MINUTES - General Committee - 20010320
NO. 07-01
Council Chambers
Aurora Town Hall
Tuesday, March 20, 2001
COMMITTEE MEMBERS Councillor Vrancic in the Chair; Mayor Jones,
Councillors Griffith, Kean, MacEachern, Pedersen,
Wallace and West.
Councillor Timpson was away on vacation.
OTHER ATTENDEES Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Corporate
Services/Town Clerk, Director of Planning, Director of
Building Administration, Director of Leisure Services,
Director of Public Works/Acting Fire Chief, Treasurer,
Solicitor and Council/ Committee Secretary.
Councillor Kean declared an interest in (Item 3) ADM01-006 - Greater Toronto
Transit Authority (GO Transit) Request for Partial Release of Subdivision
Agreements, by virtue of his residence in the vicinity of the subject lands and did
not take part in or vote on any questions in this regard or attempt in any way to
influence the voting on such questions.
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor West
THAT the content of the Agenda as circulated by the Corporate Services
Department be approved as presented with the following amendments:
• The Larter Group Requested that their delegation re: Great Canadian
Achievements Wall Mural - North Wall of 15243 Yonge Street be
deferred until the April 3rd General Committee meeting.
• A delegation request from Lowell McClenny regarding (Item 5) -
Tender No. PW -2001-05, Reconstruction of Hillview Road and Wells
Street North
• Letter from the Ministry of the Solicitor General, Barry McKinnon,
Manager Fire Protection Services re: (Item 4) FS01-001 - Fire &
Emergency Services Department Review - Consolidation
Implementation Update
General Committee Report No. 07-01 Page 2
Tuesday, March 20, 2001
Deferral of (Item 6) - CS01-008 - Amend ment to the Procedural By-law
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT Report CS01-008 - Amendment to the Procedural By-law and draft
by-law implementing the proposed amendments to Procedural By-law
3737-96.C be deferred to a future General Committee Meeting for
Items 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8 and 11 were identified for discussion.
THAT the following recommendations respecting the matters listed as
“Items not Requiring Separate Discussion” be adopted as submitted to
Council and Staff be authorized to take all necessary action required to
give effect to same:
7. PL01-026 – Planning Applications Status List
THAT the Planning Applications Status List be received as information.
9. Aurora Chamber of Commerce re: Request Permission to Erect
Six Mobile Signs for the Aurora Home & Leisure Show
THAT permission be granted to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce to
erect six mobile signs at the specified locations from April 9th to April 22nd,
2001 for the Aurora Home & Leisure Show.
10. Memorandum from Mayor Jones re: Town of Aurora
Strategic Plan Update
THAT the memorandum be received and that appropriate notices be
placed in the Notice Board, on the Town electronic bulletin board, with
copies of the plan made available at the Library, on the Town web site and
at the Town Hall in order to receive input.
Allan Evelyn, Director of Finance re: Overview of 2001
Operating Fund Budget - Draft #2
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
Allan Evelyn, Director of Finance/Treasurer for the Town of Aurora, introduced
himself and outlined a detailed account of the various components and changes
that have been made to the 2001 operating budget from its first draft, submitted
to General Committee on February 6, 2001. He outlined the initial budgetary
challenge of $1,803,334 which represented a 15.19% increase and the
modifications that have been made to the current draft budget of $1,005,282
which represents an 8.47% increase.
THAT the presentation from Mr. Evelyn be received and referred to item 1
on the agenda.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001
Submissions by the Public re: 2001 Operating Fund Budget
Mr. Michael Evans, of True Value Hardware in Aurora - Mr. Evans expressed
his concerns on the proposed tax increase. Mr. Evans compared Aurora to the
City of Mississauga who have maintained a 10 year freeze on taxes. He
suggested that the various levels of Government each demanding it's own share
of taxes each year adds up to be severe burden on businesses and may
discourage businesses from entering or continuing within the Town of Aurora.
Mr. Ben Kestein, New Deal Ratepayers Association - Mr. Kestein referred to
several costs that the Town has incurred over the past year including the
unexpected Library budget increase and various land purchases amounting to
4.2 million. It was suggested that the Town's budgeting process should be
reviewed and refined so that such expenses can be minimized in the future. Mr.
Kestein also suggested that the Town could have capped the budget by
spreading it over three years and speculated that in view of the fact that this
option was not utilized that further increases may come in the upcoming years.
Mr. Bill Stephens, Resident in Aurora - Mr. Stephens asked for clarification of
certain figures within the budget regarding the Town of Aurora reclaiming money
from development charges to pay for the Library. The Director of Finance/
Treasurer assisted in explaining the strategy involved.
Ms Reiley Kipling, Resident in Aurora - Ms Kipling indicated concerns
regarding the recent assessment of her home which increased by 30%.
Clarification was requested regarding the effect this assessment would have on
the property taxes.
Mr. Al Wilson, Resident in Aurora - Mr. Wilson commended staff for managing
to pare down the budget so efficiently and suggested that the Town take various
factors into view while considering the final budget. Mr. Wilson expressed the
opinion that the area Fire Services is a critical service and deserves the funds
required to enhance response time and allow for the best possible provision of
these services. It was also indicated that the New Library is a huge investment
and that funds should be allocated to allow it to remain open on Mondays for the
public to enjoy it. Mr. Wilson finally suggested that the funds allocated for
economic development be withdrawn from the budget at this time to be
reconsidered after staff have investigated strategies to deal with economic
development more thoroughly.
Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the comments of the delegates be received and referred to item 1
on the agenda.
1. TR01-014 - 2001 Operating Fund Budget – Draft #2
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT within the 2002 budget submission for Council consideration next
year, that details of the Works capital expenditures be included.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT $9,000 allocated to security for a property located on Leslie Street,
be removed from the Budget, and that Legal Services report back with
leasing options that will address the interests of the Town.
Moved by Councillor Kean Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT $30,000 be included in the budget to allow for the New Aurora
Public Library to be open to the public on Mondays.
Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor MacEachern
THAT $2,500 be added to the budget for the Local Architectural
Conservation Advisory Committee.
Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the transfer of a portion of the Library project funding be deferred to
the post 2008 growth period thereby resulting in a reduction to the internal
financing obligations and a corresponding reduction in the additional tax
revenue requirement to $1,005,282 or 8.47% increase over the “2000”
adjusted tax levy.
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Mayor Jones
THAT staff bring forward a Final 2001 Operating Budget incorporating the
input and direction reviewed during the Budget Committee meeting of
March 20, 2001 to the March 27th Council meeting for final
2. ADM01 -005A - Comments Submission – “Getting Started”
A Review of the Greater Toronto Services Board
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the GTSB be advised that Council of the Town of Aurora
believe that any alteration of the existing GTA governance structure
should result in the provision of appropriate funding tools and
authority for the Greater Toronto Services Board;
THAT the Board should have authority for provision of cross-border
services as generally envisioned by option #3 offered in the “Getting
Started” Report prepared by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu dated
February 2001; and
THAT the resultant shifting of responsibilities for local resources
should ultimately be realigned to favour the continuance of local
levels of government as opposed to the Regional Tier.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001
THAT the Minister of Municipal Affairs be requested to take the views of
the Town of Aurora into consideration as it formulates a response to the
GTSB Review Report; and
THAT a copy of this Report and resultant Committee recommendations be
immediately provided to the GTSB for inclusion in their March 30th
Strategic Planning and Review Committee agenda.
Councillor Kean, having previously declared an interest in (item 3) - ADM01-006 -
Greater Toronto Transit Authority (GO Transit) Request for Partial Release of
Subdivision Agreements, did not take part in the vote called for in this regard.
3. ADM01 -006 - Greater Toronto Transit Authority (GO Transit)
Request for Partial Release of Subdivision Agreements
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Pedersen
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary
documents to partially release the various Subdivision Agreements
registered over the GO Transit lands described as Blocks 212 and 213 on
Plan 65M-2376, Block 139 on Plan 65M-2340, Block 32 on Plan 65M-
2767, and Block 55 on Plan 65M-3034.
4. FS01-001 - Fire & Emergency Services Department
Review - Consolidation Implementation Update
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT Council receive for information Report No. FS01 - 01 "Fire &
Emergency Services Department Review - Consolidation Implementation
THAT a Joint Council Integration Committee be established with the Town
of Newmarket to provide direction on the development of an
Implementation report for the consolidation of the fire services of Aurora
and Newmarket;
THAT the Aurora Professional Fire Fighters Association Local 2870 be
requested to nominate a member of their Association to the Joint Staff
Working Committee.
THAT continued discussions be authorized by Senior Management and
Fire Fighter Association representatives with the Town of Richmond Hill
with respect to the further consolidation of fire and emergency services of
Aurora, Newmarket and Richmond Hill; and
THAT authorization be provided to commence the recruitment process for
the creation of a firefighter eligibility list in advance of the normal
budgetary and complement approval considerations.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001
Moved by Councillor Pedersen Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT the third recommendation reading as follows;
THAT Council select three members of Council to sit on the Joint
Council Integration Committee with the Town of Newmarket;
be referred to the In-Camera session following the public portion of this
Moved by Councillor MacEachern Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the Town hire a Fire Chief and appropriate training staff to cover for
the interim until the amalgamation is decided upon and the details are
Delegation from Lowell McClenny regarding (Item 5) - Tender No. PW-2001-
05, Reconstruction of Hillview Road and Wells Street North
Mr. McClenney, resident on Hillview Road, expressed concerns regarding the
decision not to include a sidewalk in the reconstruction of Hillview Road. It was
explained that there was an opportunity for residents to decide on weather or not
they would like a sidewalk in the new design, and the majority chose not to
include the sidewalk. Mr. McClenny indicated that there are safety issues and
that regardless of the choice made by the residents, it would be in the best
interest of all concerned if the Committee decided to include the sidewalk in the
Moved by Councillor Wallace Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT the comments of the delegate be received and referred to item 5 on
the agenda.
5. PW01-007 - Award – Tender No. PW-2001-05, Reconstruction
of Hillview Road and Wells Street North
Moved by Councillor Griffith Seconded by Councillor Wallace
THAT a sidewalk on Hillview Road be included in the reconstruction of
Hillview Road and Wells Street North.
Moved by Councillor West Seconded by Councillor Kean
THAT Tender No. PW -2001-05 Reconstruction of Hillview Road and Wells
Street North be awarded to Calder Hill Contracting Ltd. at its tendered
price of $533,961.00;
THAT a sidewalk on Hillview Road not be constructed; and
THAT Council authorize the Mayor and Municipal Clerk to execute the
attached Form of Agreement between the Town of Aurora and Calder Hill
Contracting Limited for the Reconstruction of Hillview Road and Wells
Street North.
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Tuesday, March 20, 2001
8. Town of Newmarket re: Participation/Attendance in Discussion
Forum on the GTA Charter, March 27, 2001
Moved by Councillor Seconded by Councillor
THAT Steve O'Melia attend the Discussion Forum on the GTA Charter,
March 27, 2001 on behalf of the Town of Aurora.
11. Memorandum from Councillor Timpson re: Joint Council Integration Committee
Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Griffith
That the item be deferred for discussion to the In Camera portion of the
Legal and Personnel Matters
Moved by Mayor Jones Seconded by Councillor Griffith
THAT this Committee proceed In Camera to address legal and personnel
Moved by Councillor Griffith
THAT the meeting be adjourned at 10:05 p.m.
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