MINUTES - General Committee - 20060124
NO. 06-02
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Morris in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Buck, Hogg, Kean, Vrancic, and West.
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillors Gaertner and Wallace were absent.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of
Public Works, Director of Financial Services/
Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Administrative Co-
ordinator/Deputy Clerk
Councillor Morris called the meeting to order at 7:09 p.m.
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department, with the following additional items, be approved:
Delegation a) – Smart Commute – additional information
Delegation e) – Ms Liz White , Animal Alliance
Re: Item 4 – CS06-005
Provision of Future Animal Control Services
Item 4 - CS06-005 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services
Correspondence regarding Kennel Inn
- Ms Sylvia Defilippis
- Mrs. Doris Hillard
- Mr. Richard de Pass and Ms Joanne de Pass
- Mrs. Patricia Pemberton
- Ms Margaret Shearman
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Items 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 19 were identified for discussion.
General Committee recommends:
1. Memo from Councillor Morris
Re: Federation of Canadian Municipalities
(Deferred from General Committee Meeting of December 13, 2005)
THAT the Committee receive the information from Councillor Morris
regarding the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
5. PW06-001 – Acceptance of Municipal Services – Bayview Wellington North
Subdivision – Phase I - Registered Plan 65M-3497
THAT Council accept the municipal services contained within Registered
Plan 65M-3497 being Phase I of the Bayview Wellington North
Subdivision as detailed in Report PW06-001; and
THAT Council enact By-law 4755-06.D for the assumption of the subject
municipal services; and
THAT the Director of Public Works be authorized to issue a Certificate of
Acceptance of Public Works for said lands as required under Section 3.12
of the Subdivision Agreement; and
THAT the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer be directed to reduce
the municipal servicing securities held in relation to the Bayview
Wellington North Subdivision Phase I to $81,000.
6. CS06-007 – Administration Procedure No. 38
THAT Report CS05-007 entitled Amendments to Administration Procedure
No. 38, Staff Recruitment and Selection be received; and
THAT the revised Administration Procedure appended to this report be
9. LS06-002 – Recreation Complex Naming Rights
THAT Council endorse the fundraising targets identified within this report
regarding the naming rights for the new Recreation Complex; and
THAT Council approve the Naming Rights Policy attached to this report.
10. PW06-004 – Request for Topsoil Permit for the Conseil Scholaire de District
Catholique Centre-Sud Secondary School Site
THAT Council authorize the Director of Public Works to issue the Topsoil
Permit for the Conseil Scholaire de District Catholique Centre-Sud
Secondary School Site in advance of the execution of the Site Plan
Agreement; and
THAT if Council approves the issuance of the Topsoil Permit for this site
that the permit be issued only after all necessary approvals have been
obtained from internal Town departments and external agencies.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
11. PL06-011 – Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications
Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique Centre-Sud
(French Catholic School Board)
Part of Lot 71, Concession 1
Bathurst Street and Bloomington Road
Files D14-04-04 and D11-18-05
THAT Implementing Zoning By-law 4766-06.D be enacted; and
THAT, subject to a satisfactory review by the Site Plan Committee, the
Director of Planning and Development Services be authorized to execute
a site plan agreement between Conseil Scolaire De District Catholique
Centre-Sud and the Town of Aurora respecting the construction of a
secondary school, stormwater management pond and part of Street “C”.
15. CS06-008 – Town of Aurora Lottery Licensing Policy
THAT CS06-008 be received; and
THAT the Lottery Licensing Policy attached as Appendix #1 to the report
be approved and implemented; and
THAT the former Break Open Ticket Lottery Licensing Policy be repealed.
16. PL06-014 – Places to Grow, A Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe
THAT Report PL06-014 be received by Council as information; and
THAT the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal again be requested to
amend Schedule 4 (Urban Growth Centres) to include the 2C area of the
Bayview East Urban Expansion Area as a Future Growth Area; and
THAT the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal be requested to
include in the Proposed Growth Plan, clear policies regarding transitional
planning applications which are straight forward and easy to interpret and
implement; and
THAT the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal be requested and
required to provide the necessary funds and backing in order to achieve
the infrastructure objectives to support the increased growth projected for
the Region through the Plan.
17. PL06-008 – 2006, Interim Planning Application Fees
THAT Report PL06-008, entitled 2006 Interim Planning Application Fees
be received; and
THAT an amendment to the Planning Application Fee Schedule to the
Town’s Fees and Service Charge Bylaw, as attached to this staff report as
draft Bylaw 4763-06.F, be enacted by Council.
18. FS06-004 – 2006 Fees and Service Charges
THAT the 2006 Fees and Service Charges for licences and services
itemized on the attached schedules be approved; and
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
THAT By-law 4759-06.F being the General Administration Fees with attached
Schedule A Administration/Legal Services Division
Schedule B Building Administration Department
Schedule C Corporate Services Department
Schedule D Planning Department
Schedule E Committee of Adjustment
Schedule F Public Works Department
Schedule G Financial Services Department
be enacted at the January 31, 2006 Council meeting.
(a) Mr. Loy Cheah Project Manager
Re: Smart Commute Newmarket
Mr. Loy Cheah of the Region of York, Project Manager, addressed the
Committee regarding the Smart Commute Program. The program is an
internet based program where clients are linked to commuters who work
and reside in the same areas in an effort to create a carpool. The intent of
the program is to reduce traffic congestion, reduce GHG and other
emissions and enhance accessibility and mobility options. This service is
a collaboration of the Regions of Durham, York, Peel, Halton and the
Cities of Toronto, Mississauga and Hamilton, which is sponsored by
businesses including municipalities. The service delivery is a two tier
system being the Smart Commute Association as the upper tier and the
Local Smart Commutes (TMAs) as the lower. The Smart Commute
Association would provide the service infrastructure, product development,
Region-wide marketing funding and reporting. The TMAs would deliver
the service and provide feedback to the Association. Mr. Cheah
requested the Town’s support, either financial or services in kind, for this
Mr. Keith Bray of the Markham Board of Trade advised the Committee of
how they have been involved with the evolution of the Highway 404/407
TMA and the success of the program.
Ms Barbara Bartlett, President of the Newmarket Chamber of Commerce
addressed the Committee in support of the project.
Regional Councillor Tony Van Bynen addressed the Committee
requesting the Town’s support of the project.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to
staff for a report.
Councillor West arrived at 7:35 p.m.
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(b) Ms Patricia Robertson, CAO,
York Region Neighbourhood Services/Social Enterprise Canada
Mr. Randy Reid, Director,
Boys and Girls Clubs of York Region
Ms Kim Thompson, Director,
Ontario Early Years Services
Re: Proposal for Use of Jack Woods Property
Ms Pat Robertson, Ms Kim Thompson and Mr. Randy Reid provided the
Committee with an overview of the services provided by the York Region
Neighbourhood Services/Social Enterprise Canada including the Ontario
Early Years Services and the Boys and Girls Clubs of York Region. Ms
Robertson requested the support of Council to work with the York Region
Neighbourhood Services to develop the Jack Woods property into a
community environment to potentially house a childcare centre, a Boys
and Girls Club, and Ontario Early Years Services. Ms Robertson further
requested that they work with Town staff to determine the feasibility of
developing and creating a potential model for the property.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to
staff for a report.
(c) Mr. Dan J. Lawrence, Director, Kennel Inn Inc.
Re: Animal Control
Mr. Lawrence, Director of Kennel Inn Inc. provided the Committee with an
overview of the operation of the facility. Mr. Lawrence advised the
Committee of the policies and procedures related to the care provided to
the animals while they are at Kennel Inn, which exceeds provincial
requirements. Mr. Lawrence confirmed that upgrades have been done to
the facility to improve the environment for the pets as well as visitors to the
Mr. Lawrence confirmed that Kennel Inn provides a service to Seneca
College for the Veterinary Technician program.
Councillor Vrancic arrived at 8:10 p.m.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 4.
(e) Ms Liz White , Animal Alliance
Re: Item 4 – CS06-005 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services
Ms Liz White, Director of the Animal Alliance of Canada and Environmental
Voters advised the Committee that the Alliance is in support of the staff
recommendation in principle with an amendment. Ms White requested that
the contract with the Town of Georgina be for one year. Additionally, Ms
White requested that Council include as part of the service agreement with
the Town of Georgina that no lost pets from Aurora be given temporarily,
gifted or sold to Seneca College or any other institution for the purposes
under the Animals for Research Act and that Council include a similar
provision in the Aurora’s Animal Control By-law.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegation be received and referred to Item 4,
and that Item 4 - CS06-005 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services,
be brought forward for discussion at this time.
4. CS06-005– Provision of Future Animal Control Services
Additional Correspondence regarding Kennel Inn
- Ms Sylvia Defilippis
- Mrs. Doris Hillard
- Mr. Richard de Pass and Ms Joanne de Pass
- Mrs. Patricia Pemberton
- Ms Margaret Shearman
General Committee recommends:
THAT Report CS06-005 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services be
received; and
THAT the Town of Aurora enter into service agreements with Kennel Inn
for the provision of animal shelter services at a cost of $150,000.00; and
THAT staff bring back a report recommending amendments to the Animal
Control By-law for an adjustment in the licensing fees for cats and dogs;
THAT staff continue to review long term options with municipalities in York
Region or Kennel Inn or any other interested parties on a new animal
shelter and animal control enforcement to service the Town of Aurora; and
THAT the correspondence from Ms Sylvia Defilippis, Mrs. Doris Hillard,
Mr. Richard de Pass and Ms Joanne de Pass, Mrs. Patricia Pemberton
and Ms Margaret Shearman be received for information.
AMENDMENT: General Committee considered the following amendment to
the recommendation:
THAT staff clarify the issue of animals going to Seneca College and what
the purposes are and report back to Council, and urge the Kennel Inn to
continue with the upgrades to the facilities.
The main recommendation, as amended, was CARRIED.
(d) Mr. Bruce Dealhoy, President, Aurora Model Aircraft Club
Re: Future Use of Property at 15059 Leslie Street
Mr. Bruce Dealhoy addressed the Committee to advise that the Aurora Model
Aircraft Club provided an overview of the history of the club and it’s relationship
with the Town. The Club is currently using the property at 15059 Leslie Street to
fly their model aircrafts. Mr. Dealhoy requested that when the Leslie Street
property is developed in the future, that the Town remember the Club and
provide any recreational space on the property for their use or another location
within Aurora that may be suitable for their use. Mr. Dealhoy advised that the
space required should be removed from a residential area.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to the
Director of Leisure Services for a report on the long term options that the
Aurora Model Aircraft Club could consider.
2. Correspondence from Councillor Hogg
Re: Lump Sum Reconciliation Payments for Hydro PAP Users
General Committee recommends:
THAT PowerStream be requested to report to Council on the concern of
lump sum reconciliation payments for PAP Users and any payment
options they have available.
3. Correspondence from Mayor Jones
Re: Alert from the Association of Municipalities on Ontario (AMO)
OMERS Update - Bill 206
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Province of Ontario be advised that Aurora rejects the proposals
contained within Bill 206; and
THAT the Province review the legislation in terms of concerns expressed
by AMO; and
THAT a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Premier of Ontario, Minister
of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Minister of Finance, MPP, the Chair and
President of AMO.
7. FS06-003 – Proposed 2006 Water, Wastewater, Storm Sewer
and Sewage Pumping Station Rates
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Retail Water rate of $0.871
per cubic meter and the Retail Wastewater rate of $0.660 per cubic meter
for all bills issued on and after April 1, 2006; and
THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Flat Rate Storm Sewer
charge of $55.40 per unit per annum for Residential properties and
$673.80 per unit per annum for metered Commercial/Industrial and Multi-
Residential properties for all bills issued on and after April 1, 2006; and
THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Flat Rate Sewage Pumping
Station charge for the 165 users of the Ballymore Sewage Pumping
Station of $103.00 per annum on all bills issued on and after April 1, 2006;
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THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Flat Rate Sewage Pumping
Station charge for the 260 users of the Bayview Vandorf Sewage Pumping
Station of $66.00 per annum on all bills issued on and after April 1, 2006;
THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Flat Rate Service Charge for
the Turning Water Off/On of $30.00 per event during working hours and
$80.00 per event during other than normal working hours; and
THAT Council approve in principle the 2006 Bulk Purchase Water Rate of
$1.531 per cubic meter; and
THAT the necessary by-law to implement the foregoing be introduced at
the Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2006 and
circulated in accordance with Section 12 of Ontario Regulation 244/02 –
Fees and Charges.
8. LS06-003 – Recreation Complex Update
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council receive Report LS06-003 for information purposes; and
THAT Council approve the extension of the existing Agreement with
MHPM until March 31, 2006 at a cost of $54,000.
12. CS06-006 – Municipal Election 2006 Update
General Committee recommends:
THAT any Member of Council submit to the Clerk, by February 15, 2006,
any proposed questions for the ballot for the 2006 municipal election for
consideration at the February 21, 2006 meeting; and
THAT Council not establish a Compliance Audit Committee or
Contribution Rebates.
13. ADM06-001 – Finance Advisory Committee Membership
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Finance Advisory Committee be disbanded.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council appoint Councillor West to the Finance Advisory Committee
to fill the current vacancy.
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14. PL06-012 – Zoning By-law 4469-03.D – Oak Ridges Moraine
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Ministry of Municipal Affairs be advised that the Council of the
Town of Aurora supports the modifications to By-law 4469-03.D as
proposed by the Province as further modified by staff within Attachment 3.
19. ADM06-002 – Disposition of Aurora Hydro Connections Sale Proceeds –
Selection of a Facilitator
General Committee recommends:
THAT the hour be extended to address the remainder of items on the
General Committee recommends:
THAT CivicSolutions + Inc. (C. David Weldon) be retained as a consultant
to facilitate the determination of how the Town of Aurora wishes to
manage the proceeds of the sale of Aurora Hydro Connections Limited
including the preparation of a report to Council at an upset cost of
$20,000.00; and
THAT the provisions of the Town of Aurora Purchasing By-law be waived
to allow CivicSolutions + Inc. to be the sole source of the required
services; and
THAT the Chief Administrative Officer be directed to integrate the work of
CivicSolutions + Inc., as required, with the work being conducted on other
The Chief Administrative Officer requested that the In-Camera matter be referred
to January 31, 2006. The Committee requested that the In-Camera session
proceed, as some Members of Council will be unavailable at the meeting.
Councillor Hogg requested that the Fundraising Committee for the New
Recreation Complex make a presentation at the next Council meeting to advise
Council of their fundraising efforts.
The Chair advised that the In-Camera matter is related to property security rather
than a legal matter.
General Committee recommends:
THAT Committee proceed In-Camera to address a matter related to the
security of property.
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting adjourn at 10:40 p.m.
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