MINUTES - General Committee - 20020917
NO. 02-12
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Timpson in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Griffith, MacEachern, Pedersen, Kean,
Vrancic and West.
Councillor Wallace was absent
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Building, Director of
Planning, Director of Leisure Services, Director of
Public Works, Treasurer and Council/ Committee
Councillor Timpson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
There were no declarations of pecuniary interest under the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department be approved as presented, with the addition of the following:
• A recommendation from staff that item #5, Report CS02-031 – RFP for
Facility Advertising, be deferred to the next meeting of Council
• Delegation request from Linda Shanks-Skinner re: item #11 – Zoning
By-law Amendment-Site Plan Applications for Ceby Management Ltd.
Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13 were identified for discussion.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to
Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to
give effect to same:
7. BA02-011 - Variance to Sign By-law
Home Depot – 15320 Bayview Avenue
THAT Council approve the site specific request for a variance to By-law
3400-92 as it affects 15320 Bayview Avenue to permit the proposed sign
to project beyond the roofline of the building.
8. BA02 -012 - Variance to Sign By-law
Pizza Pizza – 14846 Yonge Street
THAT Council grant the variance to permit Pizza Pizza to maintain
signage in its proposed location.
9. TR02-018 – Re-allocation of “2002” Approved Information
Technology Capital Project Funding to MIS Staff Development
& Training
THAT Council authorize the Director of Finance / Treasurer to re-allocate
$17,500 from the “2002” Information Technology (MIS) Capital Project to
Management Information System staff development & training.
10. PL02-079 – Site Plan Amendment Application
1488355 Ontario Inc. in Trust
Revlis Securities
Blocks 1-6, Plan 65M-2718
226, 250 and 260 Industrial Parkway North
File Number D11-17-97
THAT Report PL02-079 be received as information;
THAT, subject to a satisfactory review by the Site Plan Committee, the
Director of Planning be authorised to execute a Site Plan Amendment
Agreement between 1488355 Ontario Inc. in Trust and the Town of Aurora
respecting the amendment to the site plan to remove Building C from the
Site Plan Agreement dated November 29th, 1999.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Sylvia Patterson, of York Region Re: York Region
Housing Supply Strategy
Mr. Brian Tuckey, Commissioner of Planning AND development Services, gave a
brief history of the events which led to the establishment of York Region’s
Housing Supply Strategy, and then introduced Ms Sylvia Patterson, Director of
Community Services and Housing Department.
Ms Patterson provided an outline of the Housing Supply Strategy, which has
been planned out and researched for over a year. Ms Patterson advised that the
Region of York has a low vacancy rate in the GTA, making it very difficult for
young adults or families with low fixed incomes to find affordable housing within
the Region. Ms Patterson explained that committees have been established,
comprised of members representing stakeholders, building industry, public
sector, private citizens, Regional Council and more, to assist the Region in
facilitating a broad approach to the issue of regional housing needs. Ms
Patterson advised that the Region hopes to work together with each of the
Municipalities as well as the private sector to partner with them in applying this
strategy. The goal of the Strategy is to achieve increased affordable home
ownership and rental housing on a non profit basis, effective public/private
partnerships and community awareness of the benefits of this kind of housing
within the community.
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the presentation be received as information.
Region of York Re: Don Gordon General Manager York
Region Transit Five-Year Service Plan - Final Report
Mr. Don Gordon announced that the Regional Transit System budget has
doubled in the past year without having any negative impact on the mill rate. Mr.
Gordon introduced Ms Irene McNeil and Mr. Steve Baldo of the Regional
Planning Division to explain the improvements being made to the YRT over the
next year.
Ms McNeil advised that YRT is planning to increase service along the major
corridors within the Region, such as Yonge St., Leslie St. and Bathurst St., and
service will be running from Aurora directly into the Seneca College, King
Campus as well as other employment Centres in Southern York Region. The
focus for these initiatives is on facilitating convenient commuting for residents
traveling to and from work and into nearby municipalities, including Toronto with
as little inconvenience as possible.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT the presentation be received as information.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Tely Spasopoulos, Resident re: Report PW02-033
Respecting the Removal of Pedestrian Crossover at
Yonge Street and Mosley Street and the Installation
Of a New One at Yonge Street and Tyler Street
Mr. Tely Spasopoulos expressed concerns with regard to the Town’s
recommendation to the Region, to remove the pedestrian crossing at Yonge St.
and Mosley St. He indicated that although the existing crossing is not very
effective, the location is a good one, and as long as certain measures could be
taken to improve the functionality of the existing crossing, it is not necessary to
remove it. Mr. Spasopoulos used a diagram to illustrate the benefit of installing a
set of lights at the intersection, which would be timed in conjunction with all
lighted intersections along Yonge St., and equipped with a button for pedestrians
to push for a signal to cross Yonge St. when desired. Mr. Spasopoulos
suggested that the removal of the crossover would result in more congestion, an
increased safety hazard to pedestrian and vehicular traffic and an inconvenience
to business owners in the vicinity who will be losing potential parking for
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the delegation be received and the delegate be asked to appear
and present his suggestions regarding the removal of a pedestrian
crossover at Yonge Street and Mosley Street, at the next meeting of the
Traffic Safety Advisory Board; and
THAT the Region of York be requested to defer consideration of this
matter until such time as a report is prepared and submitted by the Town
of Aurora in regard to this issue.
1. ADM02-013 – Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 (Bill 125)
Establishment of Accessibility Advisory Committee
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Vrancic
THAT Council establish an Accessibility Advisory Committee as mandated
by the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001; and
THAT the Terms of Reference for the Accessibility Advisory Committee,
appended hereto be adopted; and
THAT Councillor West be appointed to the Committee; and
THAT Staff be directed to advertise for 4 citizen appointees to the
Committee membership, three (3) of whom shall be people with disabilities
and one (1) of whom shall be a citizen volunteer or professional from the
stakeholder community, followed by a recommendation to Council to
appoint membership; and
THAT Staff be directed to amend By-law 4280-01.C, (being a by-law to
govern the procedures of Council and its Committees and Boards) to
provide for the Accessibility Advisory Committee reporting directly to
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
2. LS02-037 - Public Facilities Re-naming Policy 2002
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the Town of Aurora adopt a policy whereby in the future, all parks and
facilities that currently and have a name, will not be renamed.
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Vrancic
THAT Council approve the Public Facilities Renaming Policy 2002.
AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the recommendation, it
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the Summary at the beginning Public Facilities Renaming Policy
2002 be amended to read as follows:
In principal the renaming of Public Facilities/Parks/Green Spaces and
Trails should be avoided. In the instance of a family or individual
name that was assigned to a given facility or park, the name will not
be changed.
The recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the Delegation request from Linda Shanks-Skinner re: item #11 –
Zoning By-law Amendment-Site Plan Applications for Ceby Management
Ltd. be addressed at this point in the meeting.
Delegation request from Linda Shanks-Skinner re: item #11 – Zoning By-law
Amendment-Site Plan Applications for Ceby Management Ltd.
Ms Shanks-Skinner indicated that she is pleased that Mr. Binion, the Builder for
Ceby Management, has been very responsive and considerate in dealing with
past concerns raised by her and other residents. However, Ms Shanks-Skinner
did express several concerns regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment-Site Plan
Applications for Ceby Management Ltd. and requested that the following
questions be addressed by staff:
• Will the protection of the trees be on the drip-line?
• Is the $5,000 tree value meant to be applied to each tree, or is it a lump
sum applied at all three of the trees?
• Will the current net-fencing around the site be replaced with a more solid
barrier, to protect the children in the area from gaining access to the site?
• Would it be possible for a worker to be stationed at George Street to help
direct traffic during the hours of the day when children are commuting to
and from school.
• Was there any consequence to the builder for beginning work on the site
prior to the signing of the site plan agreement?
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
• Why have staff delayed the installation of a concrete median on George
Street to ensure that traffic adheres to the right turn restrictions, as this
measure would be most useful during the construction process?
• What measures are being taken to accommodate parking issues on
George Street, for the large number of people working in the building?
11. PL02-080 - Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications
Ceby Management Limited
(Aurora Resthaven Long Term Care Addition)
Lots 1, 6, 7, 8, and 9, Registered Plan 30
32 Mill Street and 33, 37, 41 and 45 George Street
Files D14-21-00 and D11-04-01
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Vrancic
THAT Council receive as information the following update of Zoning By-
law Amendment Application D14-21-00 and Site Plan Application D11-04-
01; and
THAT, Staff proceed to finalize the site plan agreement between Ceby
Management Limited and the Town of Aurora, as all Conditions of Site
Plan Approval, as agreed to by all three parties and approved by the
Ontario Municipal Board, have been met to the Satisfaction of Town Staff;
THAT staff be requested to address questions submitted by Ms
Shanks-Skinner within her delegation at this meeting.
3. PW02-048 - Waste Management User Pay Program
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT Council receive Report No. PW02-048 dated September 17, 2002
entitled “Waste Management User Pay Program” as information; and
THAT Council request staff to:
• report further to Council on the details, including the necessary by-law
changes, of implementing an early 2003 pay-per-bag scenario
whereby the first 3 waste bags are free and any additional bags are
collected at the rate of $1.00 per bag; and
• report further to Council after appropriate consultations have been held
with the Region on the matter of the Region assuming responsibility for
all collection activities in the Town of Aurora including the cost thereof.
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
4. CS02-031 – New Municipal Act – Compensation to Councillors
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor West
Whereas subsection 255 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. c. 45 as
amended, provides that one-third of the remuneration paid to the
Members of Council and shall be considered as expenses incident to the
discharge of their duties as Members of Council; and
Whereas subsection 255 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. c. 45 as
amended, provides that the provisions of subsection 255 (1) shall only
continue to apply to Members of Council after January 1, 2003 if the
municipality passes a resolution before January 1, 2003 stating its
intention that the provisions of subsection 255 (1) shall continue to apply
to Members of Council; and
Whereas Council deems it desirable to continue the provisions of
subsection 255 (1) of the Municipal Act beyond January 1, 2003;
Now Therefore Be It Resolved That it is the intention of the Council of the
Town of Aurora that the provisions of subsection 255 (1) continue to apply
to the Members of this Council on and after January 1, 2003.
5. CS02-035 - RFP for Facility Advertising
This matter has been deferred to the next Council meeting.
6. CS02-027 – Clean Yards By-law
Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT staff report CS02-027 and CS02-20 be received and endorsed; and
THAT By-law Number 4370-02.P be enacted.
AMENDMENT: Upon the question of the adoption of the recommendation, it
Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT section 6 of By-law 4370-02.P be amended to read as follows:
“All private property owners shall cut and maintain the grass on
their lawns to a height no higher than 8 inches or 20 millimetres,
except for those areas which are “naturalized areas” as defined
within this by-law.”
The recommendation was CARRIED AS AMENDED
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Tuesday, September 17, 2002
12. PL02-081 - Planning Applications Status list
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information;
THAT the Yonge Street South Commercial Area Sub-Committee receive
copies of this report on a regular basis.
13. CS02-036 - Long Term Disability Benefit
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT the Town adopt a self-insured arrangement with the York Region
Umbrella Group for its long-term disability benefit (LTD) effective October
1, 2002, and that the present contract with Sun Life Assurance Company
of Canada for the provision of such benefits be cancelled effective
September 30, 2002.
THAT the Town establish a segregated reserve fund for the purposes of
accumulating funds to be used to pay all future long-term disability
THAT an amount equal to the premiums presently paid to Sun Life
Assurance Company of Canada on a monthly basis for LTD coverage,
(less any transfer to the Administrative Services Only (ASO) account) be
remitted to the reserve fund, in order to provide funding for future claims.
THAT approval be granted to deposit funds into an ASO account
established for the sole purpose of covering the Town’s monthly claims
and administration costs and that a third party, on a quarterly basis, report
relevant financial records to the Director of Finance/Treasurer for
reconciliation of the ASO account and respective reserve fund.
THAT the Town Solicitor provide input into the implementation of the
membership agreement of the York Region Umbrella Plan undertaken in
the adoption of an ASO arrangement for LTD benefits and that the Mayor
and Clerk be authorized to execute the operating agreement subject to the
final review of the Town Solicitor.
Councillor Vrancic inquired about the construction that has begun at the
south/west corner of Kennedy St. and Murray Dr., and was informed by staff that
the developer has received approval to begin servicing.
Councillor Vrancic expressed concern regarding the location of some of the
decorative floral planters, which are placed along Yonge Street, as they are
infringing on visibility for drivers at key intersections, and he asked that staff take
measures to rectify this. He noted that Tyler Street toward Yonge St was a
particularly bad spot for visibility.
General Committee Report No. 02-12 Page 9
Tuesday, September 17, 2002
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor West
THAT consideration of report LS02-037 - Public Facilities Re-naming
Policy 2002 be deferred until the October 8th Council meeting so that
Councillor Kean may be in attendance to vote on the issue.
Councillor Kean expressed concern that the elevator being installed in the old
Aurora Public Library building, may be too small to accommodate a wheelchair,
and suggested that a ramp with pulleys be considered next to the stairway. Staff
informed that the elevator has been fitted and tested to accommodate a
wheelchair comfortably and that the suggestion will be taken into consideration.
Councillor Kean requested that the TSAB provide a status report regarding the
Stop Signs at Mary Street and Industry Street.
Moved by Councillor Griffith
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 9:50 p.m.