MINUTES - General Committee - 20030617 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 03-11 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, June 17, 2003 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Vrancic in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, MacEachern, Pedersen, Timpson, Wallace and West. MEMBERS ABSENT: Councillor Kean was absent on work related business. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Building, Director of Public Works, Treasurer and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Vrancic called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Item 1 was identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: General Committee Meeting No. 03-11 Page 2 Tuesday, June 17, 2003 2. CS03-027 - 2003 Municipal Elections By-laws THAT the draft by-laws to provide for advance voting days; for reduced hours of voting in nursing/retirement homes; and the use of electronic tabulation equipment in the forthcoming election be approved. 3. PL03-065 - Planning Applications Status List THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information. 4. PL03-067 - Site Plan Application Eighth Dimension Inc. (Landcrest Developments Management Inc.) Part of Block 1, Plan 65M-3193 and Part 8-23, Plan 65R-22241 410 Hollandview Trail File Number D11-04-03 THAT Report PL03-067 be received as information and that, subject to the resolution of all outstanding issues and the submission of all fees and securities, Council authorize the Director of Planning to enter into a site plan agreement between Eighth Dimension Inc. and the Town of Aurora respecting the construction of a commercial plaza on the subject lands. 5. PW03-022 - Winter Road and Sidewalk Maintenance Programs Review 1. THAT Council approve the optional one year extension as allowed in the current contract with Armitage (Ontario) Construction Co. Limited for the supply and operation of three de-icing/plow trucks for winter road maintenance for the 2003/2004 winter season, with no increase in unit prices; 2. THAT Council approve a three year extension of the current contract with Nu-Con Contracting to supply and operate tractors with de- icing/plow/blower attachments for winter sidewalk maintenance, with no increase in unit prices but with an increase from two to four supplied and operated contracted tractors with de-icing/plow/blower attachments; 3. THAT Council approve the revised winter road and sidewalk maintenance standards as detailed in General Committee Report No. PW03-22 dated June 17, 2003(particularly Table Nos. 6 and 7) for the 2003/2004 winter season; 4. THAT Staff proceed with the purchase of the replacement 5 ton truck as contained in the 2003 Budget including the equipment needed to implement pre-wetting of sand and salt and that further activity related to pre-wetting be considered during the 2004 Budget deliberations; 5. THAT the new Development Charges funded truck approved within the 2003 Budget be deferred and reconsidered in the 2004 Budget deliberations; 6. THAT Council approve, pending favourable review of any risk management concerns, of the elimination of sand on certain low volume roads as described in Report No. PW03-022 as a pilot project; and 7. THAT Council direct staff to prepare a further report after the 2003/2004 winter season for their consideration outlining long term strategies and options for future winter seasons. General Committee Meeting No. 03-11 Page 3 Tuesday, June 17, 2003 6. TR03-014 - Investment Policy Update THAT the Town’s “Investment Policy” be amended in accordance with changes to the Municipal Act, 2001 and replaced by Appendix “A” (attached hereto). THAT the contents of Appendix “A” be established as the formal policy governing corporate investments and maintained within the Town’s Administration Procedures as Policy # 61, effective June 25, 2003. 7. Correspondence from Toronto and Region Conservation For the Living City Re: Source Protection Planning Framework TRCA Comments and Implications WHEREAS the Source Protection Advisory Committee’s Report builds upon the recommendations of the Walkerton Inquiry; AND WHEREAS the Town of Aurora supports the protection of our drinking water resources; AND WHEREAS the Town of Aurora supports the coordinating role in drinking water source protection planning for Conservation Authorities; AND WHEREAS the there must be substantial funding from the Province for drinking water source protection planning; AND WHEREAS the implementation and funding details for drinking water source protection is to be developed by the Province in consultation with municipalities and other stakeholders; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Town of Aurora generally supports the report and recommendations of the Multi-Stakeholder Advisory Committee on a Watershed-based Source Protection Planning Framework. 8. Letter from the Canadian Red Cross Re: Appreciation for the Town’s contribution toward the Badger Flood Appeal THAT the letter from the Canadian Red Cross be received for information. CARRIED V DELEGATIONS NONE VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 1. BA03-027 - Variance to Sign By-law #3400-92 Pristine Meats Limited Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT Council deny the request for a Variance to By-law 3400-92 to permit a sign to be erected upon a roof at 15531 Yonge Street. CARRIED General Committee Meeting No. 03-11 Page 4 Tuesday, June 17, 2003 VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Mayor Jones thanked Councillor Wallace for changing the battery in the clock located in the Councillors office. Councillor MacEachern asked for clarification with regard to a recent direction from Council regarding a report from LACAC. The Director of Corporate Services advised that although Council only received the recommendation that staff will continue to obtain the historical background information on the Library for the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee. VIII IN CAMERA Legal and Property Matters Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Timpson THAT this Council proceed In Camera to address legal and property matters. IX ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Griffith THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:05 p.m. CARRIED (THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 03-11 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2003 WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM NO. 1 WHICH WAS DEFERRED TO THE JULY 15 COUNCIL MEETING) ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR K. EWART, DEPUTY CLERK