MINUTES - General Committee - 20041019 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 04-20 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, October 19, 2004 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Hogg in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Buck, Gaertner, Kean, Morris, Vrancic, Wallace and West. MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Treasurer, Town Solicitor and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Hogg called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 4, 5 and 6 were identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to the Committee and staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: General Committee Report No. 04-20 Page 2 of 4 Tuesday, October 19, 2004 1. PL04-115 – Site Plan Application, Terra Aurora Ltd. Lot 87, Registered Plan 246, 205 Industrial Parkway North File D11-09-04 THAT Report PL04-115- be received as information; THAT, subject to a satisfactory review by the Site Plan Committee, the Director of Planning be authorized to execute a Site Plan Agreement between Terra Aurora Limited and the Town of Aurora respecting the expansion of the industrial building on the subject lands. 2. PL04-116 – Planning Applications Status List THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information. 3. LS04-053 – Theatre Aurora Building Renovations THAT Council award RFQ #LS2004-66 to Ruscro General Contracting Inc. in the amount of $82,550.00 for the Theatre Aurora Building Renovation Works. CARRIED V DELEGATIONS (a) Mr. Rahul Bhardwaj, CEO, United Way of York Region Re: Presentation & Campaign Video for United Way of York Region Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Morris THAT Council allow the delegate an extra 6 minutes to play the United Way’s 2004 Campaign Video. CARRIED Mr. Bhardwaj presented the United Way’s 2004 Campaign Video to the Committee and reviewed their goals for the near future. Mr. Bhardwaj requested the support of the Town for an employee campaign and that Council continue to be ambassadors for the United Way at community events. Moved by Councillor Morris Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the comments of the delegate be received; and THAT the Town of Aurora proclaim the month of November 2004 as “United Way Month in Aurora” and urge all citizens to recognize and support the mission of the United Way of York Region”; and THAT during “United Way Month in Aurora”: (i) Council permit the posting of United Way posters and signs in Town of Aurora facilities; and (ii) The Town of Aurora fly the United Way flag at the Town Hall during “United Way Month”. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 04-20 Page 3 of 4 Tuesday, October 19, 2004 (b) Mr. Graham Wride, Resident of 98 Temperance Street Re: Proposed Address Change for the Town Hall Mr. Wride addressed the Committee to express his concerns regarding the proposed street name change for the Town Hall and further, requested a response to his and other residents’ question as to why the street name for the Town Hall should be changed. Moved by Councillor Morris Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the comments of the delegate be received. CARRIED VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 4. LS04-052 – Tree Cutting Permit Application Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor Morris THAT Council refer the tree cutting permit application by Magna Entertainment Corporation to the Environmental Advisory Committee. CARRIED 5. LS04-054 – GO Station Overflow Parking Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Morris THAT Council receive report LS04-054 for information purposes. AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the recommendation, it was: Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Gaertner THAT staff be requested to consult with GO Transit to obtain their co- operation in utilizing the parking lot at Sheppard’s Bush at Industry Street until the end of April 2005, in order to accommodate additional vehicles for GO Train commuters. DEFEATED The original main motion was CARRIED. 6. TR04-019 – Update on Financing for New Seniors’ and Recreation Centres Moved by Councillor Buck Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT Council receive report TR04-019 for information purposes. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 04-20 Page 4 of 4 Tuesday, October 19, 2004 VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Moved by Councillor Morris Seconded by Councillor Gaertner THAT the Director of Leisure Services provide a business plan regarding the transfer of the pre-school programs from the Leisure Complex to the new Recreation Complex when it opens. CARRIED Councillor Buck provided a Notice of Motion to request the resolution to change the street name and address of the Town Hall be rescinded. VIII IN CAMERA Personnel Matters Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Morris THAT this Committee proceed In Camera to address personnel matters. IX ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Wallace THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:05 p.m. CARRIED THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING 04-20 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2004. ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK