MINUTES - General Committee - 20021105
NO. 02-15
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, November 5, 2002
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Pedersen in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Kean, Griffith, MacEachern, Timpson,
Vrancic Wallace and West
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Planning, Director of
Leisure Services, Director of Public Works, Treasurer
and Council/ Committee Secretary.
Councillor Pedersen called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Councillor West declared an interest in Item 1 - Report PW02-058 by virtue of his
residence in the vicinity one of the subject roads and did not take part in or vote on
any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to influence the voting on such
Councillor Wallace declared an interest in Item 3 – CS02-048 and Item 5 –
PW02-063 by virtue of his affiliation with a publication mentioned in both reports
and did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any
way to influence the voting on such questions.
Mayor Jones declared an interest in Item 3 – CS02-048 by virtue of his affiliation
with a publication through his column in the newspaper mentioned in the report and
did not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way
to influence the voting on such questions.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department be approved as presented with the addition of the following
Delegation Request from Concerned Residents of Child Drive re:
Construction to Child Drive
Delegation Request from Wayne Bando, Resident re: Proposed 10-
Year Capital Road Program
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Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 19 and 21 were identified for discussion.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to
Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to
give effect to same:
7. TR02-024 – Proposed 2003 Water, Sanitary Storm and
Storm Sewer Rates
THAT Council authorize staff to implement the second phase of the net
lifecycle contribution strategy for water and sewer services that was
approved in principle in the fall of 2001.
THAT Council approve the 2003 Retail Water rate of $0.7509 per cubic
meter and the Retail Sanitary Sewer rate of $0.5008 per cubic meter for all
bills issued on and after April 1, 2003.
THAT Council maintain the Flat Rate Storm Sewer charge of $43.00 per
annum for metered Residential properties and $276.00 per annum for
metered Commercial/Industrial and Multi-Residential properties for 2003.
THAT Council reaffirms its approval to classify multi-unit apartments and
townhomes on residential bulk meters as Commercial/Industrial properties
for purposes of applying the flat rate storm sewer charge.
THAT the necessary by-law to implement the foregoing be introduced at
the next Council meeting.
10. PL02-090 – Draft Plan of Condominium
754326 Ontario Limited (E. J. Gordon)
160 Wellington Street East
Part of Lots 106 and 107, Registered Plan 246 and
Part of Lot 81, Concession 1, E.Y.S., and more particularly
described as Parts 1 to 4 on Plan 65R-22765
(Northwest corner of Wellington Street East and
Industrial Parkway North)
File Number D07-02-03-A
THAT the proposed plan of condominium D07-02-03-A be draft approved
by the Town of Aurora subject to the conditions on APPENDIX 1 being
met prior to final approval.
12. PL02-092 – Wellington St & Centre Street
Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Hannelore Lewis, Hannelore Voshage and
Hannian Investments in Trust
Lots 134, 135 and 136, Registered Plan 246
33 and 34 Wellington Street East and 33 Centre Street
File Number D14-13-02
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By-
law Amendment Application D14-13-02, scheduled for the December 18,
2002 Public Planning Meeting.
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13. PL02-093 – Official Plan Amendment Application
Andy Smith and Theresa Smith
15395 and 15405 Bathurst Street
Part 1, Plan 65R-1533 and Block 30, Plan 65M-2395 & Part of Lot
82, Concession 1, WYS, D09-02-02
THAT Report PL02-093 be received and that Official Plan Amendment No.
45 be scheduled for enactment at the next available Council Meeting.
14. PL02-094 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Victor Priestly (Century Montessori School)
Part of Lot 80, Concession I, E.Y.S.
669 Wellington Street East
File Number D14-14-02
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By-
law Amendment Application D14-14-02, scheduled for the December 18,
2002 Public Planning Meeting.
17. Resolution from the Town of Newmarket re: Clean Air
Action Plan (5.1.1)
THAT the following resolution from the Town of Newmarket be received
and endorsed by the Town of Aurora:
“WHEREAS a high quality of life depends on healthy and
sustainable communities;
WHEREAS air pollution threatens quality of life;
WHEREAS exposure to today’s concentrations of fine particulate
matter, a major component of smog, increases the risk of
premature death, asthma attacks, breathing difficulty, lung cancer
and heart attacks;
WHEREAS thousands of Canadians die prematurely each year
from air pollution;
WHEREAS health costs from air pollution reach $1 billion dollars
annually in Ontario alone, according to the Ontario Medical
WHEREAS Canadians need to be fully informed on the state of the
air they breathe;
WHEREAS Canadians need to better understand options for
cutting air pollution;
WHEREAS municipal governments must partner with federal and
provincial/territorial governments to develop and implement
programs and policies to improve air quality;
WHEREAS it is known that the pollution causing smog can
contribute to climate change, and that taking action on clean air will
also help protect the climate;
WHEREAS the 2001 Speech from Throne made clean air a priority
for the Government of Canada;
WHEREAS more scientific research is needed to better understand
the link between air pollution and health;”
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BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Municipal Council of the
Corporation of the Town of Newmarket call on the Government of
Canada to accelerate the delivery of it’s Clean Air Agenda and
specifically focus on the need to develop and implement a
comprehensive Clean Air Action Plan that will;
• Advance scientific understanding of the link between air
pollution and health
• Provide financial resources to municipal governments for
programs that cut smog and climate pollution;
• Ensure Canadians have access to accurate information
on the quality of their air and on action they can take to
reduce their exposure and their emissions;
• Ensure significant emission reduction from the
transportation sector; and
• Partner with provincial/territorial governments to
encourage stronger pollution reductions standards for
industry and the electric power generation sector; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be
communicated to Karen Kraft Sloan, MP, York North, Federal
Environment, Health and Finance Ministers, Provincial/Territorial
Finance, Health, Environment and Energy Ministers, Federal and
Provincial/Territorial Opposition Leaders, Julia Munro, MPP, York
North, community media, the Federation of Canadian
Municipalities, the Regional Municipality of York and area
18. Resolution from the City of Vaughan re: Prime Minister’s Caucus
Task Force on Urban Issues Interim Report – April 2002
THAT the following resolution from the City of Vaughan be received and
endorsed by the Town of Aurora:
The Prime Minister’s Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues BE
ADVISED that the City of Vaughan:
• Supports the direction taken by the Task Force in its Interim
Report and welcomes the new opportunities that may result
from a long-term federal interest in urban affairs;
• Supports the concept of partnerships among the three levels
of government in order to solve the complex problems facing
Canada’s Urban Areas;
• Supports the introduction of national strategies and
programs, particularly in the areas of Affordable Housing,
Transportation and Infrastructure;
• Supports the development of strategies and programs that
are based on reliable long-term commitments by the federal
and provincial partners, particularly in the area of funding;
• Is of the opinion that representation from the municipalities,
as full partners with the federal and provincial governments
in the design and implementation of any national strategies
and programs, is critical;
• That the delivery of such programs be assigned to the level
of government best equipped to provide the service in an
efficient and cost-effective manner and that the necessary
funding be made available to that level of government; and
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• Supports the Recommendations to the Prime Minister’s
Caucus Task Force on Urban Issues by the Region of York,
which were approved by the Council of the Regional
Municipality of York on September 19, 2002.
The Task Force be encouraged, in its final report, to focus on
models for the implementation of national strategies and programs,
in order to shorten the time-frame for further debate and to expedite
their start-up; and such models may include the U.S. Transportation
Equity Act of 1998;
Given the level of need and the time it takes to develop and
implement such programs, the Task Force and all levels of
government be reminded that time is of the essence.
This report be forwarded to the following persons and
The Prime Minister’s Task Force on Urban Issues, (Chair, Judy
Sgro MP):
The Right Honourable Prime Minister and Members of the
Federal Cabinet;
The Honourable Premier of Ontario and Members of the
Provincial Cabinet;
MP’s and MPP’s representing the City of Vaughan;
The Regional Municipality of York; and
The Area Municipalities – Regional Municipality of York and the
Regions of Peel and Durham
20. Memo from Mayor Jones re: Correspondence from the
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
THAT the Committee receive and endorse the actions suggested with
regard to Ontario Regulation 244/02.
Orla Kipling, resident Re: Budgeting of Capital Funds for
The reconstruction of Collins Crescent in 2003.
Orla Kipling advised that she represented the 53 residents on Collins Crescent
who have signed a petition requesting that Collins Crescent be reconstructed in
2003. Ms Kipling advised that Collins Crescent is the only road in the community
that has not yet been upgraded, and she noted that it compares very unfavorably
with the rest of the neighbourhood. Ms Kipling expressed concerns with regard
to potential flooding in the ditches along the Crescent, the negative impact on the
value of the homes on Collins Crescent and that residents are having difficulty
walking along the road due to the uneven surface.
Ms Kipling requested that the Town schedule reconstruction of Collins Crescent
in 2003, and that the topcoat, to be applied to Jasper Drive, be postponed until all
road work in the area is completed.
Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
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Sandee Forfar, Resident re: Road conditions and need for
a sidewalk to be constructed along Richardson Drive.
Sandee Forfar expressed concerns with regard to the poor road conditions and
lack of sidewalks on Richardson Drive, which is scheduled for reconstruction in
2009, indicating that the road entertains a high volume of traffic, traveling at high
speeds and that the road is unsafe in it’s current condition. Ms Forfar advised
that there are many small children in the area who’s safety may be at risk, due to
the fact that there are no sidewalks and there are deep ditches running right
along the sides of the road, leaving pedestrians little room to get out of the way of
Ms Forfar requested that, in view of these safety concerns, the Town consider
moving the reconstruction of Richardson Drive to an earlier point in the road
works schedule, and that sidewalks be included in the design for this project.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
Jim Beesley, resident re: Reconstruction of Ridge Road
Jim Beesley advised that he has resided on Ridge Road for 14 years, and that
the road conditions along Ridge Road have always been poor, and are now to
the point where it is dangerous to travel on this road. Mr. Beesley presented a
visual comparison using pictures of sections along Ridge Road in relation to
pictures of the other roads currently sitting at the top of the list for reconstruction,
illustrating the extremely poor condition of this road. Mr. Beesley expressed
concern that this road is not scheduled for reconstruction within the next 10
years, and he requested that the Town investigate this matter, and suggested
that Ridge Road be rebuilt, to proper standards, in stages over a 3 year period to
help spread out the costs of this project.
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
Delegation Request from Concerned Residents of Child Drive
re: Construction to Child Drive
Cynthia Jordan of 78 Child Drive advised that she represents the residents on
her street and indicated that the condition of Child Drive is poor and in need of
reconstruction within 2003 as proposed in report PW02-058.
Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
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Delegation Request from Wayne Bando, Resident
re: Proposed 10-Year Capital Road Program
Mr. Wayne Bando of 38 Collins Crescent, advised that Collins Crescent is the
last street in it’s neighbourhood in need of reconstruction and expressed concern
regarding deep ditches, stagnant water pools in the ditches, lack of curbs,
speeding traffic and degenerated asphalt conditions. Mr. Bando indicated that he
recognizes the difficulty that the Town must have in making this kind of decision,
and suggested that the model for determining roads in need of reconstruction
should be revisited and made more consistent.
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the comments of the delegate be received for information.
Councillor West, having previously declared an interest in item 1, did not take part in the
vote called for in this regard.
1. PW02-058 – Roads Needs Study – Proposed Ten Year Capital
Road Reconstruction Program (2003-2012)
Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT staff investigate and report back on the feasibility and residual
effects of:
(a) deferring the reconstruction of Maple St. and Fleury St. to
2004; and
(b) redirecting the funds allocated for Fleury St. and Maple St.
within the 2002 Capital Budget, towards the reconstruction of
Collins Crescent and Ottawa Court within the 2003 Capital
Works Projects; and
THAT Staff be requested report back with options for implementing
sufficient repairs to Ridge Road in 2003; and
THAT the residents affected by the proposed changes to the works
schedule, be notified.
2. CS02-043 - Ontarians with Disabilities Act
Parking in a Disabled Space Without a Permit
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT staff mandate the standardization of all Disabled parking
identification and signage; and
THAT Council establish a $500.00 set fine for parking in a disabled
parking space without a permit as mandated by the Ontarians with
Disabilities Act 2001, once the standardization is implemented; and
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THAT the Town’s Parking Control By-law Set Fines be amended to reflect
these changes effective January 1, 2003; and
THAT staff initiate the appropriate advertisement to notify the public of the
impending change to the parking control by-law.
Councillor Wallace and Mayor Jones, having previously declared an interest in item 3,
did not take part in the vote called for in this regard.
3. CS02-048 - RFQ for Notice Board and Classified Advertising
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the Town continue to publish the Notice Board and other
Misc./Classified Ads in the Era-Banner Newspaper; and
THAT the Town periodically publish misc. ads in the Auroran Newspaper
on an as required basis
It was requested by Councillor West that item 15 be moved up to this point in the
meeting for consideration, as he was unable to remain for the duration of the meeting.
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT item 15 be moved up to this point in the meeting for consideration.
15. Memo from Councillor West re: Pre-Election Council Meetings
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the item be deferred to the November 12 Council meeting.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the item be received for information.
4. CS02-047 – Amendment to the Procedural By-law
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT Council’s Procedural By-law 4280-01.C be amended; and
THAT the proposed by-law implementing the amendments be enacted by
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5. PW02-063 – Waste Management User Pay Program and By-law
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Vrancic
THAT the proposed Waste Management User Pay Program be postponed
until accurate implementation costs can be determined; and
THAT staff consult with the Region of York, to investigate and report back
on whether this program would be economically feasible for the Town of
Aurora, and how easily it will blend with the proposed 3-tier waste
management program, scheduled to be introduced by the Region in 2005.
Councillor Wallace, having previously declared an interest in item 5, did not take part in
the vote called for in this regard.
6. TR02-023 – 2001 Year-End Report and Audited Financial Statements
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the Treasurer’s Report #TR02-023 “2001 Year-End Report and
Audited Financial Statements” be received for information.
THAT Council approve a contribution of $451,700 representing the 2001
general (operating) fund surplus to the Municipal Capital Reserve.
THAT Council direct the Town’s Director of Finance / Treasurer to
immediately co-ordinate and issue a joint Request for Proposal for Audit
Services for the fiscal period ending December 31, 2002 on behalf of The
Corporation of the Town of Aurora, the Aurora Public Library Board and
Aurora Hydro Connections Limited.
8. PL02-086 – Management Plan- Urban Wildlife Park
OPA # 30, 2b Secondary Plan
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the Committee receive the Draft Management Plan – Urban Wildlife
Park for information; and
THAT staff be authorized ton work with Michalski Nielson Associates
Limited to update the Management Plan in accordance with any
comments received at the committee meeting; and
THAT the updated Management Plan be presented to Council for approval
immediately upon its completion.
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9. PL02-089 – Draft Plan of Condominium
420643 Ontario Inc. (Senator Homes)
Part of Lot 81, Concession 1, W.Y.S., and more particularly
described as Parts 1 and 5 on Plan 65R-11143 except Parts 15
and 16 on Plan 65R-15072
(North Side of Wellington Street West of Yonge Street)
File Number D07-02-2A
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the proposed plan of condominium D07-02-2A be draft approved by
the Town of Aurora subject to the conditions on APPENDIX 1 being met
prior to final approval.
11. PL02-091 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application
Shell Canada Products Limited
Part of Lot 20, Concession III
Southeast corner of Leslie Street and Wellington Street East
File Number D14-08-91
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By-
law Amendment Application D14-08-91, scheduled for the December 18,
2002 Public Planning Meeting.
16. Resolution from the Township of King re: Municipal
Representation York Region.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the following resolution from the Township of King be received and
endorsed by the Town of Aurora:
“THAT the Council of the Township of King hereby requests the
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to prepare a more
equitable formula regarding Municipal Representation on the
Region of York Council.
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Premier of
Ontario, the Minister of Municipal Affairs, all York Region M.P.P.’s
and to each lower tier Municipality in the Region of York”
Councillor Griffith issued a challenge to the Mayor, to see that all Regional
Municipalities get together and form a committee to work as a team and come up with a
more equitable formula regarding Municipal Representation on the Region of York
19. Resolution from the Town of Markham re: Region of York
Installation of new Water Infrastructure and Additional Water
Supply delivery (13.4.3)
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
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21. Correspondence from Southlake Regional Health Centre
re: request for donation toward the redevelopment campaign
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the correspondence be received for information.
Councillor Kean gave notice of motion for the November 12 Council meeting,
with regard to “Code of Ethics”.
Councillor Vrancic expressed concern regarding the delivery of local
newspapers, which are being left at the bottom of driveways and pathways, near
sidewalks and roads. He requested that somehow an existing by-law, or new by-
law could be drafted to include provision for delivery of newspapers to the
Councillor MacEachern inquired about the Region’s plans for removal of the old
water tower on Henderson Drive. The Director of Public Works informed that the
Region has issued a tender to that effect, and it is anticipated that the water
tower will be removed by next Summer.
Councillor MacEachern expressed concern with regard to her recent discovery
that staff at the Town of Aurora are currently working with the Region on
consolidation of water and sewer management, as a result of a resolution passed
by the Region of York, without formal notification coming through the Aurora
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Timpson
THAT the Region of York report on Consolidation of Water and Sewer be
brought forward at the next Council meeting.
Moved by Councillor Griffith
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:25 p.m.