MINUTES - General Committee - 20060418
NO. 06-08
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Buck in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Gaertner, Hogg, Morris, Vrancic, Wallace
and West.
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Kean was absent.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of
Public Works, Director of Financial Services/
Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee
Councillor Buck called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor Vrancic declared an Interest in Item 5 - PL06-044 – Proposed Zoning
By-law Amendment Application Terra Aurora (AIIM) by virtue of a solicitor-client
relationship with the proposed tenant and did not take part in or vote on any
questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
General Committee recommends:
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department, with the following additional items, be approved:
New Item 21 - Memo from the Administrative Co-ordinator
Re: Request for a Question on the Ballot - Gender Equality on
Municipal Council
Delegation K – Ms Grace Marsh
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/
Referendum on the Ballot
Delegation L – Mr. Miloslav Prikryl
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/
Referendum on the Ballot
Delegation M – Ms Susan Morton-Leonard and Ms Helen Knowles
Re: Item 2 - Construction on Hillview Drive
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Delegation N – Mr. Todd Trudelle of the Goldberg Group
Re: Item 11 - PL06-051 - OPA and Zoning By-law Amendment
Applications from Origin Developments
Delegation O – Mr. Wayne Bando
Re: Item 18 - Memo from the Director of Public Works - Evaluation
of Condition of Grass on Collins Crescent
Delegation P – Ms Grace Jones
New Item - Rental of Space at Aurora Seniors’ Centre
Items 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 were identified for discussion.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the
Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to
give effect to same:
4. PL06-042- Zoning By-law Amendment Application
2091585 Ontario Inc.,
15565 Yonge Street
Part of Lot 90, Registered Plan 246
File D14-08-06
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of a Zoning
By-law Amendment Application, D14-08-06 scheduled for the May 24,
2006 Public Planning Meeting.
6. PL06-046 – Application for Site Plan Approval
York Region District School Board (Prato-Elementary School)
Part of Lot 22, Concession 2, E.Y.S
North-east corner of River Ridge Boulevard and Conover Avenue
File D11-03-06
THAT Report PL06-046 be received as information and that, subject to the
resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and
securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development
Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between the owner and the
Town of Aurora to permit the construction of a two storey, 5,972m2
(64,284 ft2) public elementary school and daycare.
8. PL06-048 – Applications to Amend the Official Plan
and Zoning By-Law
Aurora Heights Development Inc.
15450 Yonge Street, Aurora
Part of Lot 3 and Part of Block B of Registered Plan 246
Files D09-02-06 and D14-06-06
THAT Council adopt Implementing Official Plan Amendment 61 (By-law
4793.06.D) and approve implementing by-law 4794.06.D at the next
available Council meeting; and
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THAT servicing allocation for three additional residential units be allocated
to this development.
9. PL06-049 – Planning Applications Status List
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information.
10. PL06-050 – Applications to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law
D. Schmidt/Rice Commercial Group
15320 Bayview Avenue, Aurora
Part of Lot 81, Concession 1, E.Y.S
Files D09-02-05 and D14-11-05
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of
applications to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law D09-02-05 and
D14-11-05 scheduled for the Public Planning Meeting of May 24, 2006.
11. PL06-051 – Site Plan Application
Imperial Oil Ltd.
Part of Lot 21, Concession 2
1472 Wellington Street East
File D11-21-05
THAT Report PL06-051 be received as information and that subject to the
resolution all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and
securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development
Services to enter into a site plan agreement between Imperial Oil Ltd. and
the Town of Aurora respecting the construction of a gas bar, car wash and
convenience store.
12. PL06-052 – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law
Amendment Applications
4240111 Canada Inc. (Origin Retirement Communities Inc.)
Northwest Corner of John West Way and Hollandview Trail
Lot 82, Concession 1, Part 6 Plan 65R-14423
Files D09-01-06 and D14-01-06
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Official
Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications, D09-01-06
and D14-01-06 scheduled for a second Public Planning Meeting to be held
on May 24, 2006.
13. PW06-017 – Award of Tender No. PW-2006-26 - Supply and Delivery of One
2006 Ice Resurfacer
THAT Tender No. PW-2006-26, Supply and Delivery of One 2006 Ice
Resurfacer, be awarded to Resurfice Corporation at the tendered price of
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
(a) Mr. Don Gordon of York Region Transit
Re: York Region Transit - 5 Year Service Plan Update
Mr. Don Gordon of York Region Transit provided a brief update pertaining to
the success of the York Region Transit and VIVA systems in the Region of
York, and of the further improvements and new service features which are
going to be implemented in the near future to accommodate the needs of the
Town of Aurora as it grows.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
(b) Mr. Stephen Granger
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Steve Granger addressed Committee to advise that he is in favour of the
placement of the question on the 2006 Election Ballot, as this action reflects
open accessible government and allows Aurora residents to provide input and
voice their opinions.
(c) Mr. Eric John Paul McCartney
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Eric John Paul McCartney addressed Committee to advise that he is in
support of the proposal to place the question on the 2006 Election Ballot to
allow the public to exercise their right to choose.
(d) Mr. Doug Hubley
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Doug Hubley addressed Committee to advise that he is in support of the
proposal to place the question on the 2006 Election Ballot to allow public
input on this matter.
(e) Mr. Bob McRoberts
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Bob McRoberts addressed Committee to advise that he is not in favour of
the proposal to place the question on the 2006 Election Ballot.
(f) Mr. Stan Rycombel
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Rycombel was not in attendance, therefore the delegation was withdrawn.
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(g) Mr. Paul McPhee
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. McPhee was not in attendance, therefore the delegation was withdrawn.
(h) Mr. Michael Evans
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Michael Evans of True Value Hardware Aurora, addressed Committee to
advise that he is in support of the proposal to place the question on the 2006
Election Ballot.
(i) Mr. Graham Wride
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/ Referendum
on the Ballot
Mr. Graham Wride addressed Committee to advise that he is not in favour of
the proposal to place the question on the 2006 Election Ballot.
(k) Added Delegation – Ms Grace Marsh
Re: Item 1 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/Referendum
on the Ballot
Ms Grace Marsh addressed Committee to advise that she is not in favour of
the proposal to place the question on the 2006 Election Ballot.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegates be received and Item 1 be brought
forward for consideration at this time.
1. CS06-021 – 2006 Municipal Elections – Question/Referendum on the Ballot
General Committee recommends:
THAT a question be placed on the ballot of the 2006 Municipal Election in
order to obtain public input on establishing electoral wards.
Councillor Hogg arrived at 8:15 p.m.
(j) Ms Kathie Gerrits
Re: Item 2 - Construction on Hillview Drive
Ms Kathie Gerrits addressed Committee to express her concern regarding the
issue of monster homes being built in the older areas of Aurora, including
Hillview Drive. Ms Gerrits displayed pictures of a new home which has recently
been built in her neighbourhood illustrating the size and scale of the new
structure in relation to the smaller homes on that street. Ms Gerrits requested
that the Town of Aurora introduce new regulations to control the construction of
incongruously large scale homes in their neighbourhood.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
(m-a) Added Delegation – Ms Susan Morton-Leonard
Re: Item 2 - Construction on Hillview Drive
Ms. Susan Morton-Leonard addressed Committee to request that all
heritage areas of the Town be given the opportunity to maintain their
existing integrity, ambiance and historic atmosphere by being identified
and established as heritage districts.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
(m-b) Added Delegation – Ms Helen Knowles
Re: Item 2 - Construction on Hillview Drive
Ms. Helen Knowles addressed Committee to express her concerns about
the construction of monster homes in the neighbourhoods with small
heritage homes, in particular to destruction of the small home at 51
Metcalfe Street, which has been replaced by a massive monster home
which is significantly disproportionate to the rest of the neighbourhood. Ms
Knowles advised that residents in the Metcalfe Street area believe that an
underground creek draining from Wells Street down to Metcalfe Street and
she expressed concern that some construction has begun without the
issuance of building permits, which may lead to drainage issues for the
surrounding homes. Ms Knowles further expressed concern regarding the
well being of the wildlife in the area and the potential for mosquito’s
breeding in the proposed pond on the subject property.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the issues presented by the residents of Hillview Drive, Wells Street
and the surrounding area, be referred to the CAO and Senior Management
Team for a report back on short term and long term solutions that can be
implemented and that a report be provided for the next General Committee
meeting; and
THAT staff also contact the Town of Richmond Hill and the City of Toronto to
determine what legislation their municipalities have implemented to address
the issue of monster homes.
THAT staff be requested to draft and bring forward a policy with timelines
and deliverables, which outlines how to halt the construction of monster
homes, and maintain the character of the distinct neighbourhoods in the
Town of Aurora.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT Items 2 and 3 be brought forward for consideration at this time.
2. Correspondence from Ms Kathie Gerrits
Re: Construction on Hillview Drive - Morton-Leonard Family, Knowles
Family, Cervone Family, Garland Family, Lowell McLenny and Ms
General Committee recommends:
THAT the correspondence be received.
3. Correspondence from Ms Kim Hullah
Re: Building of New Homes on Hillview Drive
General Committee recommends:
THAT the correspondence be received.
(n) Added Delegation – Mr. Todd Trudelle of the Goldberg Group
Re: Item 11 - PL06-051 - OPA and Zoning By-law Amendment
Applications from Origin Developments
Mr. Trudelle withdrew his delegation.
(o) Added Delegation – Mr. Wayne Bando
Re: Item 18 - Memo from the Director of Public Works - Evaluation of
Condition of Grass on Collins Crescent
Mr. Bando expressed concern regarding the ongoing condition of the grass on
his and several of his neighbours’ properties since the Town of Aurora replaced
their sod after the reconstruction of Collins Crescent. Mr. Bando questioned the
necessity for bringing a consultant from Guelph to examine the sod on his
property and other affected homes on Collins Crescent, as proposed by staff.
Mr. Bando enquired about whether the contractor who conducted the work has
responded to a letter which was sent out by the Town, and whether staff has,
or is planning to bring forth a report on this matter, as requested by Council.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and Item 18 be brought
forward for consideration at this time.
18. Memo from the Director of Public Works
Re: Evaluation of Condition of Grass on Collins Crescent
General Committee recommends:
THAT staff be directed to correct the sodding issues at 38 Collins
Crescent and take necessary steps to identify the cause of the problems
so that the Town has the grounds to recover costs from the contractor.
(l) Added Delegation – Mr. Miloslav Prikryl
Re: Item 21 - CS06-021 - 2006 Municipal Elections - Question/
Referendum on the Ballot
Mr. Miloslav Prikryl addressed Committee regarding the placement of a question
on the ballot regarding equal gender representation on Council.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and Item 21 be brought
forward for consideration at this time.
21. Memo from the Administrative Co-ordinator
Re: Request for a Question on the Ballot - Gender Equality on Municipal
Council, Delegation from April 4, 2006 General Committee Meeting
(Added Item)
General Committee recommends:
THAT the memo from the Administrative Co-ordinator regarding Request
for a Question on the Ballot - Gender Equality on Municipal Council, be
received for information.
(p) Added Delegation – Ms Grace Jones
New Item - Rental of Space at Aurora Seniors’ Centre
Ms Grace Jones of the Canadian Federation of University Women addressed
Committee to request that the Town permit her organization the use the
McKenzie/West meeting room at the Aurora Seniors’ Centre on the fourth
Tuesday of each month from 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. from September through
April, at either no cost or a nominal fee. Ms Jones advised that the group
now meets at Trinity Church, however, attendance has increased to over 100
members at the meetings, and they are in need of a larger space. Ms Jones
advised of the positive work that is being done by the Canadian Federation of
University Women and indicated that the normal rental fee for the space is
$100 per hour, which the organization finds prohibitive.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the request from the Canadian Federation of University Women to
use space in the Seniors’ Centre at a reduced rate be denied.
Councillor Vrancic, having previously declared an interest in Item 5, did not take part in
the vote called for in this regard.
5. PL06-044 – Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Terra Aurora (AIIM)
Lot 87, Plan 246
185 & 205 Industrial Parkway, North
File D14-02-06
General Committee recommends:
THAT Implementing Zoning By-law 4764-06.D be scheduled for
enactment at the next Council meeting.
7. PL06-047 – Subdivision Application
Town of Aurora
Part of Lot 19, Concession III
15059 Leslie Street
File D12-05-1A
Related Zoning By-law Amendment File D14-05-04
General Committee recommends:
THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision D12-05-1A, prepared by
Templeton Planning Limited, dated March 7, 2005 and revised December
12, 2005, be draft approved subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval
attached as Appendix “A" being fulfilled prior to final approval.
14. Memo from the Director of Public Works
Re: Anti-Idling Challenge - Aurora Versus Richmond Hill
(Referred to Committee from April 11, 2006 Council)
General Committee recommends:
THAT the memo from the Director of Public Works regarding the Anti-
Idling Challenge - Aurora Versus Richmond Hill, be deferred to the April
25th Council meeting so that Councillor Morris may obtain additional
costing estimates.
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15. Memo from Councillor West
Re: Projected Land and Building Requirements for the Town of Aurora
The General Committee provided no direction in regard to this matter.
16. Memo from the Director of Planning and Development
Re: Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan
of Subdivision, Chapman Court (Kylemore Homes)
Part of Lot 80, Concession 1, EYS
Files D14-13-05A & D12-05-03A (D11 -10-05)
General Committee recommends:
THAT the following warning clause be included within the Agreement to
Purchase for the Plan of Subdivision for Chapman Court (Kylemore
“Purchasers are advised that there is an existing hydro corridor in
close proximity to this development. There is the possibility that
changes to this hydro corridor may occur in the future. Such
changes could include, amongst others, an increase in the voltage
provided by the existing power lines and a possible increase in the
size of the hydro towers contained within the hydro corridor.”
THAT the draft conditions of approval, as amended, be approved.
17. Correspondence from Morgan Klein-MacNeil
Re: Request for support to attend and compete at the Distributive
Education Clubs of America - International Career Development
Conference, April 27, 2006 to May 4, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the request for support for Morgan Klein-MacNeil to attend and
compete at the Distributive Education Clubs of America - International
Career Development Conference, April 27, 2006 to May 4, 2006, be
19. FS06-012 – Consideration of Reserve Funds
General Committee recommends:
1. THAT the Arts and Culture Reserve be transferred from the
Discretionary Reserve Fund section to the Obligatory Reserve Fund
section of the Balance Sheet.
2. THAT the Contingencies Reserve
Tax Rate Stabilization Reserve
Compensation Contingency Reserve
Aurora Hydro Contingency Reserve
be consolidated into the Working Fund Reserve Fund, a fund to provide
working capital for the municipality.
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3. THAT the Salt and Sand Reserve
Public Works Infrastructure
be consolidated into a Winter Maintenance Fund. Tthis fund will be
used to ease the fluctuation in the levy for those years where we have
exceptionally hard winters. Further, that this fund be replenished from
surplus in those winters where we do not require all of the winter
maintenance budget, to a maximum of $100,000.
4. THAT the Equipment Fire
Fire Services Capital
be consolidated into a Fire Services Reserve Fund to be used to
purchase new or replacement fire buildings and equipment as
necessary, over and above the Fire portion of the Development
Charges Reserve Fund.
5. THAT the Library System Reserve
Library General Capital
be consolidated into a Library General Capital Reserve Fund, to be
used at the discretion of the Library Board.
6. THAT the Equipment Leisure/Parks
Equipment Works
be consolidated into an Equipment/Fleet Reserve Fund, to be used to
acquire new or replacement equipment and fleet for the municipality,
over and above the equipment portion provided for in the Development
Charges Reserve Fund.
General Committee recommends:
THAT this meeting be extended beyond 10:30 p.m. in order to address the
remaining items on the agenda.
20. FS06-011 – Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Fund
General Committee recommends:
THAT Clause 8 (c) of the Aurora Hydro Sale Investment Fund resolution
passed by Council on June 28, 2005, remain unchanged.
Councillor Wallace inquired about the status of the proposed development on the
north side of Wellington Street east of Industrial Parkway by the York Catholic
School Board. The Director of Planning and Development advised that no
application has been submitted yet.
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Property Matter
General Committee recommends:
THAT this Committee proceed In-Camera to address a property matter.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:37 p.m.