MINUTES - General Committee - 20050607
NO. 05-16
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, June 7, 2005
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Mayor Jones in the Chair; Councillors Buck, Gaertner,
Kean, Vrancic and West.
MEMBERS ABSENT Councillor Morris was absent on personal business
and Councillors Hogg and Wallace were absent with
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Leisure Services, Manager of Development Planning,
Director of Public Works, Deputy Treasurer, Town
Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary.
Mayor Jones called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department, with the following additional item, be approved:
Letter from Ontario Power Authority to the CAO
Re: Item 5 – ADM05-010 – Appointments to Ontario Power Authority
(OPA) Working Group – Request for the selection of one Staff
Member Representative to sit on the Working Group.
Items 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21 and 22 were identified for discussion.
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the
Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to
give effect to same:
1. PL05-047 – Proposed Northeast Old Aurora Heritage
Conservation District
THAT the letter from the Olde Aurora Ratepayers Association requesting
the Town proceed with the initiation of a Heritage Conservation District
Study for Northeast Old Aurora be received; and
THAT staff be directed to report back to General Committee at the
meeting of June 21, 2005 respecting the following:
• Proposed Heritage Conservation District Study Area boundary;
• Terms of Reference for the Heritage Conservation District Study;
• Request for proposals to undertake the study;
• Selection of a committee to review proposals and recommend to
• Appointment of a Heritage Conservation District Study Advisory Sub-
• Heritage Conservation District Study Area By-law; and
THAT a Heritage Conservation District Study Sub-Committee be formed.
2. PL05-048 – The Ontario Heritage Act – Recent Amendments
THAT the staff report entitled “The Ontario Heritage Act – Recent
Amendments”, dated June 7, 2005 be received.
3. PL05-049 – Designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act
Hartman’s Corners School, S.S. #1 Whitchurch Township
118 Wellington Street East
Roya Alami
THAT The Hartman’s Corners School, S.S. #1 Whitchurch Township at
118 Wellington Street East be approved for designation under Part IV of
the Ontario Heritage Act, as recommended by the Heritage Advisory
Committee of Aurora; and
THAT the Corporate Services Department be authorized to:
• Publish and serve Council’s Notice of Intention to Designate as per the
requirements of the Act; and
• Prepare the Designation By-law for the Property; and
THAT, as recommended by the Heritage Advisory Committee of Aurora,
the application for demolition of the Hartman’s Corners School, S.S. #1
Whitchurch Township be denied; and
THAT the owner be requested to work with the Town (Community
Planner) to determine solutions for the rehabilitation of the Hartman’s
Corners School, S.S. #1, Whitchurch Township.
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4. PL05-051 – Prehearing Conference of the Ontario Municipal Board (pg. 70)
Respecting Appeals to OPA # 17 and ROPA # 3
Regarding the Delineation of the Town’s Urban Settlement Area
OMB Case No. PL980166, OMB File No. 0980052
THAT staff be authorized to retain the law firm of Weir and Foulds to
appear at an Ontario Municipal Board Prehearing Conference on June 22,
2005 respecting appeals by Shell Products Canada Limited, Whitwell
Development Limited, and Quakers Lundy Farm from a decision of the
Regional Municipality of York to approve an expansion of the Aurora
urban settlement boundary to permit the urban settlement area to include
various lands.
7. CS05-018– Animal Control Services Update
THAT the Animal Control Services Update Report be received for
information; and
THAT Council authorize that staff enter into a month to month agreement
with the current service provider, Kennel Inn, pending the finalization of
the RFP and associated review process.
8. CS05-019 – Council Pending List - Status Report
THAT CS05-019 be received for information purposes.
10. PW05-017 – Review of Water and Wastewater Service Delivery
System, Region of York Transportation and Works
Committee Recommendations
THAT Council receive for information Report No. PW05-017 regarding the
review of the water and wastewater delivery system, as recommended by
the Region of York Transportation and Works Committee; and
THAT staff be requested to report further on the details of a Service Level
Agreement between the Town and the Region.
12. PW05-020 – Operation and Maintenance of the Town’s
Traffic Signals
THAT Council receive for information Report PW05-020 entitled
“Operation and Maintenance of the Town’s Traffic Signals;
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the attached
agreement between the Town of Aurora and York Region for the operation
and maintenance of the Town’s traffic signals on Yonge Street in the Town
of Aurora; and
THAT a copy of Report PW05-020 be forwarded to the Clerk of the Region
of York.
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14. PW05-015 – Award of Tender No. PW-2005-01 - Pavement
Markings of Various Streets and Parking Lots
THAT Tender No. PW-2005-01 – “Pavement Markings of Various Streets
and Parking Lots”, be awarded to K.D.N. Pavement Markings Ltd. at the
tendered price of $21,780.00 per year for a three year period exclusive of
GST; and
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the
attached Form of Agreement between the Town of Aurora and K.D.N.
Pavement Markings for the pavement markings of various streets and
parking lots.
16. LS05-032 – Deferral of Playing Surface Floor Replacement and
Additional Funding for Dasher Board Replacement
THAT Council be advised of the deferral of the ACC #1 playing surface
floor replacement until 2006; and
THAT additional funding for arena dasher board and glass replacement at
ACC #1 be considered in the 2006 Capital Budget.
19. LS05-038 – New Fire Hall - Approval to Proceed to Tender
THAT Council approve the design and layout of the new Fire Hall; and
THAT Council authorize staff to proceed with the Tendering process for
the new Fire Hall.
(a) Mr. Daniel Kostopoulos and Mr. Dino Basso
Re: Regional Noise Policy Presentation
(b) Mr. Gerry Mintz, Principal Engineer
Calearth International Development
Re: Continuance of Zoning By-law Amendment Application
15018 Yonge Street, Aurora, File D14-11-03
Mr. Mintz advised that he is the representative of the new owners of 15018
Yonge Street and on their behalf requested that the Committee recommend
that Council approve the two outstanding issues to complete the requirements
for the Zoning By-law Amendment Application pertaining to the subject
property, as quoted in Mr. Mintz’s letter dated June 7, 2005:
“1) A 2.5m road widening (not be taken) on Kennedy Street West; and
2) A quality control structure on the storm water drain from the catch basin to
an off street allowance existing manhole located on the property to the
south, being 15010 Yonge Street, as shown on the plan. “
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Mr. Mintz advised that Public Works staff had had discussions with the
applicant regarding the matter of storm water quality control and it appears
that a solution to this issue is feasible. Mr. Mintz concluded by asking that the
Committee recommend that Council to approve the two outstanding issues,
outlined above, and authorize staff to complete the finalization of Site Plan
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to the Director
of Public Works for a report to the next meeting of Council on June 14, 2005.
(c) Mr. Aasit Amin
Re: Continuance of Zoning By-law Amendment Application
15018 Yonge Street, Aurora, File D14-11-03
Mr. Aasit Amin, owner of the lands located at 15018 Yonge Street, advised
that he fully concurs with the comments of Mr. Gerry Mintz, and encouraged
the Committee to approve and endorse Mr. Mintz’s suggested
recommendations to Council.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received.
(d) Mr. Bert Dekkema
Re: Request for Change of Address for Thompson Funeral Home
Mr. Bert Dekkema of Trusthouse 88 Inc. advised that Thompson Funeral
Home is currently under the process of re-locating from 29 Victoria Street to
the south end of Industrial Parkway. Mr. Dekkema took a moment to express
his thanks and appreciation to the staff at the Town of Aurora for their
ongoing efforts and assistance in this matter. Mr. Dekkema introduced Mr.
Brent Forrester, the Managing Director of Thompson Funeral Home.
Mr. Forrester requested that the Committee recommend to Council that the
current proposed address for Thompson Funeral Home, being 530 Industrial
Parkway South, be changed to a Yonge Street address. Mr. Forrester
advised that the purpose for this request is to be able to offer clear and simple
directions to out of town visitors who are not familiar with the building or the
Town, who make up a significant percentage of their clientele. Mr. Forrester
advised that the only land between Yonge Street and the subject lands, is a
Regional road allowance, therefore the subject property technically abuts
Yonge Street, which is why they are asking Council to consider permitting this
re-addressing. Mr. Forrester advised that they have contacted those
agencies which might have a safety concern regarding an address change,
including Bell 911 and York Region Police, who had no issue with the address
change and York Central Fire Services, who expressed some initial concern.
Mr. Forrester advised that, having met with Fire Inspector John Adema, the
issues were addressed and documentation to that effect could be provided as
soon as available.
In conclusion, Mr. Forrester requested that, pending concurrence from
Central York Fire Services, Council give favourable consideration to this
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General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to staff to
report back to Council with the appropriate documents of approval from
Central York Fire Services, Bell 911 and York Region Police; and
THAT this report include a site map showing the exact location of the
subject lands.
(e) Mr. Miloslav Prikryl, Resident
Re: Youth and Youth Centre
Mr. Miloslav Prikryl requested that the Committee consider using the former
Aurora Public Library building to create an Aurora Youth Centre. Mr. Prikryl
advised that he had conducted a survey at two public schools asking various
questions about this idea and he provided the results of the survey which
were 97% in favour of this idea. Mr. Prikryl suggested that the youth
population provide a significant contribution to our community through
volunteer work and he indicated that this energy could be put towards fixing
up the building and making it into a viable space for this proposed use. Mr.
Prikryl advised that the centre would provide job opportunities for the youth in
staffing the centre and running programs and that it would be a positive
investment in our youth and the community as a whole.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the comments of the delegate be received.
5. ADM05-010 – Appointments to Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
Working Group; and
Letter from Ontario Power Authority to the CAO (ADDED ITEM)
Re: Item 5 - ADM05 -010 – Appointments to Ontario Power Authority (OPA)
Working Group – Request for the selection of one Staff
Member Representative to sit on the Working Group.
General Committee recommends:
THAT the Ontario Power Authority be requested to provide
definitions of the roles of each of the representatives required for the
various working groups; and
THAT Staff be requested to report back to Council on June 14, with
regard to this matter.
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6. TR05-023 – New Recreation Complex - Approval to Issue
Debentures and Financing Option
General Committee recommends:
THAT the anticipated proceeds from the sale of Aurora Hydro not be
considered as a means of financing the New Recreation Complex at this
time, due to the delay closing the sale and the need to develop a
comprehensive policy on the control and distribution of the proceeds from
the sale of Aurora Hydro; and
THAT Council authorize the issuance of debentures to complete the
approved funding of the New Recreation Complex being financed from
current and post 2013 Development Charges; and
THAT the Regional Municipality of York be requested to approve the
issuance of debentures to partially finance the New Recreation Complex
in the amount of $12,669,300 on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of
Aurora, repayable from Development Charges collected over a period of
ten (10) years;
THAT the Regional Municipality of York be requested to approve the
issuance of debentures to finance the New Recreation Complex in the
amount of $4,245,700 on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora,
repayable from post 2013 Development Charges over a period of twenty
(20) years; and
THAT the debenture financing of the Non-development Charge
component of the New Recreation Complex totalling $2,135,000 be
deferred until the completion of the Reserve and Reserve Fund Review
and Long Term Capital Funding Review; and
THAT By-law 4667-05.F be enacted at the June 14, 2005 Council
meeting; and
THAT staff be requested to advise Council, prior to the June 14, 2005
Council meeting, of the latest possible date that the Town could
reduce the funding or withdraw completely from the Debentures and
Financing Option without being penalized.
9. PW05-014 – Approval to Execute an Engineering Agreement –
Design of Sidewalk, Bikeway and Illumination on
Bloomington Sideroad from Bathurst Street to
Bayview Avenue
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council authorize the Director of Public Works to execute an
Engineering Agreement between the Town of Aurora and R. V. Anderson
Associates Ltd. for the design of sidewalks, bikeway and illumination along
Bloomington Sideroad from Bathurst Street to Bayview Avenue at the
quoted cost of $59,800, exclusive of GST; and
THAT funds for this work be approved to be expended from the
Development Charges Reserve; and
THAT the Town of Richmond Hill be approached to consider funding
their proportionate share of the costs for the design of the bikeway,
illumination and retaining wall.
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11. PW05-018 – Inspection of the Town of Aurora Drinking Water
System by the Ministry of Environment
General Committee recommends:
THAT Report No. PW05-018 regarding an inspection of the Town of
Aurora’s drinking water system performed on March 3, 2005 by the
Ministry of Environment Inspector be received for information.
13. ADM05-011 – Memorandum of Understanding – One York
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer to execute the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding One York substantially
in the form attached hereto; and
THAT the Chief Administrative Officer report back to Council once the
preliminary investigations regarding gaps in need have been identified.
15. PW05-016 – Award of Tender No. P.W.2005-28 – Supply and
Delivery of Two Full Size 3/4 Ton Cargo Vans Complete
With Power Inverters
General Committee recommends:
THAT Tender No. P.W.2005-28 - "Supply and Delivery of Two Full Size
3/4 Ton Cargo Vans Complete With Power Inverters”, be awarded to
Unionville Motors Ltd. at its tendered price of $77,304.24, exclusive of
GST; and
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the
attached Form of Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Unionville
Motors Ltd. for the Supply and Delivery of Two Full Size 3/4 Ton Cargo
Vans Complete With Power Inverters.
17. LS05-033 – Recommendation to Purchase a New Olympia
Millennium Ice Re-surfacer
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council approve the procurement of a new Resurfice 2005 Olympia
Millennium ice re-surfacing machine for the new Aurora Recreation
Complex in the amount of $76,814.25 plus G.S.T.
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18. LS05-036 – Tender L.S. 2005-32 - Purchase of One (1)
Full Size Cargo Van
General Committee recommends:
THAT Council authorize the purchase of one (1) Department of Leisure
Services full size Cargo Van from Unionville Motors Ltd. in the amount of
$29,954.05 less P.S.T. and G.S.T.
20. LS05-034 – Aurora Historical Society Amending Agreement
General Committee recommends:
THAT the matter be referred back to staff to address various concerns
expressed by members of Council and provide additional background
information, including but not limited to:
• Request staff to meet with representatives from the Historical Society
to get clarification of who will be leasing/renting the building and for
what use(s), and report back on findings;
• Provide rationale for the ratio of 2 Councillors and 2 Historical Society
representatives on the Historical Society Capital Works Committee, as
this equal representation does not allow for a tie breaking vote;
• Provide rationale for 40 year lease term;
• Provide previous reports and a full history of funding provided by the
Town of Aurora for the Church Street School; and
• Clarification of parking arrangements for potential occupants; and
• THAT any amendments be incorporated in as part of the original
21. LS05-037 – Public/Private Partnership - Soccer Bubble
General Committee recommends:
THAT subject to a satisfactory Agreement between the Town and
1651883 Ontario Inc., Council approve the construction of a Soccer
Bubble within Lambert Willson Park adjacent to the Royal Canadian
Legion; and
THAT Council waive the requirements for a re-zoning to permit the
construction of a soccer bubble; and
THAT Council waive the requirement to enter into a Site Plan Agreement
for the Project.
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22. FAC05-01 – May 11, 2005 Finance Advisory Committee Meeting
Review of the Terms of Reference
(Referred by Council - May 24 th, 2005)
General Committee recommends:
THAT the revised Terms of Reference for the Finance Advisory
Committee, reflecting Council’s direction of December 14, 2004, be
General Committee recommends:
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
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