MINUTES - General Committee - 20051206 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 05-27 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, December 6, 2005 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor West in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Gaertner, Hogg, Morris, Vrancic and Wallace MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Kean was absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor West called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST Councillor Wallace declared an interest in Item 3 during a discussion and vote pertaining to newspaper advertising, by virtue of his affiliation with a local news publication. The Chair advised that the following Items were addressed at the Special General Committee - Budget meeting of Monday December 5, 2005 and would not be considered at this meeting: 11 - PW05-033 - Funding for 10-Year Capital Plan; and 12 - PW05-034 - Staffing Considerations – 2006 Pubic Works Budget; and 13 - PW05-035 - Waste Management 2006 Budget and 14 - Consideration of Bi- Weekly Waste Collection II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Delegation request from Ms Shelly Hawley-Yan, Director, Project Jessie Re: Item 3 – CS05-035 – Provision of Future Animal Control Services General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 2 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005  Delegation requests from: Mr. Charles Gilbert, Resident, Ridge Road Mr. Henry Captain, Resident, Ridge Road Mr. David Breedon, Resident, Ridge Road Mr. Bryan Moir, Resident, Springmaple Chase Mr. Walter Mestrinaro, Resident, Springmaple Chase Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing 321 Ridge Road, Jim Irvine (ACI)  Delegation request from Mr. Peter Scott and Mr. Tom Cleland Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing 321 Ridge Road, Jim Irvine (ACI)  Memo from Administrative Assistant to Mayor & Council Re: Resignation of Councillor Hogg from the Finance Advisory Committee  Additional item to the In-Camera agenda to discuss the disposition of a portion of Town owned land CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 14, 16 and 17 were identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 2. TR05-035 – Annual Cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Property Taxes under Sections 357 and 358 of the Municipal Act THAT the property taxes in the amount of $14,974.37 per Section 357 of the Municipal Act, as amended, be adjusted; the Town of Aurora’s portion is $3,866.74; and THAT the associated penalty/interest be cancelled in proportion to the tax adjustment; and THAT the Director of Financial Services/Treasurer be directed to adjust the Collector’s Roll as described in Report TR05-035. General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 3 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 5. PL05-108 – Application for Site Plan Approval Luc Dionne, 136 Centre Street, Lot 1 and Part of Lot 2, Plan 107 File D11-15-05 THAT report PL05-108 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to execute a Site Plan Agreement between Luc Dionne and the Town of Aurora to permit the construction of a 266.2m2 (2863 ft2) addition to the existing building. 6. PL05-111 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application Hollandview Professional Building Corporation Part of Lot 23, 24 & 25, Part of Block 42 and Part of Earl Stewart Drive, Plan 65M-2873, Part of Block 1, Plan 65M-3193, 372 Hollandview Trail File D14-18-05 THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By- law Amendment Application D14-18-05, scheduled for the January 25th, 2006 Public Planning Meeting. 7. PL05-113 – Applications to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision, Brookvalley Developments (Aurora) 14425 Bayview Avenue, Aurora Part of Lot 15, Concession 2, E.Y.S Files D14-06-05 & D12-05-02A THAT Council receive as information the following overview of the proposed Application to Amend the Zoning By-law and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application (Files D14-06-05 and D12-05-02A), and schedule these applications for the Public Planning Meeting of January 25th, 2006. 8. PL05-114 – Site Plan Application, Preserve Homes Corporation Block 32, 65M-3850 (95-101 Zokol Drive) File D11-16-05 THAT report PL05-114 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning and Development Services to enter into a site plan agreement between Preserve Homes Corporation and the Town of Aurora respecting the construction of four (4) row house units on the subject lands. 15. CS05-038– Council Pending List - Status Report THAT report CS05-038 be received for information purposes CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 4 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 V DELEGATIONS (b) Ms Nathalie Karvonen, Executive Director of the Toronto Wildlife Centre Re: Toronto Wildlife Centre - Request for Support for Services Provided in Aurora and York Region Ms Nathalie Karvonen appeared before the Committee to outline the various services provided by the Toronto Wildlife Centre within the Region of York and the Greater Toronto Area since 1993. Ms Karvonen provided various examples of the ways that wildlife can become a nuisance or a danger to people in day to day life, as well as the many ways that people can unknowingly endanger wildlife. Ms Karvonen advised that the Toronto Wildlife Centre provides a service to address the need for knowledgeable and experienced personnel to assist the public in these types of matters effectively and with sensitivity. Ms Karvonen advised that great measures are taken to ensure that animals are not harmed, but rather, relocated and/or rehabilitated to live healthy lives in an appropriate natural environment. Ms Karvonen advised that the Centre is a not for profit organization and relies primarily on donations and volunteers who provide invaluable assistance. Ms Karvonen concluded by encouraging the Committee to consider pursuing an agreement with a specialized provider for wildlife services with experienced and highly trained personnel, such as the Toronto Wildlife Centre. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information CARRIED (c) Ms Liz White, Director of Animal Alliance of Canada Re: Item 3 - CS05-035 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services Ms Liz White appeared before the Committee to provide comments and input on behalf of the Animal Alliance of Canada, pertaining to report CS05-035 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services. Ms White advised that the Animal Alliance of Canada has reviewed the report and supports the recommendations, however she suggested that the Committee consider amending the report to add the word “Interim” in regard to the Georgina and Wayne Jones service agreements. Ms White advised that this suggestion is to encourage the Town of Aurora to honour these agreements on a temporary basis with an aim to build an animal shelter in Aurora. Ms White advised that there are many benefits to running a publicly owned shelter, such as stability, reliability and control over the quality and variety of services provided. Ms White also urged the Committee to ensure that any Animal Control Service provider used by the Town be restricted from sending any animals for research or scientific testing, as this is inhumane and profoundly invasive to the lives of the animals. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 5 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Ms Shelly Hawley-Yan, Director, Project Jessie Re: Item 3 – CS05-035 – Provision of Future Animal Control Services (Added Item) Ms. Shelly Hawley-Yan appeared before the Committee to advised that project Jessie, an animal rescue organization, encourages the Committee to consider the well being of the animals first. Ms. Hawley-Yan advised that Project Jessie strongly encourages the Committee to consider moving toward building a public animal shelter in Aurora. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Item 3 - CS05-036– Provision of Future Animal Control Services be brought forward for discussion at this time. CARRIED 3. CS05-036– Provision of Future Animal Control Services AMENDMENT - General Committee considered the following amendment to the recommendation: THAT the last paragraph be amended to read as follows: THAT staff continue to review options with municipalities in York Region, Kennel Inn, or any other interested parties on a new animal shelter to service the Town of Aurora. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the report Provision of Future Animal Control Services CS05-036 be received; and THAT the Town of Aurora enter into service agreements with the Town of Georgina for the provision of animal shelter services at a cost of $60,490 and with Wayne Jones Animal Control Services for the provision of animal control enforcement at a cost of $93,000, for a total contract of $153,490; and THAT staff bring back a report recommending amendments to the Animal Control By-law for an adjustment in the licensing fees for cats and dogs; and THAT staff continue to review options with municipalities in York Region, Kennel Inn, or any other interested parties on a new animal shelter to service the Town of Aurora. The main recommendation, as amended, was DEFEATED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 6 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 General Committee recommends: THAT report CS05-036 - Provision of Future Animal Control Services, be deferred to January 24, 2006 General Committee meeting. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT a notice be placed in the newspaper to advise residents that the Town will be considering the temporary relocation of Aurora’s animal shelter services to Georgina. CARRIED Councillor Wallace declared an interest in the recommendation pertaining to advertising in a local newspaper, by virtue of his affiliation with a local publication, and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such questions. (d) Mr. Wayne Bando, Resident Re: Repairs to driveways at 38 and 42 Collins Crescent Mr. Bando expressed concern regarding the condition of his driveway which had been replaced after reconstructive work was done on Collins Crescent by the Town of Aurora. Mr. Bando requested that staff advise when repairs will be made to his driveway. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED Ms Kelly Breedon on behalf of Mr David Breedon, Resident, Ridge Road Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, 321 Ridge Road Jim Irvine (ACI) (Added Item) Ms Kelly Breedon expressed her concerns about the proposed wind turbines on Ridge Road and about the Committee of Adjustment process. Ms Breedon asked Council to support the residents in their appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board regarding this matter. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 7 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Mr. Charles Gilbert, Resident, Ridge Road Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, 321 Ridge Road Jim Irvine (ACI) (Added Item) Mr. Charles Gilbert advised that his property would be negatively effected by the installation of the proposed wind turbines at 321 Ridge Road. Mr. Gilbert advised that the Ridge Road area is a remote, natural and tranquil setting and suggested that the wind turbines are a positive initiative, however they would be better placed in an area zoned for this activity and use. Mr. Gilbert encouraged the Town to carefully plan the placement of wind turbines as applications continue to be submitted. Mr. Walter Mestrinaro, Resident, Springmaple Chase Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, 321 Ridge Road Jim Irvine (ACI) (Added Item) Mr. Mestrinaro advised that the subject lands are within the Oak Ridges Moraine and he suggested that noise issues have not been fully addressed by the applicant. Mr. Mestrinaro also expressed concern that the applicant thoroughly outlined the benefits for the applicant, at the Committee of Adjustment meeting, however the negative effects on residents were not properly addressed. Mr. Henry Captain and Mr. Bryan Moir withdrew their delegation requests, to permit time for other residents to delegate. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegates be received for information. CARRIED Delegation from Mr. Peter Scott and Mr. Tom Cleland, Aurora Cable Internet Re: Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing 321 Ridge Road, Jim Irvine (ACI) Mr. Thom Cleland, President of Hybridyne Power Systems Canada Inc. advised that the process has been properly followed by the applicant to receive proper approvals for the proposed wind turbines at 321 Ridge Road. Mr. Cleland advised that the facts were presented at the Committee of Adjustment meeting of September 8, 2005, and concerns were addressed at that time. Mr. Cleland encouraged the Committee to support Town staff recommendations to not participate in this application at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT Item 14 - PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, 321 Jim Irvine (ACI) Ridge Road be brought forward for discussion at this time. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 8 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 14. PL05-110 – Ontario Municipal Board Hearing, 321 Ridge Road Jim Irvine (ACI), Committee of Adjustment File D13-66-05 General Committee recommends: THAT Council take no position pertaining to the appeal of minor variance application D13-66-05 (Irvine – ACI). CARRIED VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 1. Correspondence from York Region Food Network Re: Hunger in York Region Neighbourhoods General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence be received for information. CARRIED 10. LS05-065 – Recommendation for Concession and Snack Food Vending at the New Aurora Recreation Complex General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the recommendation to proceed with Mr. Vending for concession and snack food vending service at the new Aurora Recreation Complex; and THAT staff be directed to prepare an Agreement for Council approval. AMENDMENT - General Committee considered the following amendment to the recommendation: THAT staff be given the flexibility to amend the terms of the contract to allow for an extension to take into consideration that the pool will not be opening on the originally proposed date. CARRIED The main recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED 4. Correspondence from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal Re: Planning for Growth and Proposed Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe - Better Choices, Brighter Future General Committee recommends: THAT the correspondence from the Ministry of Public Infrastructure Renewal be referred to staff for a report. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 9 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 9. PL05-115 – Proposed Amendments to Adena Meadows Limited Vacant Land Condominium Part of Lots 18, 19 and 20, Concession 2 EYS File D07-02-1A and MI Developments Inc. Pt of Lot 20 Concession 2EYS File D07-03-03A General Committee recommends: THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute an amendment to the Vacant Land Condominium Agreement for Adena Meadows Limited, File D07-02-1A that will have the effect of reducing the number of units in the development from 43 to 36; and THAT seven units of servicing allocation be removed from File D07-02-1A; and THAT ten units of servicing allocation be granted to D07-03-03A (127309 and 690346 Ontario Inc.); and THAT the Ontario Municipal Board be advised that the Town of Aurora has no objection to the proposed amendment to vacant land condominium D07-03-03A to create two units in place of Block 1 subject to the proposed lots being brought into conformity with the zoning by-law. CARRIED 16. Correspondence from the Town of Newmarket Re: Town of Newmarket Council Challenge General Committee recommends: THAT the Challenge from the Town of Newmarket be accepted and that members of Council, staff and Aurora residents be encouraged to attend the Newmarket Hurricanes vs. Aurora Tigers game on Thursday, January 19, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. to cheer on the Tigers. CARRIED Councillor Hogg left the meeting at 9:15 p.m. At 9:15 p.m. the Committee recessed. The meeting reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Councillor West left the meeting at 9:20 and Mayor Jones assumed the Chair for the duration of the meeting. 17. TR05-036 – Audited Statements Delegation (a) from Mr. Allister Byrne and Ms. Regina Baezner, Grant Thornton, Town Auditors Re: 2004 Audited Statements Mr. Allister Byrne provided an overview of the process followed and the obstacles and challenges of the past year which had contributed to the late arrival of the 2004 Audited Statements. Mr. Byrne thoroughly reviewed the content and rationale behind the final Auditors report. Mr. Byrne concluded by advising that staff at the Town have been very helpful and co-perative during the process and he assured the Committee that the 2005 Audited statements will be provided in the Summer of 2006. General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 10 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee recommends: THAT the financial statement for the year 2004 be received and be published in accordance with Section 295 of the Ontario Municipal Act as amended THAT Council approve a contribution of $869,800. representing the 2004 general (operating) fund accumulated surplus to the Municipal Capital Reserve. CARRIED Memo from Administrative Assistant to Mayor & Council Re: Resignation of Councillor Hogg from Finance Committee (Added Item) General Committee recommends: THAT the Councillor Hogg’s resignation from the Finance Committee be received; and THAT the matter of the Finance Committee be deferred a future meeting of Council, to allow Staff time to provide options pertaining to the future of the Finance Committee. CARRIED Additional Item to the In-Camera agenda to discuss the disposition of a portion of Town owned land (Added Item) General Committee recommends: THAT the Additional item be added to the In-Camera agenda to discuss the disposition of a portion of Town owned land. CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS General Committee recommends: THAT the delegation from the Toronto Wildlife Centre be referred to staff to report back to a future meeting. CARRIED Councillor Morris advised that the Women’s Centre of York Region is holding an open house on Monday December 12, 2005 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and all are welcome participate in this festive fundraising event. General Committee Report No. 05-027 Page 11 of 11 Tuesday, December 6, 2005 Councillor Morris advised that Mr. Alex Ansel, Aurora resident and member of the Aurora Optimist Club and the Old Timers Hockey Association, is scheduled to be presented with an honorary award at a banquet at the Legion in Newmarket on Friday, December 16th. Councillor Morris advised that the tickets for this event are $30. Councillor Morris advised that she hopes to present an overview of her visit to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities/National Board of Directors Meeting, which took place in Ottawa from November 30, 2005 to December 3, 2005 at the next Council meeting or a future General Committee meeting. Councillor Gaertner requested clarification regarding a matter which was dealt with at the budget meeting on December 5, 2005 pertaining to fire issue, and the Director of Financial Services provided clarification. VIII IN-CAMERA Personnel and Security of Property/Corporation General Committee recommends: THAT this Committee proceed In-Camera to address Personnel and Security of Property/Corporation matters. CARRIED IX ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:45 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 05-27 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2005. ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK