MINUTES - General Committee - 20050503 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 05-12 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, May 3, 2005 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Vrancic in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Hogg, Morris, and West. MEMBERS ABSENT Councillors Kean and Wallace were absent on other business. Councillor Gaertner was absent due to a personal matter. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Manager of Engineering Services, Deputy Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Vrancic called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department, with the following additional items, be approved:  Delegation from Ms Kristen Yemm, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator and Mr. Dino Lombardi, Economic Development Officer Re: Item 3 - ADM05-010– Developing a New Municipal Tagline for the Town of Aurora – A Re-Branding Initiative  Deferral of Item 2 - ADM05-009– Acting Head of Council – Deputy Mayor, to the May 19, 2005 General Committee meeting  Additional material to accompany Delegation (c) Mr. Chris Stoyanovich, Director, Planning & Development for Shoppers Drug Mart Re: Sign Variance for Shoppers Drug Mart, Hollandview Trail, Aurora (Item 8) CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 2 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION All of the Items on the agenda were identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION None V DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Wayne Bando, Resident Re: Reconstruction of Collins Crescent Mr. Bando, resident of 38 Collins Crescent, expressed concerns pertaining to the recently completed reconstruction of Collins Crescent, resulting in the expansion of the grassed boulevards between the property lines of several homes and the crescent. Mr. Bando advised that this new grassed area requires more care and maintenance for the affected residents and that the physical work and cost of this maintenance has become the sole responsibility of the property owners. Mr. Bando advised that he and other affected residents feel that the Town should be responsible for maintaining the expanded boulevards, as the property is owned by the Town. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (b) Mr. Frank Luciani, Resident Re: Tree Permit Application for 340 Ridge Road (Item 9) Mr. Luciani advised that his application for a minor variance, to construct a new home on his property at 340 Ridge Road, was approved through the Committee of Adjustment. Mr. Luciani advised that the approval was subject to vegetation preservation conditions which included a condition that he comply with By-law 4474-03.D (Tree Permit By-law). Mr. Luciani advised that he has completed the application for a Tree Removal Permit and has remitted the applicable payment in accordance with the By-law and he is willing to enter into a Vegetation Preservation Agreement with the Town to the satisfaction of the Director of Leisure Services. Mr. Luciani advised that he is available for questions during consideration of this matter. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to Item 9 on the agenda; and THAT Item 9 - LS05-022– Tree Cutting Permit Application be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 3 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 9. LS05-022– Tree Cutting Permit Application General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the attached application for the removal of trees in accordance with By-law 4474-03.D being a by-law to authorize the injury or destruction of trees (Tree Permit By-law). CARRIED (c) Mr. Chris Stoyanovich, Director, Planning & Development, Shoppers Drug Mart Re: Sign Variance for Shoppers Drug Mart, Hollandview Trail, Aurora (Item 8) Mr. Chris Stoyanovich of Shoppers Drug Mart provided a brief background to the request for a Sign Variance for Shoppers Drug Mart at 446 Hollandview Trail which is outlined in report BA05-004. Mr. Stoyanovich advised that he has provided three proposed options for the Committee to consider in relation to this matter, as outlined in the letter which was provided in the additional items package this evening. Mr. Stoyanovich suggested that, of the four spaces currently proposed for the display of lifestyle images, perhaps the Town would be interested in displaying images of historical or local interest in one or two of the proposed spaces. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to Item 8 on the agenda; and THAT Item 8 - BA05-004 – Variance to Sign By-law – Shoppers Drug Mart 446 Hollandview Trail, be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 8. BA05-004 – Variance to Sign By-law – Shoppers Drug Mart 446 Hollandview Trail General Committee considered the following recommendation which was voted on and defeated: THAT Council approve the request for a variance to permit an additional 28 square metres of signage on the east wall for the purpose of providing life style images that are part of the new Shoppers Drug Mart image, with the understanding that the proposed sign remain lifestyle pictures and that the Town retain the option to use two of the panels to display pictures from the Town of Aurora. DEFEATED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 4 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the request for a variance to permit an additional 28 square metres of signage on the east wall for the purpose of providing life style images, provided that those images are not used in the future for the purpose of advertising product; and THAT staff be requested to meet with representatives from Shoppers Drug Mart, prior to the May 10, 2005 Council meeting, to fine tune the restrictions on those images to be displayed. CARRIED Ms Kristen Yemm, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator and Mr. Dino Lombardi, Economic Development Officer Re: Item 3 - ADM05 -010– Developing a New Municipal Tagline for the Town of Aurora – A Re-Branding Initiative (ADDED ITEM) Ms Kristen Yemm, Marketing and Communications Co-ordinator and Mr. Dino Lombardi, Economic Development Officer, provided a brief introduction to the report ADM05-010 – Developing a New Municipal Tagline for the Town of Aurora – A Re-Branding Initiative. Ms Yemm and Mr. Lombardi reviewed the process leading up to the selection of the proposed tag lines offered within the above captioned report, and requested that the Committee select a preferred tagline to be forwarded to Council for approval and use with the Town’s new marketing Logo. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegates be received and referred to Item 3 on the agenda; and THAT Item 3 - ADM05-010– Developing a New Municipal Tagline for the Town of Aurora – A Re-Branding Initiative, be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 3. ADM05-010– Developing a New Municipal Tagline for the Town of Aurora – A Re-Branding Initiative General Committee recommends: THAT General Committee endorse the following tag line: “You’re in Good Company” THAT the preferred tagline be forwarded to Council for approval and use with the Town’s new marketing Logo. CARRIED VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 1. City of Vaughan’s Tree Protection By-law (Requested by Councillor Kean at General Committee - April 19, 2005) General Committee recommends: THAT consideration of the City of Vaughan’s Tree Protection By-law be deferred to the May 17, 2005 General Committee meeting. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 5 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 General Committee recommends: THAT Item 10 - LS05-024– Seniors’ Centre Naming Rights Policy be brought forward for discussion. CARRIED 10. LS05-024– Seniors’ Centre Naming Rights Policy General Committee recommends: THAT Council endorse the fundraising targets identified within this report regarding the naming rights for the New Seniors’ Centre; and THAT Council approve the Naming Rights Policy attached to Report LS05-024. CARRIED 2. ADM05-009– Acting Head of Council – Deputy Mayor Upon approval of the agenda, Report ADM05-009 – Acting Head of Council – Deputy Mayor, was deferred to the May 17, 2005 General Committee meeting. 4. PL05-038 – Application for Exemption from Part Lot Control J.A. Developments Inc. Lot 33 and Block 38, Registered Plan 65M-3222 14689 Bathurst Street File D12-PLC-03-02 General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the request for exemption from Part Lot Control made by J.A. Developments Inc. to divide Lot 33 and Block 38, Registered Plan 65M-3222 into two separate lots; and THAT Council enact By-law 4671-05.D at the May 10, 2005 Council meeting. CARRIED 5. PL05-039 – Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment Applications Amourin Investments Limited & J-G Cordone Investments Limited Lots 123, 124, 125, 127 and Part of 122, Plan 246 15277, 15283, & 15291 Yonge Street and 10, 12 & 14 Centre Street Files D09-03-97 and D14-16-97 General Committee recommends: THAT Report PL05-039 be received as information with respect to an Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment application made by Amourin Investments Limited and J-G Cordone Investments Limited (Files D09-03- 97 and D14-16-97), scheduled for the June 29, 2005 Public Planning Meeting. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 6 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 6. PL05-042 – Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Application Sam Accardi in Trust Part of Lot 122, Registered Plan 246, 18 Centre Street Files D14-10-03 and D11-02-04 General Committee recommends: THAT Council enact Implementing Zoning By-law 4670-05.D; and THAT Report PL05-042 be received as information; and THAT, subject to the resolution all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning to enter into a Site Plan Agreement between Sam Accardi in Trust and the Town of Aurora respecting the construction of three row dwelling units. CARRIED 7. CS05-015 – Council Pending List - Status Report General Committee recommends: THAT Report CS05-015 be received for information purposes. CARRIED Councillor Buck requested that the issue of signage appearing in the windows of various businesses located in the Yonge Street and Wellington Street area, not be included in the pending list, as this issue has been investigated by staff already. Councillor Morris requested that the item regarding the removal of an air conditioner in a new subdivision on Bayview Avenue be removed from the pending list, as staff have followed up on this issue. 11. LS05-023– Status Update – New Recreation Complex General Committee recommends: THAT Report LS05-023 providing a status update of the New Recreation Complex be received for information. CARRIED 12. CS05-014 – 2005 Corporate Staff Complement Adjustments General Committee recommends: THAT the full time staff complement adjustments for 2005 be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 7 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 13. TR05-011 – New Recreation Complex – Approval to Issue Debenture General Committee recommends: THAT Council authorize the issuance of debentures to complete the funding of the New Recreation Complex being financed from Development Charges; and THAT the Regional Municipality of York be requested to issue debentures in the amount of $12,669,300 on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, repayable over a period of ten (10) years; and THAT the Regional Municipality of York be requested to issue debentures in the amount of $4,245,700 on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Aurora repayable over a period of twenty (20) years; and THAT the debenture financing of the Non-development Charge component of the New Recreation Complex totalling $2,135,000 be deferred until the completion of the Long Term Capital Funding Review, Reserve and Reserve Fund Review and the development of a policy on the control and distribution of the proceeds from the sale of Aurora Hydro; and THAT By-law 4667-05.F be enacted at the May 10, 2005 Council meeting. CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Councillor West requested that the Department Heads review the Council Pending List in order to remove any items which have been concluded. Councillor Hogg inquired as to when a report would be brought forward regarding the naming rights for the new Recreation Complex. Councillor Buck advised that she had been informed that the Yonge Street Commercial Area Sub-Committee is raising funds for the installation of trees along Yonge Street and she requested that staff verify and report on this project. Councillor Vrancic expressed concerns regarding the road construction currently taking place on Wellington Street, just east of Yonge Street. Councillor Vrancic suggested that the current traffic disruption due to insufficient signage and markings, as well as the imposed merging of three lanes of traffic into one, is a potential hazard as well as a major inconvenience. Councillor Vrancic requested that staff contact the Region of York and request that they address these concerns. Mayor Jones advised of a parade to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the St. Andrew's College Cadet Corps which will take place on Wednesday May 4, 2005, from 1:30 p.m. to approximately 3:00 p.m. Mayor Jones advised that the Corps with Pipes and Drums will be marching from St. Andrew’s College on Yonge Street south to the Clock Tower between Wellington Street and Mosley Street, to receive the "Freedom of the City", and he advised that motorists can expect traffic delays on Yonge Street during that time. General Committee Report No. 05-12 Page 8 of 8 Tuesday, May 3, 2005 VIII IN-CAMERA Personnel General Committee recommends: THAT this Committee proceed In-Camera to address a personnel matter. IX ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:25 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 05-12 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2005, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEMS 3, 6 AND 9 WHICH WERE ADOPTED AS ORIGINALLY PRESENTED AND ITEM 13, WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND REFERRED BACK TO STAFF FOR A FURTHER REPORT.