MINUTES - General Committee - 20011002 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 15-01 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, October 2, 2001 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Timpson in the Chair, Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, MacEachern, Vrancic, Wallace and West. Councillors Kean and Pedersen were both absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Public Works/Acting Fire Chief, Treasurer, Council/ Committee Secretary, J. Molyneaux - Newmarket Fire Chief, R. Beckett - President Newmarket Firefighters Association (PFFA) and R. Comeau - President Aurora Firefighters Association (PFFA). Councillor Timpson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTEREST There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Seconded by Councillor THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Item 3 was identified for discussion. IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Wallace General Committee Meeting No. 15-01 Page 2 Tuesday, October 2, 2001 1. JCIC06-01 - Joint Council Integration Committee for Fire and Emergency Services Meeting of September 24, 2001 THAT the Minutes of the Joint Council Integration Committee for Consolidation of Fire and Emergency Services Meeting of September 24, 2001 be received as information. 2. FS01-07 - Consolidation of Fire Services with Newmarket - Implications for Aurora THAT Report No. FS01-07 entitled "Consolidation of Fire Services with Newmarket - Implications for Aurora" be received. CARRIED V DELEGATIONS Maureen McCauley re: The Final Report Regarding the Proposed Consolidation of the Aurora and Newmarket Fire and Emergency Services Ms McCauley gave a complete overview of the final report, describing the key findings, the consolidation review process, and the teams that were put together and their functions. Ms McCauley described in detail the comparison of stand- alone and consolidated models, the new collective agreement and the benefits of a consolidated service. Ms McCauley recommended that Council proceed with the consolidated services, execute the Service Agreement, approve the Master Fire Plan and prepare the appropriate By-laws. Ms McCauley suggested that a Joint Council Committee be established in accordance with the Terms of Reference and that they remain in existence to oversee the implementation issues. In conclusion Ms McCauley also encouraged that Council and staff proceed with finding a name for the new department, approve the communications program and its budget, that the Town of Newmarket extend job offers to all Aurora Fire Fighters, prepare operating capital budgets for 2002 and any costs be shared 60% Newmarket, 40% Aurora. At this point in the meeting the Chair asked if there were any members of the public who wished to comment. No members of the public appeared before the Committee in this regard. VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 3. Presentation of the Final Report Regarding the Proposed Consolidation of the Aurora and Newmarket Fire and Emergency Services, By Maureen McCauley, Project Director Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor West 1. That effective 12:01 a.m. January 1st 2002 the Town of Aurora and Town of Newmarket consolidate their fire and emergency service departments into one department whereby the Town of Newmarket is the manager and single employer for the new department providing service to both Aurora and Newmarket under a purchase of service arrangement and that General Committee Meeting No. 15-01 Page 3 Tuesday, October 2, 2001 2. Upon execution by the Town of Newmarket of the new Collective Agreement referred to herein, The Town Solicitors for The Town of Aurora and the Town of Newmarket be directed to bring forward to their respective Councils, the following bylaws for consideration - An Establishing Bylaw for the new fire and emergency service department effective January 1st, 2002 - A bylaw to appoint John Molyneaux as the Fire Chief of the department effective January 1st, 2002 - A bylaw to appoint Ken Bone as the Deputy Fire Chief of the department effective January 1st, 2002 - A bylaw to disband existing fire and emergency service departments in each municipality effective January 1st, 2002 - A bylaw to appoint the appropriate individuals as Fire Prevention Officers in both Towns effective January 1st, 2002 and that 3. The Mayors and Clerks be authorized to execute the Service Agreement described in Section IX of this report and attached as Appendix 1 setting out the services to be provided together with the monetary obligations associated therewith and that 4. The Master Fire Plan described in Section V of this report and attached as Schedule B of the Service Agreement be approved as the operational and staffing plan for the new consolidated fire service covering the time period up to December 2011 and that 5. A Joint Council Committee (JCC) comprised of three members each of Aurora Council and Newmarket Council be established and that The terms of reference for the Joint Council Committee as described in Section VIII of this report and attached as Schedule A of the Service Agreement be adopted and that 6. The members of the current Joint Council Integration Committee (JCIC) for the Aurora/Newmarket Fire and Emergency Services Consolidation project be appointed as the members of the Joint Council Committee for the new department, the appointments to take effect 12:01 a.m. January 1st 2002 and that 7. The current JCIC remain in effect until the end of 2001 to oversee the implementation issues required for the new department and that 8. The name of this new fire and emergency services department be named in accordance with the program identified within section of XI of this report and that A communication program for both municipal staff and the residents of Aurora and Newmarket be established as outlined in both section XII and Appendix 4 of this report and that A budget of $25,000 be approved for the purposes of the communication program and that 9. With respect to labour relations issues a) The Council of the Town of Newmarket be requested to consider the new Collective Agreement with the Newmarket Professional Firefighters Association as attached as Appendix 2 of this report and to execute the agreement immediately to bring into effect the agreements made to consolidate the personnel of the two Departments; General Committee Meeting No. 15-01 Page 4 Tuesday, October 2, 2001 b) upon execution of the new Collective Agreement, the Town of Newmarket extend job offers to all members of the current Aurora Firefighter Association effective January 1st 2002 and c) That satisfactory provisions also be made to transfer the part-time non-union personnel currently employed in the Town of Aurora Fire and Emergency Services to the Town of Newmarket effective January 1st, 2002 10. And that the 2002 Operating and Capital Budget be prepared based on the Operating and Capital Budget information included in Sections VI and VII of this report and that this budget be referred to the JCIC for finalization and recommendation respecting any and one time start up adjustments upon completion of the asset valuation process currently underway and that 11. Appropriate staff within the Towns of Aurora and Newmarket, be directed to proceed immediately with all required implementation measures as outlined in section XIV and Appendix 5 of this report necessary to establish the new fire and emergency services department by 12:01 a.m. January 1st 2002 and that Costs related to the implementation of the new department up to midnight December 31st 2001 be shared 60% Newmarket, 40% Aurora and that 12. The Fire Chief report to the JCC on the recommended site for the new fire hall in Aurora, proposed for construction in 2005 by the end of 2002 and that The Fire Chief also be requested to report to the JCC on any required renovations to existing fire halls, to accommodate new equipment purchases and/or staffing by the end of 2002 and that 13 Copies of this report be forwarded to the Deputy Minister, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Deputy Minister, Solicitor General’s Office, and The Office of the Fire Marshal for information purposes and that 14. Copies of this report also be forwarded to The Region of York and the area municipalities for information purposes, CARRIED VII OTHER BUSINESS, COUNCILLORS The Mayor extended an invitation to Council, staff and the public to attend the Oak Ridges Moraine Environmental Dinner to be held November 1st at a cost of $100 per person. Mayor Jones suggested that interested persons should contact his secretary Mary McCluskey. IX ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Wallace THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:05 p.m. CARRIED (THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 15-00 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2001) ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK General Committee Meeting No. 15-01 Page 5 Tuesday, October 2, 2001