MINUTES - General Committee - 20010403 TOWN OF AURORA GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING REPORT NO. 08-01 Council Chambers Aurora Town Hall Tuesday, April 3, 2001 ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor MacEachern in the Chair; Mayor Jones, Councillors Griffith, Vrancic, Timpson, Pedersen, Wallace and West. Councillor Kean was absent. OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate Services/Town Clerk, Director of Planning, Director of Building Administration, Director of Leisure Services, Director of Public Works/Acting Fire Chief, Treasurer, Solicitor and Council/ Committee Secretary. The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. I DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. II APPROVAL OF AGENDA Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor West THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services Department be approved as presented. CARRIED III DETERMINATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 were identified for discussion. CARRIED General Committee Meeting No. 08-01 Page 2 Tuesday, April 3, 2001 IV ADOPTION OF ITEMS NOT REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as “Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to give effect to same: 1. BA01-002 - Proposed Amendments to Town's Fill Control By-law THAT Council consider providing three readings to By-law 4242-00.P, being a By-law to amend By-law 3829-97.P at the April 10th council meeting. 6. PL01-032 - Zoning By-law Amendment Application Peter Rankel Part of Lot 2, Registered Plan 68 53 Wellington Street East (Between Victoria St. & Wells St. on south side of Wellington St.) File Number D14-07-01 THAT Council receive as information the following overview of Zoning By- law Amendment Application D14-07-01, regarding the rezoning of Part of Lot 2, Registered Plan 68, located at 53 Wellington Street East, scheduled for the May 23, 2001 Public Planning Meeting. 7. Ministry of the Solicitor General, Barry McKinnon Manager, Fire Protection Services re: Comments on Satisfaction with Aurora Fire Department Service Levels THAT the correspondence be received as information. CARRIED V DELEGATIONS Aileen Booker/MacMillan and Karen Woudstra, re: Pesticide Reduction Ms Aileen MacMillan expressed concerns about pesticide use in the Town of Aurora and encouraged the Committee to participate in the National Pesticide Free Week from April 21st to the 28th and restrict the current use of pesticides within the Town. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to the Director of Leisure Services for review and report back to Council. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Vrancic THAT staff be directed to advertise on the Notice Board in the Era Banner the current uses of pesticides in the Town of Aurora and to declare National Pesticide Free Week from April 21st to the28th. CARRIED General Committee Meeting No. 08-01 Page 3 Tuesday, April 3, 2001 Brian Larter of The Larter Group re: Great Canadian Achievements Wall Mural on the North Wall of 15243 Yonge St. Brian Larter of The Larter Group presented a proposal for a new wall mural design with the theme "Great Canadian Achievements". Mr. Larter expressed his thanks to the Town of Aurora for their generous donation and stated that the sponsors would be recognized in a small portion at the bottom of the mural. Mr. Larter commented that completion would depend on obtaining permits from the Building Department and Council's approval. Mr. Larter request that the Committee approve the proposal in principle. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the comments of the delegate be received and the proposal be approved in principle. CARRIED NOKIIDAA Trail Association re: Launch of the NOKIIDAA Trail Mr. Eric Crossland presented to the Committee the design of the stones to be placed along the NOKIIDAA Trail to acknowledge the name of the Trail for each municipality, showing their appropriate crest and NOKIIDAA logo. Mr. Crossland requested that the Committee confirm that the trail be called the NOKKIIDAA Trail through the Town of Aurora and that the Committee determine where the stone will be placed. Mr. Crossland also requested a donation of $1,000 for launch day in order to provide brochures, refreshments and create a board showing the trail, its points of interest, and a list of the sponsors in appreciation of their generosity. Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to the Director of Leisure Services regarding the placement of the stone with the proposal to allocate $1,000 for the function. CARRIED VI CONSIDERATION OF ITEMS REQUIRING SEPARATE DISCUSSION 2. ADM01-011 - Terms of Reference Economic Development Committee Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the Terms of Reference for the Economic Development Advisory Committee appended hereto be adopted; and THAT staff advertise for citizen appointees to the Committee and request a nominee from the Chamber of Commerce; and THAT the Committee nominate Councillors Griffith, Kean and Vrancic; and THAT the Committee meet at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesdays; and THAT the Director of Leisure Services investigate the possibility of installing a flower bed at Aurora Road and Highway 404. CARRIED General Committee Meeting No. 08-01 Page 4 Tuesday, April 3, 2001 3. CS01-010 - Amendment to Administrative Policy #7 Part-time (Volunteer) Fire Fighters – Rate of Pay Adjustment Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Griffith THAT Administrative Policy #7 be amended to adjust the hourly rate of pay for Part-time (Volunteer) Fire Fighters at a comparable pay rate to that of Aurora’s Full Time Fire Fighters; and That all future salary adjustments to the Part-time (Volunteer) Fire Fighters hourly rates be implemented coincidentally at the time of approval of a new collective agreement with the APFFA; and THAT this policy change be implemented and is effective as of the date of adoption by Council. CARRIED 4. CS01-011 - Licensing By-laws Review Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT Council enact the proposed Consolidated Licensing By-law No. 4258-01.P; and THAT Council receive as information the Comparative Study of the Town’s Licensing Fees and Parking Fines as information; and THAT Council authorize staff to explore and report back on other licensing options for auto repair/garages; restaurants; and tobacco sales. THAT the suggested parking fine amendments be considered at the appropriate time by staff. CARRIED 5. CS01-012 - Amendment to the Procedural By-law Moved by Councillor Vrancic Seconded by Councillor West THAT Council’s Procedural By-law 3737-96.C be amended; and THAT the Procedural By-law be further amended by deleting the word "recorded" in section 2.8(d) ; and THAT section 2.8(d) be amended by deleting "Only the result of any vote taken will be recorded. Committee “In Camera” proceedings will be reported to Council"; and THAT section 27.1 be amended by stating that the Committee will be chaired by a member of Council unless so provided in the Terms of Reference; and THAT section 13.2 be amended by adding the word "otherwise " following the word decided. CARRIED General Committee Meeting No. 08-01 Page 5 Tuesday, April 3, 2001 Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Pedersen THAT section 13.2 be a amended by adding the word " pecuniary " prior to the word interest. CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Mayor Jones THAT the proposed amendment for section 13.2 be amendment by adding a section called "Other Business of Council". CARRIED Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor West THAT the proposed amendment for section 28.1 not be approved. CARRIED 8. City of Vaughan re: Presentation on Regional Council Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Wallace THAT the Committee receive the resolution. CARRIED VII IN CAMERA Legal Matters Moved by Councillor Griffith THAT this Committee proceed In Camera to address legal matters. CARRIED VIII ADJOURNMENT Moved by Councillor Timpson Seconded by Councillor Griffith THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m. CARRIED (THE REPORT OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING NO. 08-01 WAS CONSIDERED AND ADOPTED BY COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING HELD ON APRIL 10, 2001, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ITEM 7 - WHICH WAS DISCUSSED AND ADOPTED AT COUNCIL, AND ITEM 5 WHICH WAS AMENDED AND DEFERRED TO THE APRIL 17 GENERAL COMMITTEE MEETING) ______________________ _________________________________ T. JONES, MAYOR B. PANIZZA, TOWN CLERK