MINUTES - General Committee - 20050621 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 05-17 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, June 21, 2005 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor West in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Gaertner, Hogg, Kean, Morris, Vrancic and Wallace. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Deputy Treasurer, Town Solicitor, and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor West called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA General Committee recommends: THAT the content of the agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 and 14 were identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION General Committee recommends: THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: General Committee Report No. 05-17 Page 2 of 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 1. Letter from Mr. Geoffrey Dawe, Chair- Aurora Public Library Board Re: Space Leasing Within Library Square and Parking Availability THAT the correspondence from the Chair - Aurora Public Library Board be received for information. 2. ADM05-006 – 2004 Annual Report THAT the attached 2004 Annual Report for the Town of Aurora be received as information. 4. PW05-019 – Elimination of Train Whistling at Railway Crossings - Update THAT staff be requested to: • continue to work toward resolution of all matters related to the elimination of train whistling at railway crossings in Aurora; and • report further to Council on this matter as necessary. 8. PL05-055 – Site Plan Application Perwick Investments Ltd. 300, 302, 304 Wellington Street East File D11-17-98A2 THAT Report PL05-055 be received as information; and THAT Council authorize the Director of Planning to enter into a Site Plan Amendment Agreement between Perwick Investments Ltd., the Regional Municipality of York, and the Town of Aurora for the proposed changes to the lands municipally known as 300, 302, and 304 Wellington Street East. 9. PL05-057 – Planning Applications Status List THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information. 11. LS05-041 – Level of Janitorial Services in Town Facilities THAT Council endorse the janitorial level of service in the following Town facilities; and THAT Council endorse the Terms and Conditions for a Tender and Consolidated Janitorial Services Contract at the following facilities: 1. Aurora Town Hall 2. Aurora Family Leisure Complex 3. Parks and Public Works Buildings 4. Aurora Public Library 5. New Seniors Centre 6. New Recreation Complex 7. Aurora Community Centre (part-time weekend service) CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-17 Page 3 of 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 V DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Mark C. Vigna, Earth Rangers Re: Wildlife Services Provided to the Town of Aurora Mr. Mark Vigna, Director of Development with Earth Rangers, provided a detailed summary of the many wildlife services provided by Earth Rangers, a registered charity dedicated to the treatment, care and management of wildlife in Ontario and educating and helping children to build a better future. Mr. Vigna advised that Earth Rangers has recently completed the construction of a state of the art Wildlife Hospital & Rehabilitation Centre in Woodbridge, Ontario, providing a variety of services including a wildlife hot line for all of Ontario, disease state management, education programs and volunteer opportunities. Mr. Vigna concluded by requesting that Council direct staff to investigate potential support for Earth Rangers wildlife services and that the Town of Aurora provide introductions to other municipalities in York Region. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED (b) Ms Sandra Vessel, York Region Health Services Re: Pandemic Influenza – Contingency Plan Ms Sandra Vessel of York Region Health Services provided a detailed presentation outlining the Pandemic Influenza – Contingency Plan which is being designed to allow municipalities and essential services to be better prepared to handle a possible outbreak of a new strain of Influenza A Virus, which has been detected in other parts of the world and is anticipated to arrive in North America within the year. Ms Vessel provided a brief history of pandemic influenza outbreaks and reviewed the potential impact on the population and the health care system, outlining the role of the government and essential service providers during the course of this pandemic occurrence. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED Councillor Hogg arrived at 7:40 p.m. (c) Mr. Daniel Kostopoulos, Region of York Re: Update of the Regional Noise Policy Mr. Daniel Kostopoulos provided a detailed update of the Region’s Noise Policy revisions, outlining the assessments and studies which were undertaken. Mr. Kostopoulos advised that updates and technical improvements within the policy will address the current service needs; ensure greater credibility and more defendable results for upcoming capital and development projects and address retrofitting and replacing existing noise mitigation devices where needed. General Committee recommends: THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-17 Page 4 of 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 3. BA05-006 – Municipal Building By-law General Committee recommends: THAT Report BA05-006 respecting a Municipal Building By-law be received; and THAT staff be directed to bring forward By-law 4678-05.C, being a by-law respecting construction, demolition and change of use permits, to the June 28, 2005 Council meeting for three readings. CARRIED 5 PL05-052 – Proposed Official Plan Updates Pertaining to Industrial/ Commercial Designations and Economic Development General Committee recommends: THAT the Terms of Reference for the Official Plan updates pertaining to Industrial/Commercial policies and the addition of new Economic Development policies be approved; and THAT a request for proposals to undertake the study be undertaken; and THAT Town staff be authorized to proceed with consultant selection and awarding of the study in accordance with the requirements of the Town’s standard purchasing procedures; and THAT the successful proposal be selected and recommended to Council by representatives from the Planning Department and the Economic Development Officer. CARRIED 6. PL05-053 - Zoning By-law Amendment and Subdivision Applications Hallgrove Estates Inc. Part of Lot 20, Concession 3 South of Wellington Street, Between Leslie Street and Hwy 404 Files D14-06-00 and D12-00-2A General Committee recommends: THAT Council enact Implementing Zoning By-law 4679-05.D; and THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision D12-00-2A prepared by KLM Planning Partners Inc., Project No. P-991, dated April 12, 2005, be draft approved subject to the Conditions of Draft Approval attached as Appendix “A" being fulfilled prior to final approval. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-17 Page 5 of 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 7. PL05-054 – Proposed Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Study Terms of Reference General Committee recommends: THAT the Northeast Old Aurora Heritage Conservation District Study – Terms of Reference, dated June 28, 2005 be approved; and THAT Town staff be authorized to proceed with consultant selection and awarding of the study in accordance with the requirements of the Town’s standard purchasing procedures; and THAT the successful proposal be selected and recommended to Council by a technical steering committee comprising of representatives of the Planning Department. CARRIED 10. LS05-043 – Tender LS2005-23 - Wellington Street Left Turn Lane Councillor Gaertner requested that staff provide a current breakdown of funds drawn from the contingency account during the completion of this project. General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the awarding of Tender LS2005-23 (Wellington Street left turn lane) for road servicing work to K.J. Beamish Construction Limited in the amount of $137,201 excluding G.S.T. CARRIED 12. LS05-042 – Pro-Shop Request for Proposal – New Recreation Complex General Committee recommends: THAT the matter be deferred to allow staff to investigate similar leasing agreements of this nature in other municipalities and to report on their findings. CARRIED 13. CS05-020 – Sign Request for Polo for Heart General Committee recommends: THAT Council approve the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation’s request for signage for their annual Polo for Heart fundraiser to be held on June 24th 25th and 26th. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 05-17 Page 6 of 6 Tuesday, June 21, 2005 14. PL05-056 – Release for Registration Phase 1, Preserve Homes Corporation Part of Lot 21, Concession 2 EYS, D12-01-5A General Committee recommends: THAT, subject to the execution of the agreement by Preserve Homes Corporation, and such minor technical modifications that may be necessary, the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Preserve Homes Corporation dated June 28, 2005 with respect to the Phase 1, as defined within the Agreement, contained within Draft Plan of Subdivision D12-01-5A subject to the following provisions: i) the receipt of the Ontario Municipal Board Order regarding the lands along Wellington Street East previously owned by the School Board; ii) the provision of financial payments and securities as described in Schedules “K” and “L” of the Agreement respectively; iii) the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute all documents necessary to effect the transfer of certain lands, reserves, and easements at the developers expense, as described in Schedule “F” of the Agreement. CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Councillor Kean expressed concern regarding a recent letter written by a Member of Council and published in a local newspaper, regarding the Chamber of Commerce and the recent Diamonds and Denim Street Dance. Councillor Hogg inquired if there will be any further attempt for Members of Council to meet and discuss methods for working together effectively as a decision making body. VIII IN-CAMERA None IX ADJOURNMENT General Committee recommends: THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:50 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 05-17 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2005.