MINUTES - General Committee - 20051004 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 05-20 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, October 4, 2005 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Kean in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Hogg, Vrancic, Wallace and West. MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Gaertner was absent due to a religious holiday and Councillor Morris was absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Director of Financial Services/ Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Kean called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Delegation request from Mr. Ric Mattarucco, Project Manager for Shoppers Drug Mart Re: Item 4 - BA05-011 – Variance to Sign By-law 4622-04.P Shoppers Drug Mart – 15408 Yonge Street  Delegation request from Mr. David Collins, Resident Re: Concerns Pertaining to a Notice of Violation CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 and 10 were identified for discussion. General Committee Report No. 05-20 Page 2 of 6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 3. PW05-026– Collins Crescent – Reconstruction Design THAT Report PW05-026 regarding the Reconstruction Design of Collins Crescent be received for information; and THAT staff be requested to concentrate on the priority matters before them. 6. LS05-054– New Seniors’ Centre Status Report and Request for Additional Funding THAT Council receive the Status Report on the new Seniors’ Centre for information purposes; and THAT Council approve an additional $100,000 in the 2005 Budget for the renovation and repair of a portion of the Town Hall parking lot; and THAT Council direct the Treasurer to identify a funding source prior to approval. 7. TR05-026 – Development Application Approval Process THAT Council authorize the completion of a development application approval process review to determine appropriate fees for development applications in accordance with Bill 124 being a bill to amend the Building Code Act 1992, together with a fees review of Planning in accordance with Section 69 of the Planning Act; and THAT the project be funded with the $10,000.00 already established in the Building Department 2005 Budget and the balance be taken from the Growth-Related Studies Reserve; and THAT the Growth-Related Studies Reserve be replenished from the Building Department fees in the first year. 8. Correspondence from The Region of York Re: Naming of 55/57 Orchard Heights Blvd THAT the building located at 55/57 Orchard Heights Boulevard be officially named Orchard Heights Place. 11. PL05-095 – Extension to Draft Plan Approval Elderberry Hill Schickedanz Bros. Ltd. 13990 and 14028 Yonge Street File D12-01-3A THAT the draft approval associated with File D12-01-3A Schickedanz Bros. Ltd. be extended for a period not exceeding one year (January 14, 2007). CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-20 Page 3 of 6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 V DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Don Eastwood, Director of Economic Strategy for the Region of York Re: Item 1 - Proposed York Region Bid to Host the 2014 Commonwealth Games Mr. Don Eastwood, Director of Economic Strategy for the Region of York, advised that the Region of York has been working on a comprehensive plan to host the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Mr. Eastwood provided a broad overview of the proposed clusters of sports venues to be used throughout the Region for the games and outlined the timetable for the stages of the bidding process. Mr. Eastwood advised that the cost of submitting this bid would be managed by the Region and would not commit the Town of Aurora in any way financially, at this stage. Mr. Eastwood concluded by expressing his confidence in the Region’s position to make this proposal and requested that the Town of Aurora endorse this action. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and THAT Item 1 - Correspondence from Mr. Bill Fish, Regional Chair and CEO of York Region, Proposed York Region Bid to Host the 2014 Commonwealth Games, be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 1. Correspondence from Mr. Bill Fish, Regional Chair and CEO of York Region Re: Proposed York Region Bid to Host the 2014 Commonwealth Games General Committee recommends: THAT the Town of Aurora receive and endorse the Proposed York Region Bid to Host the 2014 Commonwealth Games. CARRIED Councillor Hogg arrived at 7:15 p.m. (b) Representative of Davis Webb Schultze & Moon Re: Item 11 - PL05-095 - Extension to Draft Plan Approval Elderberry Hill, Schickedanz Bros. Ltd. 13990 and 14028 Yonge Street File D12-01-3A Mr. Ronald Webb, of Davis Webb Schultze & Moon advised that the applicant is in support of the recommendations within the report and thanked the Committee for approving the report. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-20 Page 4 of 6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 Delegation request from Mr. Ric Mattarucco, Project Manager for Shoppers Drug Mart Re: Item 4 - BA05-011 – Variance to Sign By-law 4622-04.P Shoppers Drug Mart – 15408 Yonge Street (Added Item) Mr. Ric Mattarucco, Project Manager for Shoppers Drug Mart, advised that the applicant is in full support of the recommendations within the staff report and that he would be available to answer any questions during the consideration of this matter. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and THAT Item 4 - BA05-011 - Variance to Sign By-law 4622-04.P, Shoppers Drug Mart – 15408 Yonge Street, be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 4. BA05-011 – Variance to Sign By-law 4622-04.P Shoppers Drug Mart – 15408 Yonge Street General Committee recommends: THAT Council grant the variance to permit approximately 21 square metres of signage at 15408 Yonge Street so as to allow Shoppers Drug Mart the proposed signage; and THAT Council grant the variance with the condition that one of the image spaces be occupied with an image of the Hillary House as approved by the Town of Aurora Heritage Committee. CARRIED Delegation request from Mr. David Collins, Resident Re: Concerns Pertaining to a Notice of Violation (Added Item) Mr. David Collins advised that he has been provided with notice of violation with respect to a vehicle parked in his driveway without valid licence plates. Mr. Collins advised that the vehicle in question is currently not being used, however the car is in working order and is intended to be given to his son when he becomes insured to drive it. Mr. Collins requested that staff review and revise the Town’s By-law, 4370-02.T, specifically the sections which pertain to deserted or inoperable motor vehicles, to remove the reference regarding a current license plate. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and THAT the matter be referred to staff for a report outlining the rationale and process of sections which pertain to deserted or inoperable motor vehicles in By-law 4370-02.T. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-20 Page 5 of 6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 2. CS05-022 – Sign By-law General Committee recommends: THAT staff maintain the existing regulations within the Sign By-law and prohibit the installation of portable signs. REFERRAL: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution: General Committee recommends: THAT report CS05-022 – Sign By-law, be referred to the Town Solicitor to advise of the feasibility and possible repercussions of permitting an exemption for certain types of businesses, such as auto dealerships. CARRIED 5. Correspondence from Councillor West Re: Bathurst Street Reconstruction - Provision of Sidewalk and Illumination General Committee recommends: THAT the Director of Public Works be requested to prepare a report on the approximate cost of a sidewalk/cycle path and appropriate illumination on Bathurst Street; and THAT the report also provide projected usage if the sidewalk/cycle path were to be constructed; and THAT the report provide details as to why the Region of York would not be involved in the construction of a sidewalk/cycle path on Bathurst Street. DEFEATED 9. CS05-029 – Noise Exemption Request General Committee recommends: THAT the request from the York Catholic District School Board for an exemption from the Town’s Noise By-law for the construction of the St. Jerome Catholic Elementary School on Bridgenorth Drive, be denied. CARRIED 10. Memo from the CAO Re: Conduct of Meetings General Committee recommends: THAT the suggested revisions from the CAO pertaining to Conduct at Meetings, be supported. REFERRAL: Upon the question of the adoption of the resolution: General Committee Report No. 05-20 Page 6 of 6 Tuesday, October 4, 2005 General Committee recommends: THAT the suggested revisions from the CAO pertaining to conduct at meetings, be referred to a future Procedural By-law review process meeting for further discussion. CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Councillor Vrancic asked if it is necessary for the first In-Camera item, regarding personnel matters, to be dealt with as an In-Camera issue. Councillor Vrancic suggested that this issue be considered in public session. Staff advised that the matter is a personnel issue which deals with the reorganization of positions which are currently occupied and that the matter would best be addressed In-Camera. VIII IN-CAMERA Personnel and Legal General Committee recommends: THAT this Committee proceed In-Camera to address personnel and legal matters. CARRIED IX ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 05-20 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2005, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM NO. 3 WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND ADOPTED AS AMENDED. ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK