birthday. Councillor Kean expressed his appreciation and congratulations to the Town’s Special Events Coordinator, Shelley Ware, for the success of the first ever Movie in the Park which took place on Wednesday, August 30, 2006. Councillor Kean advised that this was a great event and that he hopes it will continue. Councillor Morris gave Notice of Motion regarding citizen initiative to conserve energy and control escalating energy costs. Councillor Buck expressed concern that the televising of Council meetings has been discontinued for the remainder of the election process, and she advised that she would like to see the television coverage continue, uninterrupted, to allow the residents to remain aware of ongoing Town business. VII DELEGATIONS a) Fire Chief John Molyneaux of Central York Fire Services Re: Annual Report to Council Fire Chief John Molyneaux provided a detailed report on the general status and various activities of Central York Fire Services for 2005 and 2006. Chief Molyneaux summarized the many factors in and around the community, such as the increased focus on emergency preparedness initiatives and their effect on the delivery of fire services, including response time, training programs, public awareness and education programs. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED b) Ms Diana Dawson, President Canadian Cancer Society - Holland River Unit Re: The “Let’s Make Cancer History” Campaign Ms Diana Dawson, President of the Canadian Cancer Society - Holland River Unit, provided a presentation demonstrating the enthusiastic efforts of many teams over the past 3 years who participated in the annual “Relay for Life” at the Pickering College campus in Newmarket. Ms Dawson advised that the event has enjoyed success since its inception, and has grown significantly over the past 3 years. Ms. Dawson advised that the organizers are considering adding a second “Relay for Life” to the schedule, and basing it out of Aurora to allow a new location and a new base of residents to form teams and participate in this event. Ms Dawson requested that the Town of Aurora give consideration to the idea of holding a “Relay for Life” in Aurora, assist in providing a location and supporting this event to help raise funds toward finding a cure for cancer. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information; and THAT this request be referred to the Director of Leisure Services to determine an appropriate level of support and location for holding the “Relay for Life” in Aurora. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 6 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 c) Mr. Glyn Jones Re: Item 21 - PL06-086- Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Implementing Zoning By-law Mattamy (Aurora) Limited Formerly Quaker Lundy Farms Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 EYS Files D12-00-8A and D14-23-00 Mr. Glyn Jones appeared before the Committee to express his concern regarding the subject Plan of Subdivision proposed to go in on the property abutting his lands to the West. Mr. Jones advised that the proposed daylight triangle, which appears on the maps attached to report PL06-086 appears to be located on his property, therefore he requested that no consideration be given to that feature until he has been properly consulted about the use of that portion of his land. Mr. Jones also expressed concern regarding the lack of consideration being given to the provision of sound and light buffering between his property and the proposed “Street A”. Mr. Jones also expressed concern regarding lifespan of the existing well on his property and advised that he would like to see provisions made for future water servicing to his property in conjunction with the development of the subject proposal. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information, and that Item 21 be brought forward for consideration at this time. CARRIED 21. PL06-086 – Proposed Plan of Subdivision and Implementing Zoning By-law Mattamy (Aurora) Limited, Formerly Quaker Lundy Farms Part of Lot 25, Concession 2 EYS Files D12-00-8A and D14-23-00 General Committee recommends: THAT this matter be referred to staff for a report that addresses the concerns outlined by Mr. Glyn Jones in his delegation. CARRIED VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT items 7, 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8 be brought forward for consideration. CARRIED 7. Motion from Councillor Buck and Councillor Wallace Re: The Heritage Centre (Notices of Motion were given at August 22, 2006 Council Meeting) General Committee recommends: THAT the motion be referred to the CAO to meet with the Aurora Heritage Society and bring back a revised motion to Council for consideration. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 7 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 1. ADM06-014 – Funding of Regional Cancer Centre - Southlake Regional Health Centre (Referred from August 22, 2006 Council meeting) General Committee recommends: THAT Report ADM06-014 - Funding of Regional Cancer Centre - Southlake Regional Health Centre, be referred to the first General Committee meeting in January, 2007. CARRIED 2. Motion from Councillor West Re: Position of Mayor (Notice of Motion was given at August 22, 2006 Council Meeting) General Committee recommends: WHEREAS the position of Mayor for the Town of Aurora is expected to fulfill the duties and expectations as Head of Council, which include:  To act as chief executive officer of the municipality  To preside over Council meetings  To provide leadership to the Council  To represent the municipality at official functions  To carry out the duties of the Head of Council as specified in any Act; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora serves as the signing officer for the Corporation with respect to legal documents and by- laws; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora is expected to be accessible in person and by phone and e-mail communication to residents; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora may sit as an ex- officio member of all Council committees and boards; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora is recognized for the time required and commitment expected to fulfill these duties for the Town at a salary of $48,500, health benefits, automobile stipend and participation in the OMERS pension plan; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora represents the Town at Regional Council and sits on Regional Committees; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora is recognized for the time required and commitment expected to fulfill these duties at the Region on behalf of the Town with an additional salary of $43,500 and participation in the OMERS pension plan; and WHEREAS the Mayor for the Town of Aurora represents the Town at other Greater Toronto Area groups such as the GTA Mayor’s and Chairs, Provincial and Federation Associations and meetings; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the position of Mayor for the Town of Aurora be recognized as a full time position with the expectation that anyone filling this position be committed to this position only and no other full time or significant employment responsibility. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 8 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 5. Motion from Councillor Buck Re: Recipients of the 2006 Arts and Culture Awards (Notice of Motion was given at July 11, 2006 Council Meeting) General Committee recommends: WHEREAS the following are the recipients of the 2006 Town of Aurora Arts and Culture Awards: Aurora High School: Lindsay Nassler Heather Holmes Marie Ashbourne Cardinal Carter high School: Jennifer Segan THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Aurora congratulates the recipients of the awards and looks forward to seeing their names in lights or otherwise coming to prominence; AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED: THAT the founders of the Award the Merkur Family owners and operators of the Aurora Shopping Centre, as well as Mr. Joe Lebovic, be informed of the recipients’ names and receive the appreciation of the Town of Aurora for their stalwart support of over thirty years of all of the arts and culture organizations in the Town of Aurora; and THAT public recognition of the recipients of these awards be part of the corresponding agenda for the Town of Aurora Council on an annual basis. CARRIED 6. Motion from Councillor Buck Re: Recipients of the 2006 Town of Aurora Governance Awards (Notice of Motion was given at July 11, 2006 Council Meeting) General Committee recommends: WHEREAS the following are the recipients of the 2006 Town of Aurora Governance Awards: Aurora High School: Michael Nemat Nazia Khamissa Cardinal Carter High School: Kerry McLaven Laura Carrigan NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: THAT the Town of Aurora congratulates the recipients of the Governance Awards and looks forward to recognizing their names in future endeavours; and THAT public recognition of the recipients of these awards be part of the corresponding agenda for the Town of Aurora Council on an annual basis. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 9 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 8. FS06-025 – Investment Summary to July 31, 2006 (Referred from August 22, 2006 Council meeting) General Committee recommends: THAT Report FS06-025 be received for information; and THAT, in the future, staff provide Investment Summary Reports on a semi-annual basis. CARRIED Councillor Hogg left the meeting at 9:35 p.m. 3. Memo from the Chief Administrative Officer Re: List of Outstanding Issues Pertaining to Library Square (Referred from August 22, 2006 Council meeting) General Committee recommends: THAT an upset limit of $30,000 be approved, from the 2006 contingency funds, in order to engage the services of an outside consultant to provide a report on parking solutions in Library Square and the surrounding area. CARRIED 4. Motion from Councillor Buck Re: Re-Naming of the Arts and Culture Fund (Notice of Motion was given at July 11, 2006 Council Meeting) General Committee recommends: THAT Council not support the proposed resolution regarding the Re- Naming of the Arts and Culture Fund. CARRIED 10. PL06-022 – Request for Street Names Hallgrove Estates Inc. Part of Lot 20, Concession 3 Files D12-00-2A and D14-06-00 General Committee recommends: THAT the following list of street names be allocated to the proposed internal streets within the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, D12-00-2A, Hallgrove Estates Inc. Street “A” Don Hillock Street “B” Goulding CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 10 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 11. PL06-107 – Request for Street Names MI Developments Inc. Part of Lot 20, Concession 2 Files D14-19-03 and D07-03-3A General Committee recommends: THAT, the following list of street names be allocated to the proposed internal streets within the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. Street “A” Touch Gold CARRIED 16. PW06-047 – Request for Topsoil Removal Permit – MI Developments Inc. Aurora North Subdivision General Committee recommends: THAT Council authorize the issuance of a Topsoil Permit for the MI Developments Inc. Aurora North Subdivision; and THAT if Council approves the issuance of a Topsoil Permit for this site that the permit be issued under the following conditions: • Approval from internal Town departments of the Erosion and Sediment control plans; • Approval of the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority of the Erosion and Sediment Control plans; and • Receipt of Draft Plan approval conditions from the Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority. DEFEATED 19. PL06-111 – Application for Minor Site Plan Approval Regional Municipality of York – Bathurst St. Reservoir Agent: MacViro Consultants attn. David Payne Part Lot 72 and 73 Concession 1 WYS File D11-20-06 General Committee recommends: THAT Report PL06-111 be received as information; and THAT staff report back to clarify the use of the funds by the Ontario Heritage Foundation. CARRIED 22. CS06-030– New Sign By-laws General Committee recommends: THAT the proposed draft sign by-laws attached as Appendix 1 & 2 be received; and THAT an Open House meeting be convened to receive public input on the proposed by-laws; and THAT notices be circulated in the Town’s Notice Board section of the newspaper advertising the Open House; and General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 11 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 THAT copies of the new draft by-laws be circulated to the Economic Development Advisory Committee and the Chamber of Commerce for input; and THAT the proposed by-laws including any amendments be presented to the new Council in January 2007. CARRIED 24. Resolution From Councillor Gaertner Re: The York Centre for Children, Youth and Families (Notice of Motion was provided at the July 11, 2006 Council meeting) General Committee recommends: WHEREAS the Ontario Children's Health Study reported that one in five Ontarians under the age of 19 has a mental health disorder; and WHEREAS The York Children's Centre has provided, free of charge for the last 20 years, a range of therapeutic treatment and intervention services for 1500 children, youth and their families who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioural or mental health problems; and WHEREAS additional accommodations are urgently required to meet the expanding demand for children's mental health services as the population of York Region grows at an extremely rapid rate; and WHEREAS an accreditation team in June 2003 found that "these facilities are below the quality found in most Children's Mental Health Centres and create unnecessarily difficult conditions for staff and clients"; and WHEREAS an expanded, consolidated and improved building on the Leslie Street site will increase capacity to serve more children and youth, provide shorter wait times for services, increase inter-agency collaboration and partnership capability and result in an enhanced continuum of community-based services; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Aurora implores the Minister of Children and Youth Services, the Honourable Maryann Chambers, to grant the funding requested by the York Centre for Children, Youth and Families; and THAT this motion be forwarded to the other York Region Municipalities for their endorsement; and THAT a copy of this motion be forwarded to the Honourable Greg Sorbara and Premier Dalton McGuinty. CARRIED 26. Memo from the Director of Public Works Re: Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan General Committee recommends: THAT the Memo from the Director of Public Works regarding the Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-14 Page 12 of 12 Tuesday, September 5, 2006 IX CLOSED SESSION Legal/Property Matters General Committee recommends: THAT property/legal matters be deferred to a future meeting. CARRIED X ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 06-24 IS SUBJECT TO FINAL APPROVAL AT COUNCIL ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2006. ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK