MINUTES - General Committee - 20061003 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 06-16 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, October 3, 2006 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Buck in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Gaertner, Kean, Morris, Vrancic and Wallace. MEMBERS ABSENT Councillors Hogg and West were absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Buck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Mayor Jones declared an interest in item 11 - Report PL06-120, by virtue of his residence in the vicinity of the subject land and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Withdrawal of Delegation c) Mr. Ron McKnight Re: Aurora Historical Society  Delegation d) Mr. Graham Wride, resident Re: Change of Street Name and Address for the Town Hall  Delegation e) Mr. Gary Camick, resident Re: Item 4 - PW06-052 - Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plans - Poll Results  Item 12 - Correspondence from Michelle Haney-Kileeg Re: Item 4 - PW06-052 - Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plans - Poll Results CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 2 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 III ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES General Committee Report of September 19, 2006, Meeting Number 06-15 General Committee recommends: THAT the General Committee Report of Meeting Number 06-15 be approved as printed and circulated. CARRIED On a point of privilege, Mayor Jones extended his condolences, on behalf of Council and staff of the Town of Aurora, to the family of Mr. Omar Khamissa who passed away on Saturday, September 30, 2006. Mayor Jones expressed the Town’s appreciation and admiration for this exceptional citizen, businessman and leader in our community. IV DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 4 and 11 were identified for discussion. V ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the General Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. Central York Fire Services – Joint Council Committee Meeting September 20, 2006 THAT the Minutes of the September 20, 2006 Central York Fire Services – Joint Council Committee Meeting be received for information; and THAT the following recommendation be endorsed: 1. JOINT COUNCIL COMMITTEE – SEPTEMBER 20, 2006 – ITEM 1 9-1-1 ADVISORY BOARD REQUEST THAT the memorandum from 9-1-1 Ontario Advisory Board dated August 1, 2006 regarding funding assistance be received and the following recommendations be adopted: 1. THAT the Association of Municipalities of Ontario be requested to investigate methods of long term sustainable funding; and 2. THAT one hundred dollars be contributed for each municipality (Newmarket and Aurora); and 3. THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of Finance. General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 3 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 2. LSAC06-07 – September 14, 2006 Leisure Services Advisory Committee Meeting 1. THAT the committee record of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee meeting, held on September 14, 2006, be received for information and Council endorse the following recommendations of the Leisure Services Advisory Committee: 2. Memo from Director of Leisure Services, Warranties for the new Recreation Complex and new Seniors’ Centre THAT the warranties for the new Recreation Complex and new Seniors’ Centre be received for information. 3. Memo from Director of Leisure Services, Revenues for the Concession and Pro-shop THAT the memo from the Director of Leisure Services, Revenues for the Concession and Pro-shop, be received for information. 4. Report LS06-037, Pro-Shop Request for Proposal for the new Recreation Complex THAT Council direct staff to revise the terms of reference for the Pro-Shop Services Contract at the new Recreation Complex by reducing the requested rental fees to $2,400 for the first year, increasing at a rate of 10% per year for the duration of the 5 year contract; and THAT the request for proposal for these services be re-released. 5. Report LS06-039, Youth Action Committee Recruitment 2006/2007 THAT the Leisure Services Advisory Committee appoint the following youth members to sit on the Youth Action Committee for the 2006/2007 school year: • David Byun, St. Andrew’s College • Lindsay Dukelow, Dr. G.W. Williams S.S. • Charles Ho, St. Andrew’s College • Ashley Hayhow, Dr. G.W. Williams S.S. • Hidetaka Ishii, St. Andrew’s College • Bryan Lin, St. Andrew’s College • Trevor Smith, Northern Lights Public School • Michael Taylor, Unionville H.S. • Jaclyn Tersigni, Cardinal Carter C.H.S. 6. E-mail received from Councillor Vrancic, Chair, requesting that comments from a resident, regarding renovations to the fitness centre, be placed on the agenda for the committee’s consideration THAT the comments from a resident regarding renovations to the fitness centre, be received for information. 3. ADM06-015 - AMO OMERS Support Fund THAT the Town of Aurora financially support the AMO OMERS Support Fund. General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 4 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5. PL06-106 – Application to Amend the Zoning By-law-Removal of Holding (H) Provision Schickedanz Bros. Ltd. (Elderberry Hill) 13990 and 14028 Yonge Street, Aurora File D14-04-05 (Ref: D12-013A) THAT Council enact by-law 4842-06.D to remove the Holding (H) prefix from the lands legally described as Part of Lot 72, Concession 1, W.Y.S (13990 and 14028 Yonge Street) at the Council Meeting of October 10, 2006. 6. PL06-121 – Issues Related to New Over Sized Housing Developments in Existing Neighbourhoods (Update Report) THAT report PL06-121, being an update report regarding the construction of over sized infill housing in existing neighbourhoods be received as information; and THAT staff be directed to continue working through the process related to new oversized housing developments as outlined in report PL06-121. 7. PL06-122 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application David LeGallais 154 Wellington Street East Part Lot 107, Plan 246 File D14-05-05 THAT Council enact implementing Zoning By-law Amendment 4862-06.D. 8. FS06-034– Annual Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes under Section 357 of the Municipal Act THAT the property taxes in the amount of $34,784.07 be adjusted in accordance with section 357 of the Municipal Act; the Town of Aurora’s portion being $10,703.66; and THAT the associated penalty/interest be cancelled in proportion to the tax adjustment; and THAT the Director of Finance/Treasurer be directed to adjust the Collector’s Roll. 9. LS06-043 – Naming of Park THAT Council approve the name Stewart Burnett Park for the future Community Park proposed for the lands north and west of the Aurora Recreation Complex (ARC); and THAT appropriate signage be erected on site indicating that the lands have been named and identified as noted for future community park use. General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 5 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 10. AAC06-07 - Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes 1. THAT the Committee Record of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting 06-07 held on September 28, 2006 be received as information and the following recommendations of the Accessibility Advisory Committee be endorsed: 1. Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Number 06-06 August 21, 2006 THAT Accessibility Advisory Committee Minutes Number 06-06, as corrected, be approved. 3. PL06-116 - Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law 2213-78, as amended Loblaw Properties Ltd. - 15900 Bayview Avenue Files D09-04-06 and D14-12-06 THAT Loblaw Properties Ltd., be requested to install four (4) additional handicapped parking spaces in front of the medical office entrance; and THAT accessibility doors be installed at the entrance of the medical offices. 4. Discussion regarding a presentation to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce THAT staff secure a sponsorship table at the November 15, 2006 Aurora Chamber of Commerce luncheon for the purpose of informing the members of the Chamber of Commerce of accessibility matters; and THAT committee members and staff be authorized to attend. 5. Handicapped Parking at the Aurora Family Leisure Complex THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the installation of handicapped parking spaces on the south side of the Aurora Family Leisure Complex between the two entrances, at an upset cost of $45,000 to be funded from the Accessibility Advisory Reserve Fund. 6. Ontario BIA Association Ontario Mainstreet Accessibility Awards 2006 THAT staff investigate potential funding opportunities with the Ministry of Social Services to assist with the development of an Aurora Accessibility Award Program. 7. Sue Mitchell of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas Re: Accessibility Awards Nomination Deadline Extension THAT the correspondence from the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas regarding the Accessibility Awards nomination deadline extension be received for information purposes. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 6 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 VI NEW BUSINESS/GENERAL INFORMATION - COUNCILLORS Councillor Buck provided Notice of Motion regarding the change of address for the Aurora Town Hall. Councillor Morris advised that she had received a letter regarding concerns about illumination improvements for Glenview Drive in Aurora, which she would forward to appropriate staff. General Committee recommends: THAT the letter from residents, regarding concerns about illumination improvements for Glenview Drive, be received and referred to the Director of Public Works to investigate and report back. CARRIED VII DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Kevin Lalonde, resident Re: Bathurst Street and McLellan Way Proposed Mountain Bike Course Construction Mr. Kevin Lalonde expressed concern on behalf of himself and other residents in his area pertaining to the proposed mountain bike course which is being considered at McClellan Way and Bathurst Street. Mr. Lalonde advised that his neighbours are opposed to the construction of a mountain bike course in their vicinity because the major intersection is busy and could be a hazard to the users of the bike course. Mr. Lalonde provided a petition from residents in the subject area in opposition of the proposal for the bike course in that location and he advised that all of the residents he has spoken to believe that the bike course should be constructed in the Case Wood Lot in the area which is currently being used for that purpose. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to staff, and that staff incorporate the concerns of the residents into the report regarding the proposed locations for bike course construction, which is scheduled to be presented to Council on October 10, 2006. CARRIED (c) Mr. Ron McKnight Re: Aurora Historical Society WITHDRAWN BY DELEGATE (b) Mr. John Housser, resident Re: Item 4 - PW06-052 - North East Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan - Poll Results Mr. John Housser spoke in support of the North East Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan and advised that the majority of the residents in the affected area have willingly participated in this study, which has taken 25 years to complete, and are in favour of the plan. Mr. Housser advised that the result of this plan will have a positive long-term effect on the neighbourhood and he requested that the Mayor and Members of Council support the continuation of this project. General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 7 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 e) Mr. Gary Camick, resident - ADDED ITEM Re: Item 4 - PW06-052 - Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan - Poll Results Mr. Gary Camic advised that he is in support of the Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan, however he expressed concern regarding the proposed removal of the existing four way stop signs at the intersection of Birch Court and Walton Drive. Mr. Camick advised that the intersection is used heavily and that there is a tendency for drivers to speed in this area, creating a potential danger to residents, which would be further aggravated by the removal of the stop signs. Mr. Camick asked that the study be amended by leaving the stop signs at that intersection. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and that item 4 - PW06- 052– Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan – Poll Results, be brought forward for discussion at this time. CARRIED 4. PW06-052– Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan – Poll Results General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the design for the Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan, as presented in report PW06-041; and THAT staff be directed to submit the necessary “Road Alteration By-law” to the October 17, 2006 Council meeting for approval; and THAT, assuming the “Road Alteration By-law” is adopted by Council on October 17, 2006, staff be directed to publish the “Notice of Study Completion” for the Class Environment Assessment for the Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Study; and THAT staff provide a report at the October 17, 2006, Council meeting regarding concerns raised by Mr. Gary Camick and further regarding clarification as to whether the removal of four way stop signs from the intersection of Birch Court and Walton Drive, will impede the Environmental Assessment process. CARRIED d) Mr. Graham Wride, resident - ADDED ITEM Change of Street Name and Address for the Town Hall Mr. Graham Wride requested that the Mayor and Members of Council reinstate the original address of 100 John West Way to the Aurora Town Hall. Mr. Wride advised that this honour was presented to Mr. West when the building was constructed, to express appreciation for his ongoing contributions, positive initiatives and involvement in the community, and that the name should be reinstated. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 06-16 Page 8 of 8 Tuesday, October 3, 2006 VIII CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Mayor Jones, having previously declared a possible interest in item 11, did not take part in any discussion in this regard. 11. PL06-120 - Applications to Amend the Zoning By-Law and Draft Plan of Subdivision Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) Ltd. 14425 Bayview Avenue, Aurora Part of Lot 15, Concession 2, E.Y.S Files D14-06-05 & D12-05-02A General Committee recommends: THAT the proposed plan of subdivision D12-05-02A Templeton Planning Limited dated March 7, 2005 and revised September 15, 2006 be draft approved by the Town of Aurora, subject to the Schedule of Conditions of Draft Approval attached as Appendix “A” being fulfilled prior to final approval; and THAT 75 units of sewage and water capacity be allocated to the Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) Ltd. lands; and THAT the Mayor and the Clerk be authorized to execute the ‘No Pre-sales Agreement’ with Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) Ltd. CARRIED 12. Correspondence from Michelle Haney-Kileeg - ADDED ITEM Re: Item 4 - PW06-052 - Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan - Poll Results General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from Michelle Haney-Kileeg regarding PW06- 052 - Northeast Quadrant Traffic Calming Plan - Poll Results be received for information. CARRIED IX CLOSED SESSION None X ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:00 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 06-16 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2006, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM NO. 4 WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND ADOPTED AS AMENDED AND ITEM NO. 1 WHICH WAS ADOPTED AS ORIGINALLY PRESENTED.