MINUTES - General Committee - 20030603 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 03-10 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, June 3, 2003 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Timpson in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, MacEachern, Pedersen, Vrancic, Wallace and West. MEMBERS ABSENT: Councillor Kean was absent on work related business. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Treasurer and Council/Committee Secretary. Councillor Timpson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented with the following additions: DELEGATION REQUESTS:  Mr. Vladimir Alter of 203 St. John’s Sideroad, re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003.  Mrs. Darlene Whyte, 353 St. John’s Sideroad, re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003.  Mr. Larry Dekkema of Ballymore Development (Aurora Corp) re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 03-10 Page 2 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 2, 3 and 7 were identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. CS03-026 - Request for Street Name KLM Planning Partners Inc. on behalf of L. H. Lind Realty (Lenard Lind) 240 Kennedy Street West Part of Lot 79, Concession 1 Draft Plan of Condominium D07-02-04A THAT the following name be allocated to the proposed internal private road within the proposed Condominium Plan (D07-02-04A) Creek’s Meadow 4. Letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario Re: Municipal Action on Referendum Proposal THAT the Letter from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, regarding a proposal to require voter approval through a referendum, before increasing taxes, be received; and THAT the Town of Aurora advise the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, our local MPP and the Premier of Ontario of our concerns with regard to this proposal. 5. Letter from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Re: FCM National Housing Policy Options Team THAT the Letter from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities regarding the FCM National Housing Policy Options, be received for information. 6. Letter from the Region of York Re: Commentary on the GTA Task Force on Ontario Municipal Board Reform THAT the Letter from the Region of York regarding Commentary on the GTA Task Force on Ontario Municipal Board Reform be received for information. CARRIED V DELEGATIONS Mr. Vladimir Alter of 203 St. John’s Sideroad, re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003. Mr. Vladimir Alter provided a detailed summary of the events leading up to his concerns with regard to the Region of York passing a By-law to permit the temporary road closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003. Mr. Alter advised that he has placed his property up for sale and that the impending closure of St. John’s Sideroad is going to impede his ability to show his home to prospective buyers. General Committee Report No. 03-10 Page 3 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 Mr. Alter expressed concern that insufficient notification was provided to the residents of the area prior to authorizing the reconstruction of the road. Mr. Alter advised that this disruption will have a detrimental effect on the sale of his home and his financial well being. Mr. Alter requested that the Regional By-law be rescinded and that the work on St. John’s Sideroad be halted until a later date. Mr. Alter suggested that, should the work on St. John’s Sideroad be continued, the Town of Aurora should arrange with the three involved parties, to purchase his property at the listed price, and pay the outstanding legal and agency fees, as compensation for his inconvenience. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to item #7. CARRIED Mr. John Whyte, 353 St. John’s Sideroad, re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003. Mr. John Whyte of 353 St. John’s Sideroad, advised that his property is up for sale and that the impending closure of St. John’s Sideroad is going to impede his ability to show his home to prospective buyers. Mr. Whyte expressed many of the concerns identified by the previous delegate and included his concern that the Region did not provide residents with an opportunity to consult with them in regard to this issue. Mr. Whyte requested that the closure of St. John’s Sideroad be delayed for at least one month to allow for the homes listed on that road to be adequately shown during the months when the real estate market is at its prime. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Griffith THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to item #7. CARRIED Mr. Larry Dekkema of Ballymore Development (Aurora Corp) re: Item #7 - Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad from June 9 to July 5, 2003. Mr. Dekkema advised that his company, Ballymore Development, is in the business of selling homes on St. John’s Sideroad, and he advised that the road improvements are necessary and can be used as a selling feature on the basis that they will improve safely conditions within that area. Mr. Dekkema also advised that the road has a steep slope, which it is unsafe for drivers and pedestrians, due to insufficient sight lines and the tendency for vehicles to accelerate on the hill. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor MacEachern THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to item #7. CARRIED Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor MacEachern THAT item #7 be brought forward for consideration at this time. CARRIED General Committee Report No. 03-10 Page 4 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 7. Letter from the Region of York Re: Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad Between Bathurst Street and Yonge Street, Town of Aurora Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor West THAT the Letter from the Region of York regarding Temporary Road Closure of St. John’s Sideroad between Bathurst Street and Yonge Street in the Town of Aurora, be received for information. CARRIED VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 2. CS03-023 - Acquisition of an Automated Recording and Vote Tabulation System Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT staff be authorized to proceed with the rental of an automated election system for the recording and tabulating of election results with Diebold Election Systems at a cost of $49,438 for one election; and THAT the funding as approved within the 2003 Corporate Services Dept. capital budget be authorized. CARRIED 3. Memo from Mayor Jones Re: Pesticides/Herbicide Reduction Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor West THAT the Committee take no action on the matter, at this time. CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Griffith THAT June 6th be declared Swedish Flag Day; and THAT the Swedish National Flag be flown at the Town Hall. CARRIED Councillor Vrancic inquired as to whether there is an existing By-law to enforce the dumping of residential waste on commercial lands, the Director of Corporate Services advised that staff will investigate and provide that information to Members of Council. Councillor MacEachern inquired as to the status of the mound of dirt on Allaura Boulevard. The Director of Public Works advised that staff are working with the owner to have the dirt removed. General Committee Report No. 03-10 Page 5 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 VIII IN CAMERA Property Matter Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT this Council proceed In Camera to address a property matter. CARRIED IX ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Griffith THAT the meeting be adjourned at 7:50 p.m. CARRIED (THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 03-10 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003 WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEMS NO. 2 AND 7, WHICH WERE DISCUSSED AND AMENDED) ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK